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Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

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    Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

    Hi guys,

    I slept like total crap last night and I have no idea why so today i feel like a big bag of caca!

    Off to hockey practice and then up to the trailer. Of course I'm like seriously anxious now because we have friends coming and I am feeling exhausted and under the weather. Oh well, I will do deep breathing and get through it. Grant me the serenity..........

    Have a great AF day everyone!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

    Good morning Abbers!!!!

    I'm in the caca bag with you uni - haven't had decent sleep the past 3 nights & I don't know why
    I keep checking to see if a full moon is nearing but it's not - who knows??

    Cloudy again this morning like last Saturday but it's only T storms on the forecast. Last weekend it was 'Irene"!!!!
    Heading outside with gloves & clippers to attack some overgrown shrubbery while I can

    Have a great AF day everyone!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

        Good Morning All,

        Reporting in from the beach. Not a cloud in the sky and a cool, gentle breeze.

        Jenny--SO Happy that you are getting yourself back on track. I hope it was a great feeling for you to wake up with a clear head and hang over free. Also a great confidence booster.

        Kas, I read yesterday's thread about your daughter. So sorry to hear about what you are going through. I can't imagine how it must feel to have a daughter who is struggline like that. Addictions in all forms are so devastating to families. Hang in there. I'm happy to hear you are taking care of yourself by going kayaking.

        Uni, Congrats on 90 days.

        LVT, You have much more patience than I. I would have kicked my in-laws asses right out of the house. Such self-centered bullshit on their part.

        Hello Lav, DG, Greenie, Det and all to come.

        Going to catch some waves,
        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

          bag of caca :H reminds me of kaz's of box of farts :H:H

          I feel like a million bucks! I slept pretty good although not very long. Admired the bathroom progress on my way up the hall ( I keep the light on in there so I can admire every time I walk by - I'm so proud :H Had a great yoga class, ran a couple errands. Now to wrap pressie and get ready for wedding. Possibly swimming at another friends house afterwards. No fecking drinking to get in the way of my day!

          M3, envious of you at the beach. I'm waiting for later in the month when it's a bit cooler.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

            Happy Saturday ABenators!

            feeling a tad better, still not up to full speed yet

            Uni, Lav, sorry to hear bout the sleep. nap today?

            Greenie, glad to hear better news on the project there

            Jenny, very well done! you should be proud.

            Mom3, enjoy the tanning

            I'm playing tourist here with family, up to Lake Tahoe probably this arvo.

            AF and missing my dear wife quite badly, but did I mention AF? whew.

            be well everyone
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

                Guess I could sneak in a short nap while the meatballs are simmering in the red sauce Deter :H

                EB & his family are coming for dinner later so meatballs it is

                jenny, glad your weekend is more productive than last

                Greenie, what is it this week with sleep or the lack thereof......seems like a few of us are having troubles in that dept.

                Hi M3, enjoy the beach!!! I haven't been to one in ? years & don't know when I will again!

                Guess I should think about collecting eggs & giving the girls their afternoon snack (tomorrow they'll get leftover garlic bread....their favorite)!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

                  Hello all,

                  My mum died on August 21st. Me and dad were with her when she died, holding her hand. She was sedated for the last two days of her life because of the pain she had been in, so she wasn't conscious but I'm glad I was there anyway.

                  The funeral was a really nice service and the day went well. My dad's planning to scatter her ashes at a hill they used to go walking around when they were young, and me and my brother and sister will be going too, probably in a week or so.
                  So far I don't think it's really sunk in, especially because we've all been busy preparing the the funeral and organising other family get-togethers. Now I'm back home I think it will start to become more real.

                  Anyway, just dropping in quickly tonight, will catch up soon.
                  Hope everyone is doing well.
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

                    A very quick hello tonight to all abbers. Still sober though only just. Big time urge seemed to come out of no-where at supper time.
                    Hi Marshy,
                    Really very sorry. I lost my mum a few weeks ago too.
                    Peace and hugs to you,
                    AF since 11 July 2011
                    You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                      Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

                      Oh Marshy. I am so sorry to hear about your Mum. ((((((Marshy)))))))

                      Kaz - sorry to read about your daughter too. ((((((Kaz)))))

                      Jenny - so VERY happy that you are back in the AF fold. I'm only slightly upset that you didn't invite me over for breakfast.

                      Treya - those urges will come from time to time. Know to expect them so you are not caught off guard, and just ride 'em on out. You know how.

                      Greenie - you are the :crowned: of remodeling. AND of the Universe. A busy queen indeed.

                      M3 - when does Yoga teacher training start?

                      Hi Lav, Det, Uni!

                      Long day of AA, sponsee meeting, errands, studying, laundry, working out. Now I'm going to take a LOOOOONG shower and go to bed early and watch a movie or a few episodes of 2.5 Men. Question: It's September. When the *F* are the high temperatures going to be below 90??????

                      Tomorrow I'm going to a Dual Recovery Anonymous Meeting which is a homework assignment. That will be the easiest homework by far in this class!!! :H

                      One thing is for sure......
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

                        extra hugs for Marshy and Treya xxxxxx

                        glad you're here and posting out your feelings constructively.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

                          Marshy, so sorry about your Mum :|
                          Glad you were there with her though. I was with my Mom when she passed. Monday Sept 5 is the 25th anni of her passing :|

                          Hello to Treya, Deter and the soooo busy DG

                          This Mi Mom is tired tonight....
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

                            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                              Sat Sept 3 - AF Daily

                              I want to drink at my house by myself. That is how I prefer to do almost everything. Is that weird?

                              if that's weird, then we are identically weird because I've been fighting being a loner all my life. lone/secret drinking was my thing for sure. well done on holding it together hon. exercise those AF'ing muscles eh?
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

