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Weekly AA Thread - Sept. 5 - Sept. 11

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    Weekly AA Thread - Sept. 5 - Sept. 11

    Corinne, don't let the religious thing scare you off. Go with an open mind and see what happens at the meetings. I remember all too well that for some reason, the decision to go to some meetings felt like I had to make a lifetime committment to keep going to AA if I tried it. I don't know why I felt that way - there are no chains on the chairs LOL! You can give it a go and stop whenever you want.

    I am looking forward to chairing tomorrow. I hope it's a good reading!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Weekly AA Thread - Sept. 5 - Sept. 11

      Corinne: If you do get to a meeting, pick up a "Where & When" book which lists all the meetings in your area, or you can go on the AA website which will lead you to a link w/a listing of meetings around the country. Feel free to PM me if you have questions. There is a noon meeting here every day, & there are early evening meetings. Most of the meetings I go to are at 7PM.

      Yes, accepting that it will feel weird at first is a good idea. I can't remember how long it took me to feel comfortable.

      Also, there are weekend meetings here, both during the day & at night.

      Good luck.


      PS: When the time is right, you'll get there.
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Weekly AA Thread - Sept. 5 - Sept. 11

        Hi everyone, Just checking in. Somehow I only manage to get on here about every 10 days but I do think about you all.
        Since I'm still in early sobriety I'm still going to at least 5 meetings a week. Corrine, I find going to all different kinds of meetings has been very helpful. I take what I can from each meeting and leave the rest. In doing this, I have found several I really like and am slowly getting to know some people at those meetings and try to go to those more often when I can. There are definitely meetings that if it was the only meeting I ever attend I would not have gone back. I most love my all women meeting, but others are helpful too. And I think many struggle with the God aspect. Kimberly's conclusion is perfectly acceptable to everyone I've talked to. It says a Higher Power of your own understanding, and there is nothing that says that needs to be outside yourself.
        Tomorrow is going to be a day of great reflection for many of us - may it be a day of peace for all of you and your loved ones.

        P.S. I didn't get on here last week but I just went back and read last weeks thread. There were so many inspirational things said. And Phil, I really needed to hear what you said about work. I have been struggling all day with going back to work on Mon. and dealing with my office mate who I find very challenging at the moment. But fortunately, no desire to make things worse by drinking!


          Weekly AA Thread - Sept. 5 - Sept. 11

          Louise - it's really good to see you and I loved reading what you wrote. It put a smile on my face about the strength of the fellowship we have chosen to embrace. We can be individuals. We can have our own opinions. We can have STRONG opinions LOL! But we all have one thing in common and within the group conscience structure of any given meeting, we can find some sanity. At least that's how it works for me.

          I have long since transitioned from going to meetings because "I feel I have to" to going to meetings because I WANT to. I enjoy the discussions/topics/speakers. I always take away something positive. And even if something I don't like or agree with occurs, it's an amazing learning opportunity. I learn to get along with people I don't agree with. I learn to respectfully accept opinions that differ from my own. I learn to accept all varieties of people and their many different points of view. That is a gift beyond belief. All that AND staying sober. Life is good.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Weekly AA Thread - Sept. 5 - Sept. 11

            Great words once again.
            I love all you folks here. Have a great day.
            Love and Peace,

            Sobriety Date 12.07.2009

