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AF August Angels - week 3

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    AF August Angels - week 3

    Good morning everyone

    I am up bright and early as I need to leave my car into the garage for a service. Did not get to bed until 2.30 a.m. as I was picking my daughter up from a party so feeling a little gritty eyed!!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful week-end. Same old, same old with me. I have a busy week ahead with a long journey to the pony show on Wednesday so I wont be on much this week. However it will be an AF week for me.


    AF August Angels - week 3

    Good ((SUPER)) Early Morning!!! (I haven't gone to bed yet though)!! I've been online shopping around for hotel rooms...I like to get the best deal, ya know!?!?!

    Rustop--Congrats on 90 days...that's FANTASTIC!!!!:wd::yay: Good luck at your horse show!!

    Lav--those sayings are awesome!!! I love them!!! :H You guys must be getting the rain like we are!! It down poured today and Friday...geesh!!

    Rusty--I didn't see that the Pac went to White House...I don't get to watch "adult TV" around here! LOL!!! However...because my parent's foreign exchange student has never seen American baseball or football, I looked at the Twins and Viks schedule and they both have a game that they play in Minneapolis on the same weekend. SOOOOOO.....we are driving in and watching the Twins play Saturday, Sept 17th and the Viks play Sunday, Sept 18th!! No seeing the Packers game this year I'm afraid...first year in a long time I haven't seen them play!! You'll have to cheer x-tra loud for me when you get to go!!!

    Pap3--We had a little "crash" of our own this weekend at the lake cabin. Our dock is set up in the water so it looks like the number my parent's student was driving the jet ski and was bringing it in...only didn't cut the engine or the power soon enough and crashed HARD into the left side of the dock knocking out two sections. Well he got freaked out and went to hit the reverse and when he did grabbed the gas and lunged forward spinning the jet ski into the right side of the dock knocking out another section (along with almost taking me out with it). Oh it got my heart a pumpin....poor kid was scared to death...crying....I kept trying to tell him it was ok, no one was hurt...he wasn't in trouble....but I'm not sure yet how much he understands??? So we got the dock put back together, no one was hurt...and all ended ok..just a few scratches to the jet ski!! Funny how calm you can stay in panic mode huh??!

    Star--Hope this are getting less "drama-ish"....we had some drama at the cabin with my step mom (and my dad) this weekend...which is normal with her around....but it doesn't do me any good to even vent about her toxic I understand not wanting to go there with the drama.

    Chill--Hope all is well in Chill-land...and your weekend was fantastic!!

    Speed--get your AF glass ready to toast me this week!!

    I better get to bed....I need to start getting on a schedule...4 days until it's back to work...AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes.....almost 4AM!!!! G'd Night ALL!! If I forgot anyone I'm sorry....I'm pretty tired....
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      AF August Angels - week 3

      Good morning all!

      What a crappy night
      One dog woke me up after about an hour of sleep - I just let her out & went back to bed. The other woke me at 5 am, I let her out but couldn't go back to sleep, ugh! It's almost as bad as having kids around :H

      Rustop, sounds like we are both sleep deprived today. Hope you have a great day anyway

      SD, we really do need to put you on a schedule :H
      Sounds like your exchange student is a handful, hope he knows how lucky he is!

      I have enough work to keep me out of trouble this week & indoors out of this rain. Looks like it's going to clear up in another day or two......

      Hello to Star, Rusty, Shelley, Chill. Thinking of you Dewdrop!

      Have a great Monday one & all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF August Angels - week 3

        Lovely Angels -
        Just a quick hop-on to tell you that I am still alive, and still AF. Just passed 8 months this week...

        8 weeks away (home for one week), got my Mom's house in fairly good order. Leave tomorrow to go back and pack her up, move her, and oversee the massive fixes to the house; goal, on the market by August 31st. Worked like a dog getting the front of the house presentable so that there is now a 'coming on the market soon' sign in the front yard.

        Big news: in July, went for a few days to CT to check out houses. Found the dream place in NW CT - will be moving there in early October.

        So sorry to be away so long, but have just had barely time to take a breath. Congrats all on your achievements - took a quick look back at the pages - Rustop, Sped, SD. Chill - full time work, and Ken? Queen Lav and everyone, will try to catch up with you. On the 24th fly to Lake Tahoe for HBs business, and hopefully will have time to read back and catch up with everyone.

        Sincere best wishes to all - send me some energy please for this upcoming week, I could use a little boost - Cheers --
        to the light


          AF August Angels - week 3

          Well - there you are cyn :H
          I've looked everywhere for you!
          You have been super busy & AF to boot. CONGRATS on your 8 AF months :yay:
          Moving to CT in October sounds really nice, good for you
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF August Angels - week 3

            Thanks Rustop for getting the Angels started on week 3 - isnt time going silly fast
            I also didint realize you had your slips and I was absolutely delighted to hear you are now doing so well. If you are ever struggling please confide in us here, you are in the safest place to get any support you need. With your busy schedule its hard to imagine you coping with hangovers but I guess thats the joy of our new lives, they just dont fit into it any more.

            CYN!!!! How wonderful to hear for you :l And to have found your dream place is simply fantastic!

            SD - Your poor Student! Whats the online hotels for? Where are you off to?

            Lav - the full moon will be the culprit for disturbing the dogs, its usually when i dont sleep so well but i have to say im sleeping like a dream these days (must be my angelic conscious )

            Actually there is a lot on my mind, but so far im trying to contain it. I've decided, like I did with giving up alcohol, that all major life changing decisions should be mulled over for a couple of months, lived out in ones mind and every senario thought through before any action is taken. I've been hormonal the last few day and finally today i have my calm back which feels wonderful! Im off to start my Chopra meditation now and then head to bed with my book.
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              AF August Angels - week 3

              Good morning August friends,

              Where is everyone?

              I'm happy to say I had a full night's sleep for the first time in I don't know how long
              The dogs slept as well, I am grateful!

              Chill, I am going to think about smudging my dogs before the next full moon - no kidding :H
              I think they were possessed for a day or two :H

              I did tune in to the 21 day Meditation Challenge last night & will be sure to do the same tonight. I think the peacefulness helps with my sleep issues.......I should have remembered that from the last time

              Well, I have work piling up & I'm grateful for that as well!
              Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Tuesday.
              More rain today - oh well.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF August Angels - week 3

                Hi everyone

                Have had a busy day trying to get everything ready for going away.

                Cyn - Good to see you back and to hear how you are getting on. Looking forward to more updates.

                Lav/Chill - I would love to be joining you ladies doing the meditation but the next few weeks are hectic so I know I would not get the time.

                I wont be able to check in for a few days so hope everyone has a great week and look forward to catching up when I get back.



                  AF August Angels - week 3

                  Evening Augustine Angels

                  Lav - Im loving this meditation challenge, the 1st theme "who am I?" has been featuring a lot in my life in the past month and so it's the perfect meditation right now. Its hard to sort out what I really want but what is becoming very clear is what I DONT want.

                  Its funny how we move along gradually in our lives and dont realize who far we have shifted. With the spiritual practice's I have adopted over the last 7 years plus the huge changes which came with going AF I am a 100% different person.

                  Papmom - any job news?

                  Rustop - I hope all goes well at the pony show, boy you are such an amazing Mum! I hope very soon you get some time for you, time to take up something you have always wanted to.

                  SD - Are you back at school?

                  Dewdrop - please let us know how you are doing, im sending you much love.

                  Im off to bed to read, im enthralled in a who dunnit novel, with still absolutely no idea who did it!
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    AF August Angels - week 3

                    I walked around all day chill asking myself 'who am I & what do I want?'

                    I hope to get some answers soon on that..............
                    Slept so well last night after the meditation I hope it keeps up

                    Hope all goes well Rustop

                    SD, getting nervous about the start of the school year? How does your son feel about school? My son only went because I made him go :H But he reallt came around the last two years of high school & graduated from Penn State so I'm grateful

                    OK, I still have work wating for me.........
                    Wishing everyone a great night!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF August Angels - week 3

                      Hey Angels!!
                      Cyn-you won't be far from me-within 2 hours I think when you move to CT. How exciting for you!! I can't beleive you found a house so quickly. that is awesome!! Good luck with moving your mom. She is so lucky to have you as a daughter!!

                      Chill-no news on the job front. this is becoming pretty normal so if I ever do get a phone call I'll probably have a heart attack! :H

                      I want to do the meditation challenge, but I just know I'll fall asleep in the middle of it.

                      Ahh Dew-where are you sweetie? Hope you are OK??? Please check in with someone!

                      Sped? Where are you?

                      Rustop-you're busy busy zooming as usual. I'm glad you enjoy all your daughters' activities but I do hope you'll find time for Rustop!!

                      Lav-how wonderful to hear you FINALLY had a full nights sleep!! Keep up the meditation-it's obviously good for you!

                      SD--I'm so glad you all survived the mishap without injuries!! What a scare! Is your exchange student all recovered?

                      The throw sized quilt/blanket for my 6 yr old nephew is almost done. Top is pieced-monster truck panels with flames for a border. Next week I have to pick out the backing fabric (why is this so hard and why am I being so picky?), sew the backing and batting to the top and then I pull everything through a little slit and like magic it's all in order. This method is called "Flipping" and you use it when you don't want to use a binding and you don't have time for the traditional layering, machine quilting and binding. Once all 3 layers are put together, I'll be spending the next 4 nights at home pulling embroidery thread through the layers at strategic placements and tying them off. This takes the place of machine quilting. It's a whole different look than a traditional machine quilted piece but if I space the ties right, it will hold the layers together almost as secure. His party is the 28th so I HAVE to get this done!!

                      Doing a lot of research on Cross Fit training but have come to the conclusion I can't freakin' afford it at $150/month!!! Yikes!! Remember I told you the owner of the gym my sis goes to committed suicide a few months ago? I just found out today his gym is an affiliate Cross Fit gym. My sis has been doing Cross Fit all this time and I didn't even realize it!! There are some good home programs and videos that I'll start with-I guess Sunday is D day with the start of my new Paleo lifestyle and CF. The first workout I'm going to tackle is very simple-it's called the ANGIE and it's 100 pull ups, push ups, situps, squats. That's it. Of course i won't even be able to do 10 of each at first but I'm betting each week I'll get better and stronger. Even if I can only do 1 or 2 it's 1 or 2 (or actually 4) movements i haven't done in a very long time. I like this because it requires no equipment other than a pullup bar (which I'm going on Freecycle right now to find) and it isn't timed unless you want it to be.

                      Lots going on and I'm so happy to be doing it AF!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF August Angels - week 3

                        Hi All!!

                        Lav, Chill--that meditation sounds counselor told me she thinks I need to look in to something like that or yoga or something along those lines...she says I'm very high strung and tense....and is very worried what the start of school is going to do to me. I start on Friday...and as you can imagine my anxiety level has been through the roof this week...I've soooo short with my son and have had horrible headaches. I'm sure once it gets started and I see this new principal in action things will be better.

                        Pap3--Wow...that quilt sounds amazing...and like LOTS of work!!! Your nephew will think it's awesome and will have it forever!!! My ex-husband actually made a quilt out of our old t-shirts (or was it jeans???) when we were married....yep...He worked on the sewing machine while I sat on the couch watching football drinking beer!!:H

                        Cyn-congrats on the house!!! And wonderful to hear from you....keep close!

                        Chill--I'm off to Minneapolis with my son and my parent's student to see a couple games in Sept.

                        Lav--My son is looking forward to going back to school...I think he's pretty sick of me at this point....3 months on mom 24/7 is about enough for him!! Plus, he really does SOOOO much better on routine (so do i)!!!

               my hair colored and cut today....walked in and my son says....Wow!!! Different!! And continues playing his game. He's turning into "a guy" more and more every day!!:H

                        I suppose I better go to bed...trying that routine thing out....

                        Have a Happy Hump Day!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          AF August Angels - week 3

                          Happy humpback day Angels

                          SD - I hear you on the anxiety of going back to work. Stay close to us and we will support you in any way we can. I would really recommend yoga and/or meditation for stress, for me excercise of any type is my anti-depressant.

                          Papmom - Im so impressed with your quilting, you and Lav are such talented ladies, my limit is sewing on a button.

                          I have been managing to catch up on some of my backlog of HayHouse podcasts. I just love Christiane Northrup and she has some great ideas for coping with arthritis. My feet continue to swell and i have an appointment to see a specialist soon. Im also being tested for parathyroid which would be preferable to osteoparosis. This morning instead of the gym I did my ironing and listened to wayne Dyer. Whatever is going on in my life he always recentres me and the sound of his calm soothing voice always makes me cry.

                          Back to work now for me, wishing you all well and calling out to the missing angels to check in.
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            AF August Angels - week 3

                            Good morning August friends & Happy Humpday

                            Slept pretty well again last night, was interrupted briefly with a hot flash or two but what the heck?

                            SD, I hope you love your new Wow!!! Different!! hairdo :H
                            I can still remember my son at the age of 2 bursting into tears when I cam home with a curly perm back in 1982 :H He had no idea who I was & had no other way to verbalize his concern :H

                            papmom, good luck with the Cross Fit training. I won't even pretend I could make myself do something like that. I'm using the grandkids to keep myself moving, lifting, bending, etc. & that's enough for me!!!!!

                            OK, lots of work waiting so I'll go get started. Wishing everyone a great AF day because that's the way it has to be

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF August Angels - week 3

                              Lav-I would say you are a veteren Cross Fitter!! Don't sell yourself short!

                              Chill-good luck with the tests. I've been doing so much research on insulin resisitance and how it affects our inflammatory process. Gluten and Glucose are the 2 biggest offenders, along with leptin which I think is found in legumes. I'm prepping to try the Paleo lifestyle. I get paid on Friday so will be shopping possibly Friday nite on the way home from my club's specialty. I also have to throw out all my rice, bread, beans etc. Guess I'll be eating up a storm until Sunday!!:H Nothing like a smorgasboard for the last meal!!:H

                              Can't wait to show you guys pics of the Monster Truck quilt when it's finished!! I hope he likes it!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

