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Monday, December 18

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    Monday, December 18

    Morning all,

    Yawn Yawn ... off to work. Slipped on Saturday, but only 4 glasses. So, AF 9 out of last 10 days. Not TOO shabby. Welcome to all new posters. I think I saw Surfer 2 on here yesterday??? Welcome Surfer. I won't address everyone individually ... just gettin' the thread started. Happy Monday all ... 6 more shopping days. Hope they find those poor men climbing in Oregon.


    Monday, December 18

    Hey Pansy and all to come,

    Good morning. I'll add a yawn too! No much new here. Just another work week and another day to try to cram in some holiday shopping. I'm almost done, fortunately. Otherwise, things are just ho-hum, which is great! Considering all the drama with my daughter last week, ho-hum is wonderful!

    Good job on getting right back to ABS Pansy!

    I hope that everyone has a great day!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Monday, December 18

      Hey all, checking in from here in Europe. I followed my plan this morning and did'nt come here to visit until after my trip to the gym. It makes a big difference. I was able to get there while the fire was still burning hot to stretch, push, pull, make progress. And now, ahhhh, I'm done.

      Scoot over Kathy and I'll sit in the swing and ho-hum with you for awhile. How nice is this?

      Lisa, yeah, the tumor thing is not a big issue. (just stops my cycle and can affect my other hormones slightly) I monitor it by blood tests every year to make sure it hasn't grown. My Endo doc (who is renowned here in Switzerland) started me on pharmaceutical grade DHEA (25mg) to get all my hormone levels up where they should be, so I'm hoping for some magic in the next few weeks... time will tell.

      I posted an article from today's Yahoo under LT ABs about the brain regenerating itself in alcoholics... worth reading if you're looking for one more reason to stay ABS. I'm on day 21 (can't believe it!) and I feel great for the most part. Man, I never realized how much those nightmare hangovers took from me.. my patience, my focus, and every last "good drug" chemical floating around my brain. I can feel myself getting "re-stocked" with positive stuff. It feels good.

      Ok all... now that I've done my exercise, visited with you all a bit, it's time to get to work.

      Watch out, I may just blare that Bugle at dawn tomorrow:eeks:

      Take care all and have a great day,


        Monday, December 18

        Good mornin Kathy, Pansy, Olly. Great job to all of you.
        Day 8 for me.
        "that's all I have to say about that"


          Monday, December 18


          Eight is GREAT!!!


            Monday, December 18

            Swinging sounds wonderful. I love to swing. You are all an inspiration. I never considered abs until very recently. Yesterday Kathy and Becca mentioned how much time they spent in trying to not drink, or thinking about how much, when etc. I have spent all my free time thinking about this. "If I buy the individual bottles I can have ONE each day and maybe ONE small bag of kettle chips, or maybe fat free kettle chips and then have the WHOLE bag." Ahhh! Now THAT is misery.

            As of yesterday I am freeing myself of wine and kettle chips and string cheese, maybe forever but at least this month. Yesterday was truly easy because I spent time with an aunt I love who doesn't drink and knows nothing of my drinking. I got home way after wine o clock so it was truly easy. I'm still feeling confident about today but it's only 8 AM. LOL. But you all are an inspiration for abs for me. Maybe I've lost site of how I enjoy the "little things" because I have been consumed with the wine. Maybe the wine does not allow me to enjoy what I used to enjoy. Thanks for those thoughts. I plan to get myself out for a WALK at wine o clock and have dinner ready, even if I have to eat early. And it will be healthful. On to day two for me. I want to catch up with you guys!


              Monday, December 18

              Why am I still feeling guilty? It's been four weeks now, and during that time I went two staright weeks of ABS; and the following two weeks only drank on weekends, aside from one slip up on a Tuesday night.
              So I;ve basically gotten drunk six times over the last fours weeks, which is very good considering I used to get drunk 4,5,6, sometimes 7 night a week.

              But I'm still feeling guilty because when I drink on the weekends, I still don't stop at the right time and get to that point where I shouldn't go. I'm proud of my weekday change, but damn those weekends. Overall, I'm doing pretty good, right?

              Good luck to all. Think I am going to do a real hard workout tonight.


                Monday, December 18

                Maggie...I read your post before re-reading Olly's and thought you were referring to a 'different' type of swinging...LOL! Thought I may have to refer you over to S.A. website!
                Day 17 for me. Feel 100% different than my many previous attempts. Learning a lot about my self this time. I actually feel hope. Lovin' it!


                  Monday, December 18

                  HAAAHAAA! ROTFL! No....definately not that kind of swinging! Too funny!



                    Monday, December 18

                    Hi All,
                    I've been putting off signing on all day by saying to myself that I'll get one more thing done and then "reward" myself by visiting here.Haven't got too much done but decided to reward myself anyway.
                    I had a few glasses last night and am a bit dissappointed as I did not see it coming. My husband brought home his 2 cases of wine for the holidays and put it in the garage.This morning I did some rearranging and moved the wine next to the antifreeze and the windshield/cleaner/de-icer.In my mind I'm arranging the "poisons" all together in the garage.
                    Pansy, I think 9 AF days out of 10 is great.
                    Kathy,let's hope for a drama-free week with the kids. All three of mine are already on vacation for the holidays. It's nice not having to get up a 6am but by 7am I'm wishing for school again.
                    Becca,......8 fantastic days......I'm hoping to be able to say that on Christmas morning. I'm already a week behind you!!!!!

                    Olly, I didn't know you were in Switzerland!!!! I lived there for 4 years and loved it. Then I worked for a Swiss company for 18years and travelled back and forth. I haven't been back in 4years now and I miss it so much. I must say that my love of(and later problem with) wine was born in Switzerland. I guess you could say I exported problem-drinking. Copngratulations on day21!!!!!

                    Gina, 17 days in sunny southern california sounds great to me
                    Maggie, Ilove kettle chips too. It's not only the wine I drink but what I eat with it that drags me down.
                    And Andy, I think you're doing fabulous. Any drink not taken is a step in the right direction.

                    If I missed someone forgive me and have a wonderful evening.
                    Take Care All,


                      Monday, December 18

                      Thanks Janet!

