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    Nice article papmom
    We just need to really believe in ourselves.......don't we?

    Greenie, glad you got your shot. Did you get an Rx for Prednisone or anything to take at home?
    Wow, wonder what kind of insect got you

    I was too damn late to get any D batteries for my flashlight........hopefully I won't need any extras.
    I'll be dragging out candles later.
    I'm determined to do some hurricane baking tonight. There's no point facing a hurricane without brownies, etc :H

    Don't burn yourself out with too much studying Miss DG
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



      So Lav. What are you puttin' in dem brownies anyway? JUST KIDDING!!! I was thinking of the wrong hurricane party.

      Seriously...I am thinking of all you east coasters and praying you are all safe and sound through this. You are all welcome to evacuate to Doggyland if you wish!

      I'm done studying for today. I am actually quite pleased with my accomplishments this week. I have a couple textbook chapters I want to read this weekend, but all of my assignments are done and in. I can't even describe how excited I am!!!

      We watched a short video in class yesterday that was such a good summary of "how we fall" with AL (or other substances.) People really do fall into one of three broad categories. We try something and it just doesn't sit well at all and we don't want any of it. Or we try something and can take it or leave it. Or we try something and fall in love.

      The video chronicled 3 college friends - one in each category. My identification with the one who became addicted was very strong. It was also interesting to watch the one who could "take it or leave it." That was the one I always wanted to be, but by the time I realized I wasn't that, it was too late for that.

      The premise of the film is that addiction = vulnerability (genetic makeup) + availability. If we have the inherent vulnerability and we drink on a regular basis, the addiction train is already rolling down the tracks.

      The more I read and hear about the evidence of this, the more content I am to just accept what is and continue learning to live with it.

      One girl in the class is working on her masters in social work. She is really scary because she is fully convinced that addiction is a function of environment only. I hope this class convinces her otherwise so she is not misguided about that in her work down the road. Hopefully the several alkies and addicts in the class can continue to help set her straight! :H (she is so outrageous that I and others can't seem to help jumping out of our chairs to point out how wrong she is, from first hand experience :H) What's cool is being in a setting outside of an AA meeting where that is OK. :H

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.



        Maybe DG? Maybe? No way! It's YES YES YES you can do this!!

        Lav-I sure hope the flooding and winds aren't half as bad as they are predicting, especially for you!

        Greenie-glad you got a C shot. Hope it works!! It will take a few days for the swelling to go down. Just gotta be patient. Healing vibes sent your way. Oh, it was a nasty wasp that got me. I still get chills when I remember the sting.

        I have some extra water, D batteries for my night stick flashlight, 2 charged cell phone batteries and some extra ice. May get even more of that tomorrow if I can fit it in the freezer. I have enough non cold food to get me through a couple of days and the kids are fine with food and water. I put away a lot of yard stuff today and am comtemplating what to do with the patio set-no room in the shed. We've had 60mph winds before and all was fine. The house blocks the southernly direction of the hurricane. I'm not so much concerned about the wind-I think my part of the state won't see anything unusual. hope that isn't famous last words-but I am very worried about the flooding possibility. My basement is prone to groundwater seepage and if the winds knock down the downspouts I'm toast. I had one basement window that had a rotted bottom frame where the glass goes in. the glass had slipped down, the window was sitting open and when it rained it got a little wet. I yanked that piece out, pushed the glass back up into the remaining frame and found a piece of baseboard the perfect size. I screwed that into the casement (in partial darkness and in lots of cobwebs-yukko!!) so now that window will not be a source of water in the basement anymore. Tomorrow morning I'll get the crates upstairs just in case. Then off we go to my neph's party. The quilt is done (YEA!!), hand tied and ironed and wrapped. I promise I'll get a pic tomorrow when a couple of people can hold it up for me. Oh, I even got 5 evals done for work!!
        My back is still killing me but it's almost time for more meds. Time to eat too!! Be safe East Coasters!!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!



          Hurricane baking still in progress
          I've also decided to bake up a lemon poppy quick bread - yum.

          Where is M3? She was going to Denver for business, right? Hope she was/is able to make it home safely.

          I found a dead bird in one of the dog's outside water bowls tonight - yuck

          How's that Paw Greenie?

          papmom, glad the quilt is done, can't wait to see the pics

          DG, social workers are not supposed to be so dense.......
          they need to be able to go into any situation with an open mind & make assessments that do not reflect their personal opinions - just sayin. Glad you are having fun

          All of a sudden I'm hungry. Must be the smell coming from the oven activating my stomach :H
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

            home! well, got back to town in time to do my workout at the park, then home. whew.

            Lav, i could really go for a hurricane cookie about now.

            Greenie, so glad you got that swollen paw looked at, yowsa.

            Everyone please be good girlscouts/boyscouts and get your emergency supplies well in advance of any actual emergency. (good job Paperoo!).
            I'm the preparedness Nazi and by now I think my friends and family are sick of getting flashlights and pepperspray for their birthdays and Xmas presents LOL. but that's too bad because guess what they're getting this year? yep, same thing! ok, maybe swiss army knives this year. hmmmmm.

            well done Treya!

            sorry if I missed anyone in need. here's an extra hug for anyone needing one xxxxxxxx

            be well
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF DAILY FRIDAY AUGUST 26th

              thanks Deter!! The only thing I'm missing is a radio/weatherband/cellphone charger/flashlight solar powered gizmo. Can't find it locally so was going to order from LLBean but never did. Oh well. I do have a very old battery operated radio/weather band that will do plus I'm hoping cell phone and internet service won't go out. I fear my satelite dish may not survive as it is on the south roof.

              Whereas during severe T-storms and tornados the basement is my safe haven, not tomorrow due to threat of flooding. We will hunker down in my bedroom which has a north and east facing windows so hopefully will be out of harms way. I'm going out this morning to pick up the rest of the lite weight items and ducktape my downspouts so they don't come off during the high winds.

              My friend who is getting married in October lives on the cape on the north side. I have heard from her and they are going to be fine. They are well above sea level even tho they overlook the marsh. Should be fun today listening to how everyone is getting prepared.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!

