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Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

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    Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

    Good morning Abbers!!!!

    Just starting us up then I'm off to Curves.
    Do I sound like DG or what?? :H :H

    Have a great day!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

    :H:H yes you do! And I'm off to the river. I started putting myself last behind this bathroom redo and that's stopping now. The bee sting was a setback but I need that dose of river in the AM. I went to yoga last night for the first time in 2 weeks!

    Hey kaz, check in will you? I'd like to at least know you're OK and what's happening with Helen and how you're doing with that. Give us a shout please.

    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

      Hey abbers!

      I'm up, having my coffee and feeling okay. My hubby and I had like a 2 hour talk last night. It was really good. I got out all my feelings and now understand better what his are too. So we'll see what happens. Who knows.

      Not sure what I'm up to today except for working out and going to the grocery store. I know my daughter is coming home at some point, need to call her dad and find out when he's planning on dropping her off so I can organize my day. I'm also reading an awesome book and I'm almost done it so I want to finish that today. We have a long weekend, so my daughter has hockey tomorrow morning but after that we are off to the trailer for our last weekend there for the summer. Looking forward to it.

      I'll check back later, have a great day guys! Oh, and Lav, you totally sound like DG! LOL
      Greenie, glad the bee sting is better.

      Love and hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

        Lavande;1172485 wrote:
        Just starting us up then I'm off to Curves.
        Do I sound like DG or what?? :H :H

        HI fABbies!!!!!

        :yougo:CONGRATULATIONS UNI ON 91 DAYS SOBER!!!!:yougo:

        Much catching up to do but I did see that from yesterday and wanted to give you a shout out!!

        OMG school is running me RAGGED! But I love it. I managed to get in a zone on Tuesday and get my written assignment done. My BSer still works just fine it seems. :H But I REALLY appreciate your offers to help and will take rain checks!!!!

        I had planned long ago to meet a gal pal for coffee this morning. This of course was before I knew I would need every spare minute for homework! I was NOT going to cancel but it turns out she had to. So I have a reprieve and will use my extra time wisely!!! I'm off to make breakfast, then run a couple errands, then get my walk in before it's 100 degrees. I have a meeting with one of my AA sponsees this afternoon but will be focusing on the books before and after that! I am really happy with how things are going though. I've been pushing hard this week, but I really am on top of all my assignments and might actually get to take Sunday off! How cool would that be!!! It's exciting.

        Jenny is right about on-line classes being a bitch and that is all. Next semester I'm going to try for more on-campus if I can make it work.

        Bear - I have been having 40 - 45 grams of protein in breakfast. Seems like a lot but I'm full and it holds me. And amazingly, I haven't had as many between meal urges or even sugarcarby cravings as I've had in the past. It's too soon for me to say for sure, but I think there might be something to that idea.

        Well, no time for drinking today, that's for sure.

        Have a fABulous day one and all.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

          Hello all quick check in. At beach w girls . Lav, so glad r going to Curves. It's great to have the motivation of others. Green and Uni rockin the exercise too ! Dg. Sounds like school is keeping you challenged. You'll be the best counselor ever!!!

          Where's IJM?

          Sorry for spelling. Typing on phone

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


              Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

                Hello friends,

                Kaslo? Where are you? Marshy? I wonder how AFM's surgery went? :l to all

                I'm already tired. Did I mention I love my in-laws? I went off on another hectic day for me yesterday and I didn't plan any meal, nor did I hear from anyone else about doing a meal. When I asked hubby if he had seen his sis and mom and knew what their plans were he told me I think they are bringing hamburgers. I think great!!! When they show up, my MIL plops down 4 pounds of OUR hamburger and says, here, we brought you some hamburger, it's all thawed. I was in the process of giving my son a haircut and I told her she might want to put it somewhere else for now. My sil did take it and make the patties though. And she got some other things ready. My son lit the grill, I thought she was going to put the burgers on, but instead she went outside to smoke. So, after the grill was good and really warmed up, I started the burgers. My MIL was wondering what in the hell was taking so long. I am very proud of how calm I remained. About 10:30 pm my drunk husband wandered in and started rummaging through the refrigerator. I said, ummm....there's cheeseburgers and stuff. My BIL never did come in and eat. Then hubby headed to bed, and I said so I should put all this stuff away now? He said I guess, and put a couple of things away. I'm only telling you this stuff so you can smile and shake your head, and go "Oh LVT--you lead such an interesting life!" :H

                My son finally got home about 11:30 from a volleyball game out of town, and I was not happy about that either. But I felt bad for him when he told me he would probably spend the first football game of his junior year (and likely many more) on the sidelines again. He doesn't have what it takes (aggression) to be that good, but he is out there and I am proud of him for that. It was his decision to go out, and I was happy he did, but I have to wonder if he will get so discouraged that bad things could happen. There are some pretty good athletes younger than him in basketball too, so he really is starting to lose his "spark". It looks like he may have a girlfriend though, so maybe that will bring him something to look forward to.

                I am headed to the state fair this weekend and will get to see some of my family. I am looking forward to it. The boys are going with me, not sure about hubby. I hope he does, but I know he has a lot of work to get caught up on.

                My son's 17th birthday is Monday. He was born on Labor day. How appropriate huh?

                Have a great sober weekend all. Love you all!:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

                  Hi guys, I am here. Helen is ok, too. Actually sitting up a bit and had a short wheelchair ride. She could go on like this for years, I think.

                  I had a rough couple of days. Too sad to post for a few days but I am better now. My eldest daughter, with the two children is deeply troubled. Fact is she smokes too much pot, and she gets violent. Not with the children but with me. With them she just yells. As far as I know. So she had to be taken back to the city (four hour drive one way) by her step dad. (She asked me what I really thought, I suggested to she needed to get a job, she went ballistic). I survived w/o resorting to AL, its been 7.5 months now, and I cant see going back for anything. Troubles with her as a teen were the root of my problem drinking earlier in my life.

                  I am much better today, got some really revolting and gross insect and disease problems at a site in the Yukon to sort out, YAY! Lol! And planning to go kayaking tomorrow at Creston wetlands.

                  Sorry not to catch up on all the goings on. Will try to post tomorrow. Need a reverse taxanomic key for the folks on here. :H


                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

                    Hey Kaslo, good to see you but sorry about the tension with your daughter.
                    Smoking pot after having kids doesn't make any sense to me Hopefully she can get some counseling, get a life plan together. keep taking care of yourself :|

                    LVT, reading your words about your in-laws reminds me how grateful I am that mine are gone ~ they were terrible. Hope your son has a Happy Birthday

                    jenny, stick around with us this weekend. we'll all be doing it AF!!!

                    Hi M3 & the busy DG!!!!

                    Glad you went to the river today greenie - painting will wait, we all know that!

                    Uni, hope your day was a good one!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

                      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                        Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

                        Good for you, jen!! :goodjob:

                        Kaz glad you are doing OK. 4 hours distance between you and daughter sounds like a good idea at the moment. Must be painful for you. :l

                        Hired in someone else to put up the crown moulding - we didn't have the proper tools (and GF didn't have the proper knowledge). Really looks good! Still have to paint moulding and do touch wall up and keep painting the vanity, but it's coming together!

                        Yoga in the AM and an afternoon wedding tomorrow.

                        LVT, you are a better woman than I and that is all.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          Friday AF Daily ~ Sept. 2

                          greetings friends, good to have family but I'm so worn out and feel like I'm coming down with something. lungs are very tight. anyway dosing on the vitamins and will be getting some extra sleep for sure.

                          good to see you all, be well
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)

