Thanks Bean. Howzitgoin?
LV, the town I live in is 7000 but it is spread over 25 square miles or so, in little hamlets. The main town where I live is about 2600 maybe? The patterns you write about are the same. There is a core of people who have been living here for thier whole life, consider themselves a big fish in a small pond, they feel totally at ease here, and they make life miserable for anyone they consider lesser beings than them. Other people are afraid of them. (I believe this describes bullying). They would never have that kind of pull any where else. So I really hate that about it actually. I think I much prefer a larger centre but then I wouldnt have the peaceful setting and the river and mountains and lakes to go to where there is no one for miles and miles.
I am really torn actually. I would like to live in the north, here, or in Vancouver, but my home in the Kootenays is better than any place else I could afford, thats for sure.
Seven months yes. There is no way I could have done the work I did for the past 4 days, if I had keep up the arm bending on the couch that I left behind last February. This project is very physically demanding and long days from 6 AM to 8 PM if you include the meetings and planning and safety courses, but also getting in and out of an helicopter and flying short to long distances in a tundra environment is very draining. Sucks the energy and water right out of your body. Its windy, loud, and wild. The field work out of the heli not so bad, a short walk across the tundra and picking plants and soils up, bagging them, then back into the machine. However, Im 57 years old and I could just feel myself aging back then so I am certain I would have been in really rough shape here. But that was then. This is now. The next survey is in 3 years. Can I do it at the age of 60?
Not if I drink thats for sure.