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month 1 my first milestone........

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    month 1 my first milestone........

    my first milestone how iv made it this far unbeleiveable anyhow just taking it day at a time hope i can gain abs im not going to say im never going to drink again coz ive said that many atimes and fallen just looking for hope ineed to gain that inner strength again my healtth needs to come back i was in the forces( a soldier)for 7 years my tours took me to belize,guatemala,mexico(where i went awol oops i became a fully fledged member of the cancun platoon only for two weeks though an extra r+r i was young and stupid thinking it was a trip of a lifetime i hadnt been out of my village in scotland before)france,germany,belgium and holland iwas physically fit and mentally fit stillpretty much am though but been through the mill and back now returning to health i need to start working out in past times the only working out i was doing was how to get to the liquor store without bumping into people and being spotted by my own friends and family the arts of sniper training taught me camoflage and concealment i must of been shite at this not in the army i was grade 1 but going to the shop id get spotted all the time but oblivious to the situation im needing to start exercising again as i feel really out of shape any suggestions on how to start without putting to much pressure on my ticker???
    Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.

    month 1 my first milestone........

    Hey Mitch, just start slowly. People's biggest complaint is not being able to find the time to exercise, but EVERYONE can find 10-15 minutes. Start with a walk for that amount of time. If you want to work out with weights, start by lifting water jugs and fill them to the amount you're comfortable with for starters. You can do bicep curls, shoulder lifts, side lifts, etc, all with the price of two gallons of bottled water. You can do abdominal curls and leg lifts with just a little floor space. If you want aerobic exercise, turn up the music and DANCE! None of this requires much money. Just give yourself 10-15 minutes a day and NO EXCUSES!! You'll be on your way in no time, and you'll be able to start building on it as you get stronger.

    Good luck, and congratulations on one month! Great job!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      month 1 my first milestone........

      big:thanks: cathy for the reply will take my time and build up slowly i really do need the exercise though ive put 1 and a half stone on since coming off the booze im bingeing on food now,this afternoon the clouds are coming over me a wee bit so i need to get motivated just pitty its raining as i would go out for a walk along the beach thanks once again need a wee bit of help today i suppose the gloom is on just hope peeps keep,postin to me it brightens up my day!!!

      when god was giving out heads i thought he said sheds so i asked him for a big wooden one
      Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


        month 1 my first milestone........


        I wanted to send a congrats from the windy city. It is pretty amazing
        to think of 30 days. I was hell bent last week ( after a week or so
        on this site) on doing a 30 day ab but saturday night came and
        I just couldn't handle the bored and alone... I lost 10 lbs this summer
        biking. It was a great way to get out and see the sites and smells of
        somewhere besides a bar stool. Music was a big kick in the ass also, it
        really lifts the sprit. Take care man and again....great accomplishment!

