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AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

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    AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

    Wow - a flurry of great posts after I shut 'er down last night!

    Greenie - congrats on finishing the bathroom! And Det, if she can do it, maybe you can too! :H

    P3, congrats on your decision and your actions and obtaining a fabulous mentor!

    Doglvr - early on those kinds of unexpected encounters with AL can be so unsettling!! I hope you took Greenie's advice and placed the bottle in front of somebody else's door, possibly on a different floor. Keep going one day at a time. This WILL get easier. There will come a time where stuff like that won't even phase you. The bottle would be in front of someone else's door before you even blink.

    IJM, I think it is so wonderful you have an honest relationship with your doctor. I always lied so how on earth could anyone have really known what problems were being caused by drinking? I heard a really interesting speaker at th big AA convention last summer. He is a psychiatrist in NYC - see a lot of patients ranging from alcoholics to social drinkers to non-drinkers and everything in between. He said in his speech that he finds it IMPOSSIBLE to truly treat depression if a person is drinking AT ALL. That includes the normie social drinkers. He says that AL and anti-depressants just don't work reliably together. So...I'm hoping the change in your meds is helpful for you!! Would be great if you end up coming off entirely. And GOD BLESS ANTABUSE. I'm guessing any long term side effects of that can't possibly be as bad as the long term side effects of alcoholic drinking.

    Hello to all the other late night posters! (anything after 8PM is late night to me!!)

    I can't believe how well I slept last night. I think I made it almost 6 hours without waking up. OMG did I have to pee bad when I did!!!!!

    I'm going to leads group this morning and then going to pop over to a local treatment center where there is an industry trade group meeting going on. The guy I had lunch with a couple weeks ago suggested I get involved in this group as a good way to know what's up locally (well, regionally) in the addiction treatment world, and make some good contacts. I dont' know if I'll stay all day but I'm going to check it out.

    One thing is for booze for me today.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

    Whoo Hoo DG! you go girl! When do you start classes? next week? The speaker at the AA meeting made great sense. My friends from NY and another friend who seems to have dropped off this earth into the planet of raising grandchildren. Both are on antidepressants and both can put away a bottle as well as anyone. Even before I stopped drinking I couldn't understand how they could be taking the meds AND drink like they do. I thought that was supposed to be dangerous. Oh well, not my problem and we don't hang together the way we used to anyway. Sad but true.

    Off to work. At least the boss is on vaca so a little relief there. :l
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

      Good morning Faborinis!

      DG what a go getter you are, and great topic of the day. Booze and antidepressants. Halloooo P3 to answer your question, Vancouver has 2.3 million people and is very densely populated in some areas, but also has the sea, the rivers and the snow capped mountains right up its arse end to the north. It has a multicultural feel, over one quarter of the population is non english as first language, and they are encouraged to keep thier culture vibrant and alive. So its like being in several different cities around the world in many ways

      But on to the topic of the day which is AL and antidepressants, this was my darkest hour. I was not advised to stop at the time I was taking paxil, and I became very close to being suicidal. My sister had committed suicide and depression is very common in my family. So I should have had better advice but I also must blame myself. AL does not go well with anti-inflammatories for arthritis, either. Its the excuse I used to give to people for not drinking. Now I just dont say a gd thing, and let them figure it out. But yeah, Al screws up the efficacy of so many drugs, and it IS mentioned as a contrandiction (did I spell that right???) on just about every printout that comes with drugs from the pharmacy, but who the hell pays attention to that?

      I have a friend here who is coming to meet me and go for a walk along the sea wall.... so gotta go. Love to all.

      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
      Status: Happy:h


        AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

        Hello friends,

        My in laws are here for a short visit, so I'm just popping in to say hi. I love them a lot, but man do they drink a lot of beer! Of course I used to be right there with them! I remember getting pretty well sloshed just in the anticipation of their arrival. There were a couple of fleeting moments last night after work while we all sat around in the back yard visiting-that I wished I could have a few beers (and of course a ciggie or 2 to go with it). I knew I would have that feeling, so I bought an ice cream treat to eat on the way home which helped.
        My sil understands the whole not drinking deal so that is no problem, and she went to bed early--before she started repeating herself and lost her hearing ability. The men went off and did their own thing which works for me because my hubby gets really really drunk with his BIL.
        Anyway, I better go be sociable. I hope to get some time today to make pickles--actually looking forward to it!
        Have a great sober day all:h (Hope you ditched the wine Doglvr!:l
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

          Good Tuesday morning Abbers!

          Honestly, nothing I've tried has ever helped much with my sleep issues but last night I started another 21 meditation challenge on & I honestly had a full night's sleep My dogs were nearby while I was listening so I think it affected them as well because they are still sleeping :H

          IJM, I am a Lexapro survivor myself!
          I took it for two years, it helped a bit & was told to wean myself off. Of course I was still drinking & numb - exactly as you described. I went back on it & felt horrible. I just couldn't function in any way, shape or form & drank even more. I researched & researched until I found a suitable herbal replacement called Amoryn. It works great, kicked the anxiety/depression & allowed me to finally kick AL out of my life for good. No side effects on this supplement either. Look at the website, see what you think: AMORYN Mood Booster | Natural Antidepressant | Supplement for Depression & Anxiety
          I hope you find what you need friend

          DG, have you done your back to school shopping yet???
          I think you are going to enjoy your new title of student

          Doglvr, I also hope you ditched the wine. You are doing so well, hang in there

          LVT, hope you survive your house guests! My FIL used to show up carrying his own bottle of vodka because we refused to buy it for him

          Kaslo, hope you are traveling safely! I found that mixing AL with B/P meds & Ibuprofin was causing me horrendous bruising. A mere tap on the arm cause it to turn purple. Glad to say that no longer happens, yay!

          Greetings to Greenie, papmom, Marshy & all who drop in today.
          Time for me to get some work done!!!
          Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Tuesday.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

            Hi guys!

            I drank on antidepressants as well. Now that I am sober it is amazing how well my medication works for me. The depression and anxiety that consumed me is pretty much gone. Stupid things we do.

            I am 74 days now, almost at the 3 month mark. Still at the trailer and it looks like it's going to be a nice hot day so off to the pool!

            Check in later - one thing is for sure....
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily - Tuesday August 16


              I remember back in 2003 when my drinking career first began. I started to drink over a litre of wine every night to block out pains of the past. Then my doctor put me onto Paxil. WELL, being on Paxil turned me onto Vodka.... I don't know why, but that is when Hell broke loose for me. Now I am on Cipralex and I have to say it is the best antidepressant I have been on. I think that this is the first time I have ever been on antidepressant and 'let' it work. ie: no alcohol.

              Today, I have my meeting with the surgeon to discuss surgery. I had my MRI and biopsy late last week. Freakin' out now!! The biopsy SUCKED. The Dr. did not let the freezing set in so the first two samples felt like steak knives going in. I have a high pain tolerance; but I was actually crying afterward and almost vomited from pain. The third sample - was the way it was SUPPOSE to be. To just feel some pressure.

              Other than that, just very high anxiety the last couple of days. BUT no drinking! Weeeeee.....

              My good friend is accompanying me today. Just in case I get worse news after this MRI I had. I am grateful for her.

              K, that is all from me for now. I need a coffee and a shower. Appointment is at 10:15am this morning and need to get myself together.

              Much love to you all. xo


                AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

                AFM, I am sending out good luck vibes from the west coast of BC.


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

                  Good vibes to add from Chicago AFM. :l I'm so glad you have a good friend with you. That must be very comforting in the midst of this scary and unsettling stuff. And of course if you smell know it is all of us hiding behind the curtain in your room.

                  DG, have you done your back to school shopping yet???
                  But of course!!! Sadly, some shopping was necessary as my :moon: is larger these days. Oh...did you mean books????? :H

                  Lav, good for you on the sleeping!!! (and that of your 4-leggeds!!!)

                  P3 - enjoy the day sans boss!

                  Uni - next summer, I'm coming to stay with YOU!

                  Kaz - I hope I get to go back and visit Vancouver again someday.

                  LVT - you are a bigger woman than I putting up with your inlaws.

                  I am so glad I went to this Coalition meeting. Turns out the total meeting is 2 hours. The format is a 1 hour educations presentation and 1 hour business meeting. The 1 hour educational meeting was fantastic.

                  The woman who presented was a last minute replacement for the scheduled speaker who had to cancel. Her presentations was an abbreviated version of what is normally a 3-hour presentation. I hope someday I get to hear her do the full version. She spoke about addiction treatment for members of the LGBT community. Of course addiction treatment is addiction treatment. But she touched upon the additional struggles that are common for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders who are battling addiction. Much good food for thought.

                  OK. Off to use these resistance bands before they disintegrate from non-use.

                  One thing is for sure..

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

                    Hi all - thanks for the posts - I made it through last night - just got back to my room and the bottle is still there - I will be dropping it off at my colleagues door as soon as I log off.

                    Will jump on later


                      AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

                      spray, spray, spray, wait, wait, wait, peel, peel, peel

                      technology should have progressed further in wallpaper products. that is all.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

                        OMG I would rather listen to loud polka music for 3 days in a row with no quiet time or sleep than remove wallpaper. That is all.

                        You are doing FABULOUS Doglvr!! Keep going one day (or hour or moment) at a time. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Or what doesn't kill us makes us kill our colleagues. Something like that....

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

                          LOL Greenie!! You are so right! Happy peeling!

                          Doglvr-so glad you didn't give in to temptation last nite but why in cripes sake did you leave it sitting there all night and day??? You are a stonger woman then me!! Hope your trip is over soon and you're on your way home.

                          Sounds like a really interesting presentation DG! glad you enjoyed it.

                          The throw sized quilt/blanket for my 6 yr old nephew is almost done. Top is pieced-monster truck panels with flames for a border. Next week I have to pick out the backing fabric (why is this so hard and why am I being so picky?), sew the backing and batting to the top and then I pull everything through a little slit and like magic it's all in order. This method is called "Flipping" and you use it when you don't want to use a binding and you don't have time for the traditional layering, machine quilting and binding. Once all 3 layers are put together, I'll be spending the next 4 nights at home pulling embroidery thread through the layers at strategic placements and tying them off. This takes the place of machine quilting. It's a whole different look than a traditional machine quilted piece but if I space the ties right, it will hold the layers together almost as secure. His party is the 28th so I HAVE to get this done!!

                          Doing a lot of research on Cross Fit training but have come to the conclusion I can't freakin' afford it at $150/month!!! Yikes!! Remember I told you the owner of the gym my sis goes to committed suicide a few months ago? I just found out today his gym is an affiliate Cross Fit gym. My sis has been doing Cross Fit all this time and I didn't even realize it!! There are some good home programs and videos that I'll start with-I guess Sunday is D (for Deter) day with the start of my new Paleo lifestyle and CF. The first workout I'm going to tackle is very simple-it's called the ANGIE and it's 100 pull ups, push ups, situps, squats. That's it. Of course i won't even be able to do 10 of each at first but I'm betting each week I'll get better and stronger. Even if I can only do 1 or 2 it's 1 or 2 (or actually 4) movements i haven't done in a very long time. I like this because it requires no equipment other than a pullup bar (which I'm going on Freecycle right now to find) and it isn't timed unless you want it to be.

                          Lots going on and I'm so happy to be doing it AF!!

                          Later abbies!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

                            P3 - so happy for you with your newfound directions with your healthy and fit lifestyle! You are motivating me! I've not become convinced that I'm up for Crossfit quite yet but I DID finally get those resistance bands out today and figure out how to use them!! Bodylogic has a great web site with thousands of "live" (on demand) work out programs so that should keep me busy for awhile!

                            Your quilt sounds awesome. WE DEMAND PICTURES!!!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Tuesday August 16

                              Good evening all!

                              AFM, I'm with you in spirit

                              DG, what's wrong with polka muxic - I grew up listening to it :H

                              Greenie, our last house was built in 1919, we bought it in 1985. The whole thing needed redoing & scraping off the dust ridden, half century old wall paper just about killed me allergywise - ugh. I hope your job is not that bad

                              Glad you decided to get that bottle out of your face Doglvr

                              Apparently a good night's sleep is good for you......
                              I felt great today & didn't even get pissed off when YB walked in unannounced just before dinner. The kids were here but I was expecting them. He's still going for the epidural injections but he's walking without a crutch so I guess they're helping. Yes, he did cut grass

                              OK, time to go do day two of my 21 day meditation challenge - it's nice!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

