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    Hey Fabbies,
    Good Morning to all yet to come with fresh breath, a clear head, sparkling eyes, hope optimism, joy and tenacity!
    Day yada yada here. Someone else can count! Aint it great when you can't remember the hours and the days. (Only kidding. I'm not THAT far ahead of myself)
    Take last night for instance. We arrived at good friends after having spent a day in town shopping and attending the opening of a new universtity in the area -it was a casual call to our friends but we're invited to stay for dinner. Normally that would involve breaking open a few bottles of high quality red wine. (They had a start on us of a few glasses.)
    You have no idea how much I wanted to say -"What the hell- a few glasses won't set me off on a bender" -so at that point I took a time out and went to the little girl's room and from somewhere deep inside me I found the courage to go back out and quietly announce that I'd like a glass of water instead. Phew. I take that as a moment of grace and accept it graciously! I do think I'm changing.
    Have a wonderful day all
    AF since 11 July 2011
    You can never get enough of what you don't really want


    Morning abbers!

    Treya, good to see you and good for you on making the right decision last night! It feels empowering doesn't it?

    I'm at home now, have to do some tidying and definitly need groceries but other than that I'm going to work on my recovery scrapbook and just read and veg until the meeting tonight.

    I am really loving my new sober friends - it is so nice to be with people who completely understand.

    That's it for me, not a lot to say today, kind of tired still - up late watching a movie and didn't sleep in late enough!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.



      Good morning Treya, Uni & all Abbers!

      Treya, glad to hear your thinking about AL is driving you in the right direction
      I have a mantra -' I don't do that anymore' that I use whenever the inkling of a glass of wine or especially a cig comes up - eek!!

      Uni, enjoy those new friends ~ makes all the difference

      Have work to catch up on, a trip to Curves then more hurricane prep to attend to today. Definitely no time to hang out with AL!

      Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



        Gute morgenschtien Fabiners! Ich bein schnorkle unt phefinmeinen im da scratcher!

        Treya, well done on the talk with self in the powder room, emerging unscathed by AL. You are doing exceptionally well! I wish the hell there was a new university opening up here. I am getting a bit tired of living in the middle of nowhere. However it IS peaceful. I always just tell myself...But you dont drink! When ever wine makes a little trek across my cracked mind.

        Uni, do you get to keep seeing your new AF friends when you get back to your main residence?

        Lav, enjoy your Curves experience. And I am watching the hurricane situation as I do every year. Scary stuff.

        Well, I have a ton of stuff to do. GKs are ensconsed in thier room sleeping in, party on the pool deck tomorrow, so lots of tidying up to do but really, when it comes down to it I dont care cause its just smokies and potato salad for the people we work with. Lots of very fit individuals, young, non-drinkers mostly. All scientists or technicians. I might have to weed a bit:H And I am likely to have to go to the jar store for the first time since quitting last January....or maybe not. I think its a BYOB, and previously we bought huge quantities of booze which never got completely drunk, so I felt I had to shoulder that responsibility. NOT THIS TIME.

        Hello and Happy AFing to all others out there in AbstinoFab Land.

        Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
        Status: Happy:h



          hi fabs!
          treya kudos to you for leaping that hurdle!
          hi lav, uni & kas
          looks like no rain for us from the hurricaine. we coulda used it
          hand is like a boxing glove today. swollen down/up whichever it is to my elbow. the inconvenience is as bad as the painful pressure. grrrrrr.
          off the the ice bucket.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

            (((Greenie))), I saw on another thread it might be gout? Ouch!!

            It sounds like all are doing well today.

            I hope that those on the East Coast of the USA stay safe today and for the next few. Irene looks impressive on the radar. Stay safe, all.

            Doing fine today. No AL in this house.

            Love to all,
            AF April 9, 2016


              AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

              Good day fABbies!!!

              Treya, thanks for kicking things off today, and with such a powerful story about a powerful moment for you!!! What all those other AF days add up to sometimes, is the ability to say "no" in a crucial moment like the one you had last night. Good for you!

              Greenie - how are your hands today? :egad: Is a trip to the doctor in order?

              Hello to everyone else. I'm zoom zoom today on work and school but just wanted to check in. All you east coasters be safe, OK?

              One thing is for sure...

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

                not gout cindi. mowing the grass by some flowering bushes & got stung on my hand by something angry and potent! I dod'y think doc could telll ne nore than I know - benedryl, ice, elevation. Lav will tell me - hope she's OK she's more in Irene's path than I am.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

                  not gout cindi. mowing the grass by some flowering bushes & got stung on my hand by something angry and potent! I dod'y think doc could telll ne nore than I know - benedryl, ice, elevation. Lav will tell me - hope she's OK she's more in Irene's path than I am.

                  oh there you are lav, forgot i saw you earlier

                  that's weird - am I seeing double?:H
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

                    Hey All-before I get to the round up:


                    OK, now down to business. First off, a heartfelt and grateful thanks for all the hugs and support sent my way the past 2 days. It really means a lot and I don't think I would've gotten through this rough spot as unscathed as I did without you all! :h

                    Greenie-you are doing the best things you can for your hand I think. I had the exact same thing happen to me in 2005 I think. Swelled up right to my elbow. Went to the doc and that was a waste. Since I wasn't anaphylactic there was nothing they could do. Just be on the watch for a next time as it could be worse. Bee stings aren't homeopathic in nature unfortunately.

                    Treya-I am so proud of you!! Your posts always have a sense of peace inbedded in them, even when your dad died. I think you have really gotten to know you and to know what life can be like without AL. You're beginning to be a force on this thread and it is wonderful following your journey.

                    Lav-Hope you're all battened down! So glad the family is riding out Irene with you!! how was curves today? So happy for you!!

                    Kas-man, I totally forgot my high school german :H!! Glad you've got the family over to visit. The pool party sounds like great fun-I'll be right over!!

                    Uni-glad you're at peace being back home. The start of the school year is always bittersweet for me and I don't even have any kids!!

                    AFM-your strength and resolve in the face of this horrible disease is nothing short of amazing! I am honored to be part of your journey!!

                    Cinders-good to see you! You sound wonderful and I'm so glad!

                    Where is Deter and IJM today? Hope the bad meal didn't layup our Garlic Man!!

                    So the appraiser has come and gone. I ran around like a mad women trying to make this place as presentable as possible. He was very nice and said he is optimistic the appraisal will come in where I need it too although of course he couldn't say for sure. Fingers crossed. He was thorough but not white glove so (thank god!!). He said it's obvious my house is well cared for .

                    I now need to sit down and focus on doing about 15 evals today. Going to be hard because my back is killing me for some reason and this old desk chair isn't helping. I didn't do anything obvious to hurt it so it must be a blocked up chakra or something. What should I do to unblock it Greenie?

                    I'm not sure i'm getting the quilt tied off tonite. I think that is OK. I will present it to Nater tomorrow and then ask his mom if I should send it out to be machine quilted or if she would prefer hand tying. But who knows, I might surprise myself!! I really want to take a sick day today and do the quilt instead. Hmmmmmmmm. My internet might be out.

                    that's about it for now. TTL
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

                      Curves was good today - really revs me up so I come home & get all kinds of work done :H Why the hell didn't I think of joining sooner? :H

                      Greenie - sorry about your hand! If the swelling & itching, etc is that extensive perhaps a shot of Cortisone is in order I'd go get one - why suffer more than necessary :|
                      Glad you escaped Irene. I just heard to expect 5-10" of rain & 50-70 mph wind gusts here in cow country Yeah, I am glad to have my daughter, son-in-law & lily here with me Saturday night!

                      papmom, I imagine internet as well as everything else will be lost here as well - stay safe baby!!!

                      Hi DG, Cindi & Kaslo.

                      Running out to the store for supplies, H2O & the PO.
                      Be back later.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

                        OK P3 - so what's on page 57??? I looked on the web site but all I got was a great sounding chicken recipe!


                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

                          Page 54!! Personal Stories About Going Back to School - Inspiring Stories About Women at
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

                            P3 before I saw your comment I bit the bullet and went to MD. His jaw dropped when he saw my paw. :H Got a cortisone shot. So far it's the same but I have high hopes
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

                              Wow P3!!! Thank you so much for linking that for me! WOW WOW WOW! What an inspiring story! Hey - if she can do it maybe I can do it!!! Maybe some others here might want to consider it!!!!! WHEEE!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!

                              Greenie - I think the C-shot should help with the swelling???? I hope so!!! :l:h

                              OK - back to studying..

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

