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AF Dily ~ August 21

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    AF Dily ~ August 21

    Hi everyone - bit of a later check in for me today - been busy all morning!

    Treya - good work on getting through the funeral sober - hugs to you.

    I need to check out this Paleo thing. I am 25 pounds overweight at 37 - gained it all when I went on paxil however I cannot go off the paxil because it works very well for me and I have major depressive disorder and panic disorder (diagnosed when I was sober) and without it - well, lets just say it's not a pretty sight. So I'm pretty much willing to try anything - going to look it up.

    Greeny, I too am excited about the new organic trend in the stores!

    I am hoping for a thunderstorm - it looks like it's coming and there is one being called for. It's 4.36pm here and I want to veg out in the trailer and watch a movie - thunderstorms make me feel not guilty for doing that! LOL

    Hope everyone is doing well, hugs to those that are having a hard time.

    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Dily ~ August 21

      Lavande;1166690 wrote: I am also looking for a healthy way to address this ever growing resentment, anger, frustration - whatever you want to call it
      Awww lav. If I were an exorcist I'd work on that for you. I wish you peace with it all the time, though. I wonder if the removal of his belongings from your premises would be helpful? Not to be punitive, just well, I guess I don't get it when someone leaves and thinks it's OK for you to take care of their stuff for them. FH sure thought that. Remember it was piled in my driveway for what, 2 months? Energy really shifted for me when I hauled it over to the hole. Anyway, just a suggestion. :l
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Dily ~ August 21

        Have already done that
        There really is next to nothing of his in the house. I dragged all of his crap ages ago across the driveway & put it into his $30,000 man room/garage. Some of it I just donated to Purple Heart.
        What I need is a jolt to my subconscious ~ tired of waking up with a tear stained face
        I've read a dozen books, listened to many online speakers, smudged my house, done the mediatations, etc.
        I think I really do need an exorcist :H :H
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Dily ~ August 21

          Lavande;1166715 wrote: I think I really do need an exorcist :H :H
          I do too. I know you do all those other things. I forgot you drug his stuff over to his storage area. Have you done any "live" energy work? As in with the energy worker there with you? Surely we can find something like that in cow country. Hey, I heard drinking a glass of raw milk every day helps cure stuff like that. Have you looked around Suzanne Bovenzier's site at chakra meditations, etc? I'd love to go see her.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Dily ~ August 21

            Thank you Queen Greenie and Lave for unanimously supporting my decision last night. Hubby did too. My youngest son isn't the least bit comfortable around this kid either. I'm going to revisit the conversation with them later. I just want them to know that they don't NEED to be friends with EVERYBODY.

            Treya, I'm so glad you made it through such a stressful time af--this will definitely tell your brain that you don't need to rely on that shit for anything!:l

            Kas- when you posted about Helen before I thought of a couple of friends of mine. Susan was one of the worst alcoholics I had ever been around. When she started to turn yellow, I thought it was from all of the orange juice she was drinking with her vodka. She died in a nursing home with her husband by her side, and it was pretty awful. I think she was in her 40's. My other friend's husband took her to the hospital when he finally got her to come out of the house and into the sunshine and he saw she was turning yellow. Apparently she had really gotten to be a closet vodka drinker when her son went to Iraq--when he came home she couldn't stop. I don't know for sure, but I think perhaps some mis use of acetaminophen may have pushed her into acute liver failure. When I went to see her in the hospital she looked like a pumpkin. She was strong as well, she lasted 2 weeks after her kidneys failed. It is so sad to watch others kill themselves especially after we quit I think. How awful that power alcohol has over some, and how sad. I am so sorry your stepmom has to go through this.:l

            I visited my friends today, and took some homemade ice cream. He loved it. He has a long road ahead, but for now he's feeling better. Did I mention CANCER SUCKS!
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Dily ~ August 21

              Some of the comments on here regarding Helen are just outstandingly helpful and inciteful. You folks have really cheered me up. Well sort of. I am scared for her, and I think she is pretty scared too, but she is so sick she cant even think and she can hardly talk. Before she lost all the blood in the operation she was a bit yellow, yes. Puffy. And joking about liking to "party" sitting in the chair I am sitting in right now. And it gradually dawned on me she was an alcoholic. But I didnt know she could massively bleed like that during an operation. Word to the wise there, for sure.

              She possibly has been an alcoholic since I saw her and my dad put away a case of beer reading the newspaper together, in about 15 minutes. I was about 12 then? Im 57 now. Why do we do this to ourselves? make ourselves SICK over a stupid promise to "feel good" from alcohol? Lav? LV? How or why would Susan die in her 40s...How can we keep lying to ourselves to the point where we die from it? Helen was in total denial all the way too. Even AFTER the operation and she was in copious liver failure she would say... Oh just dont understand it.... I only had a glass or two with dinner....but then we found boxes and boxes of the shit in her house. Was she afraid that someone would stop her? Why does alcohol make us lie to ourselves?

              Anyway. I wish I could get her into an hospice, but I am not even sure if there is one here. She is in the hospital, in a semi private and its a nice little country hospital, not too bad (lord, I have seen WAY worse in this country). I owe her the wake up call, so I am taking you folks suggestion seriously and I am going to see if there is one, and if she would / could go there. I agree they are wonderful. One of my other older friends died in the Kamloops hospice in February, the month I quit drinking, right around the time Helen had that semi fatal operation. It is a marvelous place, here, but its got lots of mountains, and a very small number of reasonably healthy people, and few medical services.

              Will check this out and get back to y'all. Meanwhile. I dont care if I ever see a glass of wine again. I really dont.

              And I did take the kayak out for a spin at Glade. Pix later.


              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Dily ~ August 21

                Hi everyone! Been having a zoom zoom weekend chasing my tail - mostly in nervous excitement over starting school. Tomorrow the on-line classes start, and Tuesday on campus. Big shout out of thanks to Jenny and others here who have mentioned going back to school!

                Kas I am very sorry to hear about your step mom. Sadly, the illogical things she has said and done are typical of alcoholics. It's been that way forever since the beginning of AL I guess. Reading the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous really helped me see that for those of us who are alcoholic, the progression if we keep drinking is similar for all of us, and it hasn't changed in a long long time. The only solution is to stop. I know when I was alone with it, I spent many years in denial. My husbands brother died a few years ago of alcoholism. It is indeed very sad to see. He was my age.

                Lav - I think you might really enjoy Curves! I hope there is a fun group of ladies at whatever time of day you decide to go. The early morning crowd at the Curves near me is a hoot.

                Det - you looked smashing in your Garlic Man Goes Guns outfit. Do you have a handbag to match the scarf?

                P3 I wish you well on Paleo! Wanna come clean my fridge???

                Hello to ALL fabbies. I'm pooped and going to go to bed early.

                One thing is for sure.....

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Dily ~ August 21

                  You may be able to get Hospice services for Helen right there in the hospital. We used to have hospice workers come into the hospital & deal with our patients right there. There are not so many free standing hospices (as there should be). Hospice workers will go into nursing homes & patient's homes as well. Talk to Helen's Doc......give him/her a nudge
                  I had a friend die of liver & pancreatic cancer when our kids were only in junior high school - she didn't drink, ever! She was Baptist & they don't drink (generally).

                  Well, I made myself feel a little better by finishing the painting in my powder room. I just need a tall person (like my son) to reach up to the ceiling corner behind the toilet - just couldn't reach that one spot. Maybe I should buy myself a kayak like Kas :H

                  Greenie, I think I'm going to turn my attention to working on the outside of myself for now. I really could stand to lose about 20 lbs. My weight was good until age 42 then slowly but surely, as the hormones disappeared the lbs. started to appear Then I went & put on 13 lbs two years ago when I quit smoking. The weight is coming off but it's soooo slow. I'm going to see what I can do about this
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Dily ~ August 21

                    there you are DG!! Glad all is well! I'm so excited for you for the start of school! You will give us updates every day just like when we were kids right? We can ask: What did you learn in school today DG? :H I'll clean your fridge if you mow my lawn. Hmmm, maybe I can start a fridge cleaning business!

                    Kas-I can't think of another thing to say about alcoholism and your step mom. My hugs are yours.

                    Lav-I did enjoy Curves when I joined a couple of years ago. I just couldn't get there enough with my schedule so I had to leave. Tons of fun tho!! Go be a Dancing Queen!! Oh, and if they offer Zumba, go for it!!

                    Nice dinner at dad's. Salmon and sauteed veggies. He's cautiously supportive of my new eating plan.

                    Tomorrow I call job #2a and find out what the *&^$# is going on!! Now they've got me mad and that is not good!! I'll have to channel that energy into doing as many evals as I can tomorrow!!

                    Have a good nite all.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Dily ~ August 21

                      Lavande;1166773 wrote: Greenie, I think I'm going to turn my attention to working on the outside of myself for now. I really could stand to lose about 20 lbs. My weight was good until age 42 then slowly but surely, as the hormones disappeared the lbs. started to appear Then I went & put on 13 lbs two years ago when I quit smoking. The weight is coming off but it's soooo slow. I'm going to see what I can do about this
                      Excellent idea! If you do some aerobic things, your heart will benefit in more ways than one. :h :l
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Dily ~ August 21

                        Lav, so sorry that your feeling so down. i think a 30 day Paleo stint would blast you into feeling/looking so good you just won't believe it. I promise! or 300 times your money back!

                        so weird yet fun having folks over....I'm such a hermit. guess it's good to be outside of my comfort zone.

                        sleep tight ABerooooos
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

