Phil, wow I can so relate to your situation as I have been in that spot many times so angry at a boss I was shaking. That was before AA and before sobriety and so you know what I did about it. And that response didn't change anything! I'm so glad that the tools are ingrained in your now where you think to use them no matter how much pressure you might be feeling. And you helped yourself and someone else. What a way to take a crap situation and make a double winner out of it!!!! I'm so glad you came here to share that. I need to hear those stories!
It is interesting to take my classes and see how 12 Step programs are woven into the fabric of treatment programs in America. I know this is a point of frustration for people who feel that 12 Step programs are not really for them, or for people who have had a bad (unfortunate) experience in a 12 Step meeting.
On a practical side, how much better does it get for treatment within our society that a life time follow up system is available that is free? "Change your people places and things" is something everyone seems to have figured out is best for treatment outcomes, and AA offers new people, places and things all in one spot. For free. This kind of life long, on-going, daily or multiple times per day support as needed just cannot be provided in a paid professional program. So it's very complimentary for those who chose to use it.
I know there are other recovery programs that really help people. SMART recovery is one. I recently bumped into a guy I met at the one and only face to face SMART meeting in my area. That program has really worked for him and a few others. That is another recovery program that is free, and can offer new people places and things on and on-going basis. I sincerely hope that program can grow and gain traction so that in years to come, there are even more options available in the recovery community.
Being connected to others in recovery is so healing on so many levels. I am so grateful to be a part of it both here and at AA.