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Sunday AF Daily ~ Sept 4

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    Sunday AF Daily ~ Sept 4

    Hi Guys,
    Thanks for the responses which as usual provide food for thought. I'll check out the toolbox for further ideas. You're right DG. We each of us have to set our own boundaries with other people, but before that even we have to understand and admit the extent of our own dependency. Al is a sneaky one I agree and providing it with opportunities is just dumb. I am of the high- functioning variety of drinker-the kind you wouldnt guess had a probem unless they told you-and I believe that my husband thinks I'm just "over-indulgent" and that I don't have a serious issue with booze. It is therefore up to me to spell it out for him.
    AF since 11 July 2011
    You can never get enough of what you don't really want


      Sunday AF Daily ~ Sept 4

      Oh lookie! we got our very own spammer! But he only quoted rather than bother with making a post... I feel so cheated. boo hoo.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Sunday AF Daily ~ Sept 4

        Just have to make a comment about "high functioning alcoholics."

        I don't know a single person who went directly from trying some Boones Farm () as a teenager to living under a bridge drinking sludge out of a brown paper bag and peeing on themselves. There is an extensive and progressive path that alcoholics follow. Sometimes it happens quickly and sometimes slowly. But we don't go from high functioning non-drinkers to non-functioning late stage alcoholics over night.

        Along the path of progression is functional alcoholism.

        I classified myself that way for a long time, not realizing that "high functioning alcoholic" is not a destination. It's a phase, and if we keep on drinking we will move on through it to the less functional phases.

        My very strong opinion only, of course.

        And of course our spouses either not understanding all this, or wishing we were not alcoholics doesn't change any of the facts.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.

