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AF August Angels - week 3

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    AF August Angels - week 3

    Ah SD! :l

    Jobs suck, honestly! During my Nursing career I went from one bad job right into another. No one ever notices how hard you try to make thing better either.
    I understand your stress & frustration. I ended up promising myself when I got the college tuition paid for the second kid I was going to retire that profession. I actually got out the summer before he started his senior year because I squirrled away enough cash to cover tuition. I spent some time after that working for some friends in their title insurance business & that definitely was not for me :no: While I was recovering from my head injury I decided to do something nice for a change & I ended up opening my embroidery/monogramming very small biz. I'm not making tons of money the way I did but I'm also not frustrated & stressed.
    Look around, there just may be something much kinder & gentler for you on the horizon
    I am becoming proficient at ignoring the drinkers & smokers around me - it takes practice but remembering you are doing the right thing for yourself is cool

    I woke up this morning, once again with tears on my face - that just sucks!
    I'm getting angrier & angrier about STUFF & am starting to consider revenge. So instead of commiting a felony (with a baseball bat) I just signed up for a free weeks at Curves! I need more/better exercise to assist this aging metabolism of mine & I figure the endorphins won't hurt either
    Curves is only about a 20 minute drive from cow country, sorry I didn't think of it sooner!

    I don't really know where my daughter is going to end up. Unfortunately they are closing their Bark Busters franchise. They have had some serious problems with the home company. They moved to this area to be near their territory. It's complicated & ongoing at this point but they will be living at least an hour's drive on more from here.

    I'm just getting too old for all the changes in my life
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF August Angels - week 3

      Good morning everyone

      Big hugs to both Lav and SD. So sorry you are both going through such a rough time at the moment. However, as you said SD it would be so much worse if you were drinking. I have not found this summer an easy one, the only thing that kept me sane was that I was totally AF. Please feel free to vent any time you want, that is what we are here for. Life is full of ups and downs, I guess none of us know what is around the next corner.

      Have just had a lovely walk with the doggies and my friend. That walk is what keeps me sane most days. The offers for the universities came out this morning. My daughter has accepted UCD which is just in the road. She has decided against going to London. I left it up to her and hopefully she will be happy. She will be studying history and politics/international relations and hopes to master in advertising.

      Hope everyone has a good week.



        AF August Angels - week 3

        Good Monday morning all!

        Rustop - :yougo: University College Dublin :yougo:
        That's awesome!!! Does that mean she will continue to live at home?
        My daughter lived away for her first year, didn't like it so transferred to a college closer to home & commuted. My son commuted daily also. I enjoyed having them around during those years, believe it or not

        Well I have odds & ends to take care of today & a 3:00 appt at Curves gym. Going to see what they can do with this flabby 57 year old :H

        Wishing everyone a great AF Monday. It is better life being AF.....not perfect but better.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF August Angels - week 3

          Happy Monday Morning...

          Lav, my heart goes out to you regarding your daughter's upcoming move. My daughter visited this weekend, lives about five hours away, and we are just not part of her everyday life. When she left after a 24 hour visit, I felt sick inside. Then I talked to my Dad, who had a visit from my sibling, and he said he also felt sad when his child left. So, it is just something we have to deal with. I worked on changing my attitude to, "I am so grateful that she is happy and loves her job and and life, is healthy and loves us so much." I mean, when we do get together, it is very loving and fun. I would just love to live closer to be involved in the daily stuff. It is hard for her too! Lav, how healthy to join Curves, taking care of your self physically. It is hard getting older, I too worry about how my body is aging, money, wanting to be busy and wishing I could work just part-time. But I guess there is a choice to look at the blessings in our lives instead, and that will determine our mood and attitude daily.

          Pap, your comment that you are lonely, fat and 55 really was hard to read. You are so vital and busy, and have such a good outlook on life. It is hard to keep the weight off and your clear plans to get in better shape are just wonderful. I always feel it is better to be in no relationship than in a bad one. However, you will probably tell me to shut-up as I do not know what it is like to be alone and that is true. I guess I just donot see you the way you see yourself. We are all works in progress and have things to change so try not to be so hard on yourself.

          Chill, I understand the need to have balance and not go out so often or with so many people. I entertained eight on Saturday and was exhausted afterwards. I find visiting and entertaining fun but energy draining, and it sounds like you do too. My husband prefers to just chill (haha) most of the time, and does not like a big social life either, so we are well matched. However, sometimes I want more friends and activities. Maybe the key is just acceptance of who we are and where we are at. I know you have said you really like Ken, yet struggle with all his socializing. Relationships are a constant balancing act, compromising and negotiating. Do you find this to be true? I am questioning many things in my life as I get older and try to find balance and peace.

          Rustop, nice to hear you have time for yourself in your busy days. Good your daughter won't be inanother country.

          Dewdrop, hello and hope you are in a good place today.
          To all, have a great AF Monday, sending you positive energy.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus

