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    AF-DAILY AUGUST 18 Friday

    Doggygirl;1165881 wrote: What do you do when you are cooped up with people?
    pick fights?

    DG excited for you starting the school-a-rama next week.

    hark I hear thunder - must wind up the umbrellas and catch up on the meditations. I'm sure it wasn't intended for you to do 3 in a day. Oh well.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF-DAILY AUGUST 18 Friday

      I hate being cooped up with myself let alone a bunch of other people :H :H

      M3, sorry the rain made your vacation crappy
      Just had another big storm blow thru here at dinner time ~ this weather pattern is crap!

      DG - very exciting about school, hope it's great for you

      Greenie, you inspired me woman! I went out & bought paint for my powder room today. I've already realized I can't fit the ladder in to reach the corners properly - ceilings too high. SO, I'm going to stick a paint brush in my tall son's hands when he comes over for dinner tomorrow or he doesn't eat :H

      Hi jenny, LVT, Deter & everyone!

      Now I'm going to listen to the day 5 meditation!
      Wishing everyone a good night!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF-DAILY AUGUST 18 Friday

        Hey Dudes! Thanks for all the kind words today. I have been feeling great today – like I took on the world and kicked butt!

        This evening has been great. Me & Mrs. IJM celebrated by going to my ALL TIME favorite restaurant – California Dreaming. No ass fajitas there. The bar was totally crowded and I was nowhere near it. I even had no desire to go there. Then we took the top down and went for a ride into and around downtown Atlanta. Had ‘America’ and ‘Fleetwood Mac’ blasting on the stereo (yup, I am dating myself again)…. But we just got home and am about to turn in with my latest Robin Cook novel. Can life get any better! I might add that I have absolutely none, nada, zilch, any craving for AL at all.

        Headed for the sack! Night all.



          AF-DAILY AUGUST 18 Friday

          back home, AF and boots are off!

          yay IJM on your big 30 going on 30000 woooop woooop! also kudos on the nice new handgun! always a cause for celebration.

          Lav, a dumb hobby? really? shooting has been a lifelong passion of mine since i was a pre-teen and I am an avid student of several different shooting disciplines. it's a modern martial art in and of it's own right. not only that but my family has used firearms to preserve our own safety more than once thank goodness we had them and the knowledge to wield them.

          I had a surprise visit with an out of state family member this afternoon and we found a lovely healthy food restaurant and had a healthy pigout. oink! no fajitas, ass or otherwise, I had the wild salmon and it was impressively good.

          Xiang style dry fried ass meat? OMG that's insanely funny! but where do I find it? Ass-mart? Assco?
          SafeAss? Ass Outlet? Ass-N-Go? Asso Loco? Kentucky Fried Ass? (oh dear, somebody stop me)

          5 day meditation? wow, that's a long time. you take breaks I hope

          ok, must do some tidy up aboot the house,

          gnight all

          xxxx zzzzz
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)

