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AF Dily ~ August 21

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    AF Dily ~ August 21

    Good morning all from a dark, damp southeast PA!
    Yuck, this weather is not nice

    Well, at least the toads should be happy as ther are 6 inch toadstools growing all over the lawn :H

    Wishing everyone a good AF Sunday!

    EDIT: Apparently I forgot the 'a' in daily!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Dily ~ August 21

    You can go back and edit your title I think Lav if it bothers you. Doesn't bother me one bit!

    Horrible news out of Pittsburg! What a horror show! Glad you and the girls and dogs are far enough away to be safe.

    Partly sunny here-T-Storms this afternoon through tomorrow. Still muggy and warm tho. Darn. Ready for fall as we really didn't get a nice summer. It was either cold and rainy or too dang hot!!

    Day one of Paleo. Breakfast down, weigh in done (yech). gotta get cooking.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Dily ~ August 21

      Hello friends,

      Don't worry about the title Lav--I thought you were just using your English accent!:H

      Welcome Time--I can relate to your situation. Good for you for deciding to quit now.:goodjob::welcome:

      I must say it has been a pretty good weekend so far. I quit work early to go visit my friend in the hospital only to find out they dismissed him--which was good news. So, I delivered some candles to my other friend in the same town and had a nice visit. I'm going to do more of that--visiting friends by myself. Today I hope to be able to go see my friends dealing with the cancer.

      Yesterday I went to an auction and came home with an antique hoosier cupboard. It is in pretty good shape and will be lovely when I get it restored. I am starting to feel motivated to clean out a building and start refinishing furniture again. I even thought how fun it could be if my in laws move back to open a little store together. She builds furniture and restores it. I don't think we could make much money here, we might have to find an outlet for our stuff--ebay perhaps. I thought we could also be e-bay sellers for people. I do think I need to do something besides what I am doing now.

      I also made some more pickles yesterday and now have too much zucchini. My garden is doing really well except where the grasshoppers have feasted. I just need to make time to get out there and reap the harvest!

      I over slept today. I told my son he could have a couple of friends over last night. A kid showed up with one of his friends, that is not a friend. I told my son that I didn't think he needed to be here, so he told him I didn't like him. Then he told the other friend HE was the one that had a problem with him. I think he needs to do this rather than letting people into his life that aren't nice to him and have the potential to get him into trouble. But boy, do I feel like an ass.

      Good day to all you absters. Sober=good.:h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Dily ~ August 21

        Hello guys,
        Hope you're all good.
        Well I made it back from the funeral on Saturday and went through the whole thing sober. I am so relieved. I had a few weak moments, but nothing I couldn't handle. Thanks for all your words of advice last Thursday which were especially helpful.
        Love Treya
        AF since 11 July 2011
        You can never get enough of what you don't really want


          AF Dily ~ August 21

          (((Treya))). In spite of such a sad time for you, I know you are really proud of yourself and I hope you are feeling empowered and strong. Keep up the good work. It really is worth it!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Dily ~ August 21

            Good morning Fabsters, well done Treya, thats a tough one. It shows you have changed your thinking. Lav, I say, pip pip. Totally agree with LVT, must be the accent. Cheerio! (I didnt know you had an English accent ). P3, please let me know how the Paleo is going, if it actually does anything. I need to lose 25 pounds. Way over weight and its not budging, since I am now over 29.

            Well, Fabsters, I am struggling with the fact that my dads old girlfriend, Helen, who was left at age 28 when he died in a plane crash and has been drinking ever since, and is now in hospital in liver failure. I feel terribly guilty, even though I know I didnt cause her massive post operative bleed following knee surgery. I was off working all summer, and she has deteriorated to the point where she only has two weeks according to her doctor on Friday (being her step daughter, I get some discussion time with the doctor and nurses). I can not begin to tell you how awful and upsetting it is to see someone you admire die of liver damage from drinking. She is so sick. She is completely toxic, and because she is only 71 and has a strong heart and lungs she is only very slowly being poisoned to death. If only I knew she had a closet drinking problem. I never would have stood there in the pre op screening last February and let her friend the nurse dominate the conversation (about herself) and distract the screening nurse from knowing./.... this person is at RISK!

            There but by the grace of god go I, is the feeling I have. I am undoubtedly going to need more surgery on these hip replacements, and you can bet I am going to be going into the op theater having been sober for many years previous. Unlike Helen.

            She is so sick. Its so sad. All of you Fabs, if you ever need an excuse or a reason, aside from all of the other reasons we have, its HEALTH over all others in my opinion, having watched this disaster with Helen unfold.

            BTW we chose painting doors over kayaking... its cooling down at night now, up here on the Canadian US border, and pretty soon painting anything outside will not be possible. Another winter of an unpainted door ...hmmm. Can keep kayaking though, well into October. Soooo.

            Have a great AF day everyone. I know one thing is for sure.

            Love to all


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Dily ~ August 21

              Hey Kas, I'm so sorry about your stepmom. I'm glad you are sharing this however. It's just the kick in the pants I need today. I'm feeling very overwhelmed with everything and I made an off hand remark on a Paleo Forum that if this doesn't work for me, I might has well start drinking again and slowly die. Bad Bad Papmom!! Of course I don't want to do that and if the Paleo thing isn't right for me, I'll keep trying until I kick the sugar habit and lose the 50 lbs so I can spend the last 30 years or so of my life in good spry health doing whatever I damn well please!! I hope Helen ends up having a peaceful transition. Will she be going into Hospice? And I hope you will finally come to peace with yourself and truly know that this is nothing you could have prevented. We are closet drinkers for a reason. Those of us here on the daily abs were the lucky ones. :l :l

              LVT-COOL!! You know how to refinish furniture!! I'm sure that in this economy, good used, beautifully restored peices are in good demand over brand new. I hope anyway!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Dily ~ August 21

                So. According to Lav, today is going to be a dilly! :H In case that is a southern thing, a dilly is like a doozy. Which perhaps may be southern too. Or maybe it's a 29 yearoldism. There is always google.

                Walked with GF at the river and let little doggie blow off lots of steam in the water. I think she's passed out on the couch. Got produce on the way home at a couple stops. I'm happy to see organic fruit at the grocery and on sale! The organic scene is deffo picking up.

                LVT, I took to visiting friends alone ( parties too) and FH would inquire if they asked about him. It did get to the point that they did not - they were accustomed to me being without him. And so was I. Perhaps that is why when the marriage ended, I really didn't miss him.

                Treya I'm so glad you navigated sober. It is such a bonus for you in ways that you are yet to be aware. Very proud of you!

                Kaz, that is unfortunate about your step-mother. You know that one circumstance in the pre-screening woudn't have altered that path. I'm sorry this is painful for you and guilt sure doesn't help. Like worry, guilt doesn't serve to help hold a person in a place of light and love. So you can quit now. :crowned: :l

                Where's DG. Do you think she's toiling over at rent-o-dump oops, I mean rental property?
                No, me either.

                Det, kentucky fired ass. :H

                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Dily ~ August 21

                  Welcome, timeto!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Dily ~ August 21

                    Thanks Greenie and Pap. Wise words and very kind ones, too. You guys rock.


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF Dily ~ August 21

                      Sorry about the typo ~ completely due to no glasses & not enough coffee this morning. I do not have an accent (excepts possibly a little Philly)

                      Kaslo, I am sorry about your step-mom. I have cared for people like her in the past, it's rough. I hope hospice gets involved since there is no chance for recovery for her. Hospice is a wonderful thing, physically, emotionally & spiritually.

                      I hope that we are all in better shape physically for whatever comes our way
                      Let's face it ladies, after the big 50 losing weight takes on a completely different meaning
                      I want to lose some but I'm not going to put myself at risk for other things at the same time.....

                      Was DG missing all day yesterday??
                      Should we form a search party or is it too soon? :H

                      Hello papmom, LVT, Treya (glad you are ok) & Greenie!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Dily ~ August 21

                        LVT25;1166567 wrote: I told my son he could have a couple of friends over last night. A kid showed up with one of his friends, that is not a friend. I told my son that I didn't think he needed to be here, so he told him I didn't like him. Then he told the other friend HE was the one that had a problem with him. I think he needs to do this rather than letting people into his life that aren't nice to him and have the potential to get him into trouble. But boy, do I feel like an ass.
                        I'm not gettin' why you feel like an ass. Because you said you didn't like him? But you don't, right? And he was an uninvited guest. And isn't good company for your son. So, seems the normal thing to do to me (the one with no children - but I AM queen of the universe so that counts)

                        Hospice is a wonderful org. Have firsthand experience with them.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Dily ~ August 21

                          top of the sunday ABerooooos!

                          some great posts, sorry I don't have time to be very interactive this morning as I have company and trying to be somewhat social (kicking and screaming!) LOL

                          Papmom, so proud of you my Paleo cave-neighbor

                          great podcast on Dr Lo I'll post in the Paleo section in a minute here.

                          Kas, sobering material. yikes indeed.

                          zoom zoom

                          be well friends
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Dily ~ August 21

                            Aww Deter-don't get too excited. I couldn't bear to throw my last sandwich thin out so I made a turkey and cheddar cheese sandwich. BUT, I had carrots, no chips. Tonite dinner with dad-salmon with veggies and possibly a salad. I'll switch over to the Paleo forum now.
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Dily ~ August 21

                              LVT - don't you feel bad about kicking an unliked, univited kid out of your house - it's your house & your kid you have to protect :dang:
                              I threw plenty of questionable kids out of my house over the years :H
                              The youngest was about 7 or 8 when he went into my basement & turned off the power to my house!!!!!

                              I just took a huge leap & signed up for a free week at Curves!
                              Yes, there is a Curves here in cow country :H
                              My aging metabolism needs a boost, no doubt. I just hope I don't have a heart attack or something because the last time I was in a gym was when I really was 29!
                              I am also looking for a healthy way to address this ever growing resentment, anger, frustration - whatever you want to call it
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

