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AF Daily - Monday August 20

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    AF Daily - Monday August 20

    Happy Monday fABbies!

    Wow LVT. You go the KITCHEN MOJO that's for sure! I'm am totally lacking it this summer. I have tomatoes falling off the vines and no interest in canning them. I need to at least pick them and give them away. If I get home in time from morning errands I will take some with me to the mission. I am indeed ready for winter and it seems I have subconsciously made the official decision to boycott the rest of summer. I haven't even been watering my flowers. :soapbox:

    Greenie - so glad your paw is better. Sounds strange being on the steroid though. If you grow big muscles you could be Garlic Man's trusty assistant.

    Hello to anyone I missed in my random comings and goings yesterday! Does everyone have power today?

    Well, it's zoom zoom time for me. Lot's to do today and I love it. I am finding that in my sober life, I really enjoy the serious stuff of life more than the social stuff of life. Using AA involvement as an example, I love an intense discussion meeting more than the picnics. I like the serious one on one work with a sponsee more than I enjoy light hearted coffee with an AA friend. I realize that in the balance of life, all of these things are important. However it is also normal and natural to like some things in life more than others.

    For me I think this helps me understand why purely social activities called for a ton of alcohol for me - even way way back in the days where I had some degree of choice in the matter (I of course had NO choice in the end). It is a challenge to undo all those many years of feeling like it's not normal to prefer serious things to very light social things. It is taking effort to really examine what I am doing and figuring out what I really enjoy and what I really do not v. things I just feel obligated to do and "like it whether I like it or not." Not sure if this is making any sense....but that is my deep thinking issue of the moment.

    One thing is for sure. I can't ____________________ (insert IJMism here) when I'm drunk - much less figure out a deep and meaningful issue. So there will be no drinking for me today!!!

    Have a good day one and all!
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Monday August 20

    Morning everyone! It's 9am here, up and having coffee after getting hubby out the door to work. My daughter had a friend sleep over and all is quiet down in the basement so I'm assuming they were up till all hours and are sleeping in. Which is just fine with me!

    Kitchen is a mess, I had the inlaws over for dinner last night, I haven't seen them since I got out of treatment so it was nice.

    So yeah, plan for today - clean up the kitchen, vacuum the upstairs (it's gross!), take Boo for a walk, help the kids tidy the basement and finish up some laundry. That's it for the day but I think that's enough. Oh, yeah, and work out on the eliptical - I did it yesterday and it felt good so I will try that again today - no sugar!!!!

    One thing is for sure.....
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      AF Daily - Monday August 20

      A guy from the power company just came to the front door & said he's working on restoring power to my house. God, I hope so :H :H

      The generator apparently ran out of oil during the night & shut itself off.
      I am grateful my son-in-law has been able to figure out this thing........

      Sporting a tension headache this morning but everything else is just fine.
      No power = no business for Lav. Who cares??

      Have a good AF Monday everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Monday August 20

        hey all day 3 here - registered with smart recovery and am using their toolbox,ordered workbook and will be attending an online meeting(unless it's 3am as they work in eastern time!)I am feeling good and it really feels like the best approach for me.
        went to see bands again last night - great night - late night home at 3am and junk food- working on that! Today was lunch out and cleaning house/washing clothes for next week.

        Feels good to be on top of chores and I want to keep it that way - good day all to come - off to research SMART meeting times!
        one day at a time


          AF Daily - Monday August 20

          Good Morning! Almost afternoon really. Today is my day one...I did not drink last night but I drank Saturday night into the early hours of Sunday morning so Sunday was not AF. Feeling better today. Took extra fish oil to get my serotonin back up so I can avoid at lease a little of the depression that I caused from using my body like a trash can Saturday.

          I will check in after classes (2 tonight, can't wait!)

          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            AF Daily - Monday August 20

            Jenny and Bear - keep on keeping on ladies - don't quit, it is so worth it!

            Today I took my daughter, her friend and Boo to the park. They had a little splash pad and they all had a blast! Boo was going crazy running after the water sprinklers and I enjoyed watching them have so much fun. Yesterday my daughter and her friend were lying on their stomaches under the big maple tree in our front yard reading and I just sat at the window and watched them for a half an hour. It was so peaceful for me. These are the things I missed when I was drinking and now I wouldn't change them for the world. It's the little things that make being sober worthwhile.

            I got the kitchen cleaned, am working on the laundry. Have no desire to vacuum though. Eh, if it doesn't get done today there is always tomorrow. I refuse to let myself worry about the little things anymore. I am a busy woman and I have to take care of myself too.

            Boo is sleeping - poor thing, I think his walk and his splashing around in the splash pad pooped the little guy out! LOL. Maybe I should take a clue from him and have a nap.......,hmmmmm, sounds like a plan!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily - Monday August 20

              So Uni. Where are the updated Boo pics and the other pics you promised?? Hmmm???

              Bear - good for you on Day 3. Glad you are excited about SMART. Feeling ENERGIZED about recovery is an awesome thing!

              Lav - I hope they get your power on soon!!! I take it YB has been no help with anything lately???? (never mind.)

              Jenny - have fun at class tonight. You mentioned you are taking one on-line class. I can't remember - have you had those before or is this your first? It's my first and I will say that right now, I really miss the dynamic of being in the classroom with the other students and having the teacher explain things, and asking questions, etc. We shall see if the discussion forum kicks into a different gear and replicates a bit more of that than it is doing right now. Just interested in your thoughts about it.

              I should do well on any quiz questions on this chapter. "Drinking increases the risk of both death and injury from falls." I won't have to study that fact twice to get it right on the test.

              Where is everyone today?

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Monday August 20

                PS - and I know you'll be shocked!

                "Drinking increases the risk of injury and death by burns and fires."

                I would NOT be a good friend if I did not share that. Now would I!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Monday August 20

                  Doggygirl;1170878 wrote: "Drinking increases the risk of both death and injury from falls." I won't have to study that fact twice to get it right on the test.
                  Heard through the grapevine a friend is all scraped up from a fall in her driveway. She probably needs to read that chapter. Is there one on denial?

                  Normie hand here and just waiting for the cortisone to wear off. Still WIDE awake last night at 2 AM!!!:nutso:

                  Guess I'll go paint trim.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Monday August 20

                    Happy un-hung Monday AB-nation!

                    Doggygirl, what a fun and positive kickstart, thank ya dear.

                    Uni, a serene post! love it

                    Lav, you need to dance to the disco tune 'I've got the power! everybody dance now.....'

                    Jenny, awesome you're here and feeling better. the fish oil is good stuff.

                    well, still lonely but happy after a call with my sister. I was worried about her and mom visiting this week because they both drink, but she just told me they will be ok on N/A beers while visiting. yay! that will be a huge issue resolved for me, since I keep a dry house. whew! now we can just get down to the important things in life: peeling garlic and eating garlic.

                    well, I'm on the road tomorrow for a quick day trip, so today I'm going to my 'pay to get your ass kicked in the park' class. weeeeeee!

                    Doggygirl, yes I'm shocked: "Drinking increases the risk of injury and death by burns and fires."

                    drinking can also cause unexplained bruises and unexplained crap on your doorstep from UPS that you don't remember ordering from


                    be well friends
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Monday August 20

                      DG, I have taken 2 other online classes and IMO they are so much harder than in classroom classes. It's very difficult to get a feel for what the teacher wants from you. I'm only doing online for the classes not pertaining to my major for that reason.
                      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                        AF Daily - Monday August 20

                        Hello All,

                        Quick check in.

                        Jenny, happy to see you back.

                        Greenie, it's good that the swelling is going down.

                        I have a tummy bug that I caught from my daughter. Feeling lightheaded and week. Yuck.

                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF Daily - Monday August 20

                          The power just came back on!!!!

                          M3, hope you feel better soon! Fall is usually the season for the bug, igh.

                          Greenie, glad you hand has deflated

                          Jenny, nice to see you. Hope you enjoy your classes as much as DG

                          Hi Det, Uni & everyone.
                          Just waiting for the hot water tank to do it's job so I can get a decent shower!!!!

                          Wishing everyone a good night!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily - Monday August 20

                            OK. I know I am on the right track from an educational perspective. My Addiction Counseling 101 Textbook includes a reference to Johnny Depp. That, my friends, is cosmic, yes???? :h:h:l:H:H
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Monday August 20

                              Hi all - Det - you always make me crack up - the Amazon story happened to me last year - only it was Nordstrom and my husband wondered how I could have possibly thought several of the dresses would every be cute!!!

                              Just checking in to say sorry I missed you guys - I was on the road all last week, and got a nasty sore throat/cold just in time for the weekend - does NyQuil count against my af days??

                              Well - at least the rainy day in DC made me feel less guilty about spending Sat in bed all day!

                              Hope you all have a great Tuesday!

