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AF Daily - Sunday August 28

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    AF Daily - Sunday August 28

    fABbies!! Of course I'm watching the news and I'm just sending out some positive vibes into the Universe that all of our east coast fABies are holed up and safe!

    I ended up not going to the benefit last night - just didn't feel the energy for it. Felt more like a quiet night in so that's what I did.

    P3 - so glad the quilt was a hit! It sure looked like a hit from here!

    LVT - I meant to say yesterday that I think it's great you are "there" for your friend to talk to and that you offered to help her. Whatever level of AL problems we have, they are so much more manageable when we are not trying to go it alone. Mr. Doggy and I often talk that if we DID have kids, they would probably be in boot camp until they are 30 or maybe 40. I hope it's a peaceful day around the LVT household!

    Det!!! Every time I think of you and shooting I think of paintball which was highly fun back in the day. None of this fancy schmancy indoor crap they have today. Outdoor rugged paintball. Battling the elements and the other team to capture the blue plastic pig. :H

    Hi to everyone else. Back to the news... They just mentioned on Fox that many of the world's best surfers are in new york already for an upcoming event. I hope they are all smart surfers and don't get excited about hurricane waves.

    I want to give a special shout out to anyone struggling out there today. If you are trying to get AF, you are welcome on this thread. Lots of help and support here.

    One thing is for sure...there will be no AL in my life today. Or sugar. There, I said it.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Sunday August 28

    Irene has arrived!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily - Sunday August 28

      Stay safe P3....
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Sunday August 28

        Morning abbers!

        P3 - be safe - I'm sure you will probably be without power soon so check in when you can to let us know you are safe.

        I was watching the news last night and some couple went out on a sailboat yesterday morning in Virginia and had to be rescued. It begs the question to me - do you live under a rock? Why the bleep would you go out on a sailboat when you know Irene is already throwing bands of weather your way? Somethings I really will never understand.........

        I had a good day yesterday but am again tired today. I'm actually getting kind of frustrated with my energy levels lately but I know it's due to me not eating properly. Today, I am going to eat properly and work out. That is my goal. I really need to vacuum and do laundry as well but honestly I'm not sure if that'll happen. There is always tomorrow.

        One thing is for sure here.......

        Love and hugs everyone and stay safe.
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily - Sunday August 28

          Good morning AbstinFabs! DG thanks for starting this thread and especially for welcoming any strugglers out there. As a relatively new poster on here, it can be a bit intimidating, as everyone seems to know everyone else very well.....

          P3 I am hoping that the storm slows down and peters out and that you emerge unscathed. We have been watching the news, hoping for the best, and that there are no more deaths from this storm.

          Sorry you are so tired Uni. I am sure exercise will help.

          I am after having the annual pool party for my husbands coworkers here, yesterday aft, lots of work preparing, and the advice was byob if you drink, but no one really did. Not a lot of drinkers in that crowd, thank fully. I filled a cooler with ice and juices, soft drinks, ice tea, and that was very popular. Very hot, sunny, lovely day. So I successfully avoided the liquor store. I bet in my small town of 7000 souls the liquore store workers must have known I was a hoser, and I wonder if they miss me. :H I dont miss them very much.

          Today I think we will take the gkids to a nice sandy beach and take the kayaks, so they can sit on our laps (with thier life jackets on) and go for a ride on the Kootenay River. There is a place where there is a big sandy bay, the water is pretty much stationary there, the water is beautifully clear and warm. In August a local family has a small concession stand with healthy food, and its a popular spot for families with very small children.

          Everyone have a wonderful restful AF sunday.


          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
          Status: Happy:h


            AF Daily - Sunday August 28

            Ok here
            No power of course
            Will be back later

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Sunday August 28

              take care with Irene all of you.
              Day 2 here - joined smart online as well - looks good - new techniques and approaches.

              Went to see bands last night - no alcohol - not even tempted and very late night home at 4am. feeling sleepy - off to see more bands tonight - am driving too. wearing some of my newly bought dresses.

              Good Sunday to everyone - still in pjs drinking coffee at 2.30pm and feels GOOD.Shower then off to supermarket to get a few bits and then to cook turkey meatballs and spaghetti -mmmm.
              one day at a time


                AF Daily - Sunday August 28

                Kaslo;1170141 wrote: the liquore store workers must have known I was a hoser, and I wonder if they miss me. I figured they thought I moved away.

                Lavande;1170151 wrote:
                Ok here
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Sunday August 28

                  Mornin Dudes & Dudettes;

                  Hope everyone is doing well – especially all our friends up in the north east! It’s hard to believe how bad the weather is up there when the sun is out here in Hotlanta!

                  So, I have to tell you about my Saturday. It may be boring but I thought it was amusing…

                  First some background. I hate change. We have an old living room suit that we have had for years. Mrs. IJM has wanted to get rid of it for a long time. The left side of the large couch has been “my spot” for a long time. It is where I watch TV, pay bills, do work, used to drink spot… The springs on that side had long sense gone so I repaired it with bailing wire once then settled on a peice if plywood under the cushion.
                  I would pull the coffee table over and the surface would raise up so it was a perfect height.

                  So, yesterday Mrs. IJM dragged me to the Atlanta Dump to “look” at some new furniture. Yes, you read that right – the “Atlanta Dump”. It is the name of a store that would lead on to believe it is bargain basement prices. Think again. It is pretty expensive. Long story short of that part I ended up writing a check for a big ass sectional. It is HUGE! It reclines, has built in cup holders, and small storage places for remotes. Got them down a little on the price then opted out of the $100 delivery. Hey, I’m cheap. I said “load it up” on my truck! Ok, that was a goat rodeo that culminated in two- 60 mile round trips to get this mammoth.

                  Ok, so have new furniture – what to do with the old. My idea was to sell it. After all I am still in love with it. Mrs. IJM started laughing. So off to Goodwill I go with the first two pieces, the big couch and the oversize chair. Here is a test for you all. If you are setting around and wondering if you have shitty furniture, load it all up and go to Goodwill. If Goodwill won’t take it, you have shitty furniture. Guess what, I have shitty furniture. I was pretty put out over this revelation. So, here is my plan. I will call the garbage pickup dudes and see if they will take it. If so, awesome, if not then me and my circular saw will sneek it in the garbage can a little bit at a time!

                  Ok, thought you might find my furniture story amusing. One final thought is that I could put it all in the front yard and see how long it takes the neighborhood association to generate a violation letter! Yes, I am that much of a renegade.

                  Bear – congratulations on making it this far. You are almost done with the big hurdle. Just keep up ODAT a couple more days and you got it licked. When you are tempted, just think to yourself, do you really want to throw away the past few days of your accomplishment? Great Job though.

                  P3 and Lav – You are in my thoughts. Lav, your chickens are also in my thoughts… Tomorrow you will either have an egg breakfast or for dinner you will have a big ol’ chicken fry!

                  Kas – you have grandkids?????

                  Uni – I am not all surprised about the sail boat incident. I am more surprised there was not more of this mental illness.

                  DG – how was your first full week of school?

                  I got loads to do today so I better get started.

                  The IJM thought of the day… Latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world's population.

                  Take care!


                    AF Daily - Sunday August 28

                    IJM - LOL on the furniture story! Thanks for the laugh, needed it to wake me up!

                    I have washed my kitchen floor and emptied all the garbages and recycling. One thing down. Now to do some laundry and get my lazy ass on my eliptical!
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      AF Daily - Sunday August 28

                      Lav-glad to hear you are OK and hanging in. Me too. Power still on thank God.
                      Listening to THE EMS scanner (yes there is an app for that!). Very interesting.

                      IJM-try sign up for your area and put the couch on as an "offer". Just be honest about condition and you'll be surprised at who will want it.
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily - Sunday August 28

                        Hello friends,

                        :welcome: to anyone who wants to join us for sure!

                        Lav and Pap thank you so much for checking in! I said a prayer for you all last night!:h Uni--I heard some stories on the news last night too-they were having a difficult time getting people to evacuate. Unfortunately some killed were children. How sad--but glad they had plenty of time to warn people.

                        IJM--somehow I can picture your furniture in a front yard. Too funny! All I can say is good for your wife!!!:H

                        The mess in our basement gets bigger. I went into the room where I keep my canning stuff and squish squish got my socks wet--WTH--the water was seeping in that room too! So hubby had to dig the sump pump hole deeper. He is going to make a more permanent drain system rather than the garden hose running up the stairs and out the door. I have to remove all of my canned items and other things off of 4 shelving units and find a place to put them until that room dries out. Probably have to replace the carpet in there. It becomes painfully obvious I have too much crap!!!!:upset:

                        Yes DG--raising kids is a challenge all the way. New plan with mine is to crack the whip and make sure we have projects for them to do on the weekends. That way we can justify giving them some money. Told them no more handouts. Do some work--then you can have some money. Have to keep on them though, or they get distracted or do a bad job. This is where hubby fails, he won't take the time to do that, nor show them how to do some things. (Easier to bitch about it)

                        Speaking of work. You guys won't like to hear this, but I must break down and spray my garden for grasshoppers. They are eating everything now! My kale, green beans, cauliflower and brussel sprouts are gone! Then I'm going to spray my front yard and kill all the grass and weeds so I can start that renovation process.
                        I thought about skipping church so I can get more done, but not sure that is a good idea right now. I need to go to town and get some boxes. UGH! At least I'm not dealing with a hurricane! Stay safe guys!!!:h
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          AF Daily - Sunday August 28

                          Good Morning Fabber Abbers,

                          Busy thread this morning. I'm happy to say that Irene has made its way through Virginia. What was so amazing about this hurricane was how long it lasted. We had 12 hours straight of heavy rains and wind. I'm hearing lots of chain saws in the neighborhood as streets and yards are being cleared of downed trees and limbs. Wishing safety to all of my family friends in PA, New York and New England.

                          I had a very powerful experience while away in Denver this week. I was working with another woman who is quite the drinker. We went out to some great restaraunts in the city each night and two evenings we sat at the bar. I was not at all tempted to drink and I rather enjoyed the scene and the people watching. However, I found myself feeling very sad and weepy toward the end of the week. I wasn't quite sure where this was coming from. It certainly wasn't because I wanted to drink. And then, it finally hit me. I realized I was mourning all of the lost years drinking and/or spent in bars. It saddened me that I spent so much time in an artificial environment (or an artificial state) where people's behavior is fueled by alcohol. I observed how my work partner became more uninhibited and animated with each drink; how she confided things to me that she would not have sober. She asked me if I drank and I told her that I quit over 3 years ago because I had a problem. I didn't tell her this but I saw so much of myself in her 10 years ago. I hope she finds her way out.

                          I am so happy to be sober and leading an authentic life.

                          IJM. Love, love your story. If you haven't already read it, I did post my thoughts on Lexapro in yesterdays thread.

                          Greenie...bee sting. Yikes. I hope you are feeling better. Kind of scary.

                          P3. I read about your disappointment with not getting the job offer. I am so proud of you for staying sober through that. The whole selection process sounds icky to me and I am happy that you rose above it. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and I know there is something better for you around the corner.

                          LVT, Thinking of you and I can truly relate to the trials and tribulations of parenthood. I hope that you can find some time and space to do things that truly nurture you.

                          Papmom and Lav. Batten down the hatches. This storm lasts forever.

                          Uni. So happy to hear that you are rockin the AF life. You are an inspiration.

                          Hi Kaslo, DG and all to come.

                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            AF Daily - Sunday August 28

                            thanks M3!! You are right on a number of counts: Something better is out there for me and this storm DOES last forever!! 6+ hours so far but no power loss yet and I can't see any trees or wires down on my road. There is a tree behind me in a neighbor's yard that snapped in half but it was small and a junk tree so it was weak to begin with. It's not impeding anything so no worries with that one. So far my 3 new trees are weathering the storm and I do hope they make it through. I'm very concerned about my dad's new boat riding out the storm moored in Narragansett Bay. He went down Friday and put a few more lines on the mooring but there really isn't anything he can do. They've had hurricane strength winds in excess of 80 mph in some parts of the bay today so who knows. If school is cancelled tomorrow (please please please) I'll go down with him to check out everything. He's pretty resigned to the fact that there is a good chance either it will come off the mooring or another boat will and slam into it. Fingers crossed extra hard on this one.
                            How interesting that your sadness was for all the time you lost drinking. I think I'm still at the "I kinda miss it" stage and that's why I would have been sad. Yesterday there was nothing for me to drink at the party but water. No DC, no lemonade or cranberry soda etc. It was so boring to just drink the water I was almost tempted to have a glass of wine just for the different taste but I didn't. I just kept eating!! :H Note to self: bring own drinks to brother's parties from now on!! Considering he didn't even have water-I had to bring it, that was a close one!!

                            LVT-so sorry you've had to resort to poison to save your garden. Is this the year of the grasshopper plague? I was looking at my bro's veggie garden yesterday (he gave me a monster zuch I'm going to stuff and bake tonite if I still have power) and I've never seen so many squash bugs in my life!! They had infested the pumpkin patch! He got the neem out but it didn't look like it did much that's for sure!!

                            OK, back to watching the storm coverage. You just can't look away!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily - Sunday August 28

                              Too funny IJM. Some how I find it hard to picture you being attached to decrepit furniture. And yeah, Im 57 and have two adult children and two little schnigglefritzen.

                              bear good to see you back among the land of the living....

                              M3 your description of realizing why you were mourning struck a chord with me. It occurred to me that we are special people, in the sense that we value ordinary life so much. I have had to spend a lot of time in hospital (I used to get kidney infections, I have a minor deformity) plus the car accident put me in stir for a couple of years. So missing out on just enjoying real life in a pleasant setting in a natural state is something to be sad about for sure. At least we are not where my step mom is though, dying of internal rot. We have fixed the problem.


                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

