HOLY CRAP!!! 30 AF Days is finally here. I thought it would never get freaking here. It seems like forever ago when I woke up hung over and said this crap has got to stop. Mrs. IJM and I are going out of some ass fajitas when we get off work this evening. I have a big weekend planned. As you know I’ve mentioned more than once my motivation issue. Well this weekend will be a test to see if I am getting it back. I wrote out a complete list of things I need to accomplish before Monday. I have little check boxes next to each one. I love checking stuff off a task list. May sound strange but I guess it is whatever works!
**WARNING** Mushy moment…. I really do owe a good portion of getting this far AF to everyone on the MWO site. You don’t know how each of you have made a difference. My support group is also my lovely wife and my best friend. I did not want to tell them that I had failed and I certainly did not want to log into this site and tell each of you that I had failed – that is how much I feel about each of you. Mrs. IJM does not read my posts – she wants me to have my privacy so I can say whatever I want. But it is really funny. Because I tell her about stuff I am reading, sometimes she will ask things like “What’s the update on Greene’s renovation”, “Has Doggie given you any words or wisdom lately”, “what kind of dogs does Pap have”… etc. Anyway, thanks for being there for me. I know I will be leaning on each of you as I work on my next goal of 60 days!
Ok, mushy stuff is over.
Grennie – I really really really hate wallpaper. I hate taking it off a wall as much as I hate putting it on a wall. Because Mrs IJM is so OCD (remember, she doesn’t read these posts) everything has to line up perfectly. If the next sheet is a micron off from matching the design on the last sheet I have to rip it down and try again. I have learned a new art to profanity when it comes to wall paper!
Det – you might appreciate this. Just got a new handgun recently. It is a Taurus 1911 45cal. I took it to an indoor range to try it out. After one box of rounds I must have really gotten tired because my accuracy went to crap when I started the next box.
LVT – I guess dropping off my laundry with you would be a bad idea?
Treya – You are in my thoughts. I hope the healing has started.
M3 – Sounds like you were seeing the same head doctor as me. I am taking the exact things you described. I hope to be off the Lexapro in a month. However, I love the Ambien. I have never slept as good before taking it. It is so awesome waking up refreshed! Maybe now that I am not passed out in an AL induced coma in the evenings maybe the Ambien could ever go away at some point!
Doggie – I may be related to your dad (which would make us related…. Just sayin). I am EXTREMELY forgetful even though I am only 29YO (plus 17)…. I walk into a room and forget why I went there. I have a tendency to repeat myself. I told Mrs. IMJ three times during a single day last week about a school event we needed to go to.
Ok, time to hit the shower, then drive to carpool ( my day to load up a bunch or 7th and 8th graders in my truck and drive them to school.) I’m lucky, in the mornings they are still half asleep. I pitty the moms that pick them up in the afternoon when they are totally wired!
The IJM thought of the day: I believe five out of four people have trouble with fractions.
Have a great day all!