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Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

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    Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

    Good morning Abbers

    Zero sunshine here........just waiting for the rain to begin
    Hopefully cooler, drier air on the way as well.

    No cookout plans for this Labor Day but that's OK, The YB has asked to come over for dinner even after I told him I wasn't planning to do anything today. I wish he would just open his mouth & speak like a normal person.

    Today is also the 25th anni of my Mom's passing. Still missing her so much after all this time:l

    Wishing everyone a good AF Monday & Labor Day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

    Hallo fabbies!

    My day's like your's lav. Minus the YB, of course. So you told him "no" then, right? might be best if his mouth remained closed :H
    :l about your mom. She's with you all the time, you know.

    I think I wrap up the bathroom today. Last coat of paint on the cabinets. I cringe to think of how it would look if I did this drinking. Never would have gotten off the ground probably.

    M3, how exciting for you - I know you can't wait! Hope the family steps up accordingly.

    Treya, ditto on the husband pouring you a drink. Danger, Will Robinson!!

    Jennifer McLean has a telecast series starting this week. I really like her interviews. You might want to register and catch some of it if you can - free with replays up for 48 hours. I'll find a link.[/video]]Open Your Heart: Healing With The Masters - YouTube
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

        Happy Monday Dudes!!!

        What an awesome day down here in God?s country. I am so glad to be back in GA. (actually it?s raining outside but any day sober in GA is awesome).

        So I have been incognito for a few days. I may have mentioned it yesterday but my folks are moving from an extremely large house to a very large house ?. So they have to down size. So I took my truck, trailer, youngest son and oldest dog to west Tennessee. It was like being at the fanciest garage sale without having to pay for anything I bought!!! I got a VERY nice pool table, some framed paintings, several really nice pieces of furniture, and some things from my childhood. We wrapped everything in plastic and tarps then headed home yesterday. And? it rained the ENTIRE way. I am loaded down with stuff and a full trailer of stuff and for 7 hours there is a solid sheet of rain. My knuckles were white when I got home. My oldest son was waiting for us with some of his friends for the unloading party though so that helped a lot.

        Note on the pool table. I am going to do my imitation of Greenie and DG. I am converting my study into a billiard room. The pool table has tan felt so I am going to paint the room a hunter green. I?m trashing all the furniture in there. Mrs. IJM is going shopping this week for a nice light fixture to hang over the table. The only thing I WON'T install in that room is a bar!

        A couple of words about my trip and AL. My parents knew that I drank but they never really new about my issue. I never really talked to them about it. They don?t drink but they always have a bottle of Bacardi for me and Jack for my brother when we visit. This weekend they offered me a drink. It was SOOOO tempting. They didn?t know what was up. Mrs. IJM was not with me. This would be a test to see if I could have just one and come home and still be ok? NO!!!!! I thanked them and asked Mom to make me some iced tea. I was really proud of myself.

        Last night I put 14 pounds of Boston butt on the smoker. It?s been cooking 12 hours so far. Looks to have another 4 to 5 hours. Then I get to take it off and chop it. I may not eat it. I may just put it all over the floor and roll around nekkid In it!! Ok, that was vivid but I like pulled pork!

        Lav ? I have tried for months to figure out what a ?YB? means. I didn?t want to show my ignorance and ask, and I assume it is something unflattering. But I gotta know!

        Treya ? ditto ditto on what Greenie a and Doggie said. Time for a major talking. My number one support system is Mrs. IJM. Without her I would be lost.

        Jenny ? you are an absolute cutie. And GREAT job on day 8. Finally, I have some stories regarding Boons Farm and my fraternity days? but for some other day. I still get sick when I think of them.

        Ok, need to get some stuff done. I brought all the stuff in from Mom & Dad?s last night and it is laying all over the house so I have to start making some order of it.

        The IJM thought of the day? Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.

        Take care all!


          Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

          Happy holiday Monday ABeroooos!

          IJM, good to see you taking your BBQ seriously LOL I love it. where in GA are you at? I used to live way up in the Blueridge mountains by Blairsville (as my fuzzy memory has it).

          shouts to Lav, Jenny, Greeneyes and all to join the fun

          off to continue playing tourguide for family.

          be well
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

            Hi Det, IJM, Jennie, Greenie and Lav and all other FABsters. Have a wonderful day everyone. off to chip paint off the deck railings and prime it before it gets too cold at night to paint. This me at Lil'Slocan Lake. Love to all, and one thing is for sure... kaslo

            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1659255=6380-attachment.jpg[/img]

            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

              Hi fABbies!!! I hope everyone is having fun doing what they are doing or not doing today.

              Lav, if YB shows up I hope you plan to serve him a peanut butter sandwich - "do it yourself" style - or you could alternatively serve him a tongue lashing from your MWO friends.

              IJM - your drive sounds scary!!! Did you tell your folks they can ditch the Bacardi? Hmmm???? :b&d: YB = Yard Boy aka the magical disappearing husband who used to occassionally turn up to do yard work, but never talk about status of marriage, etc. Or YB can stand for other things - I'm sure with your imagination and way with words you will think of some we haven't thought of yet.

              (Lav, Greenie, etc. - did I get that right??? )

              Greenie, I want to see piccy's of the bathroom. Paint all over the garage floor????? I would have just moved out in the middle of the night.

              Kaz - couldn't see the picture???? :upset:

              Jenny - :yougo: GOOD FOR YOU AN A SOBER LONG WEEKEND!!!!!!!! That ROCKS!!!

              Det - Only a few more days to go until Dx comes home!!!!! If you drink I'm going to :b&d: you until your butt bleeds. That is all.

              Well, guess what's on my agenda today? You got that right!!! Found an interesting lecture on youtube by the guy who really developed Motivational Interviewing. An hour long but what a good listen!!! I'm loving the cooler weather. Will be fitting a long walk in between the books today for sure!

              Will NOT be drinking any AL. THAT is for sure too.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

                Just made my 90 mile roundtrip to take some flowers to my Mom & have a little 'chat'.
                Terrible waste of gas in this day & age but it makes me feel better

                IJM - YB = Yard Boy = estranged husband, the who cracked up & ran out of here in tears 17 months ago putting our 37 year union into limbo...... Now aren't your sorry you asked? :H

                Hello to everyone! Have fun at the BBQ, painting or whatever you are doing.
                Didn't feel like cooking for someone who doesn't appreciate my efforts so I'm dragging out the leftover meatballs I made for EB on Saturday EB=Energizer Bunny= my 2 1/2 yr old grandson
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

                  Hi DG _ cross post
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

                    Lavande;1173925 wrote: I'm dragging out the leftover meatballs
                    suitable for a meatball, I'd say :H Really, though, you and LVT -- far better women that I. If he wanted to have dinner with me, he'd be taking me out. That is all.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

                      Im with Greenie on that one. Or coming over and making dinner, then cleaning up afterwards.

                      DG, sorry tried the loader on this website and the pix comes up the size of a postage stamp. Hope these dont come out too big. Thass me there.


                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

                        Awesome Kaslo
                        When are you paddling down this way to pick me up? :H

                        YB has turned into such a mope going out in public with him probably is not an option
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

                          Groovy pics Kas!

                          I got some cool duck pictures yesterday. Will post when im back home

                          Yes i vote yb takes Lav out for dinner too! Tell him we said so.

                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

                            Hello friends,

                            Marshy, I am so sorry about your mum. It is never an easy thing to lose our parents, no matter how old we are. And I know what you mean about it not even sinking in yet. Hugs to you and your father and family.:l

                            The boys and I had a wonderful time on our little weekend vacation. We did too much shopping and I spoiled them and will continue to hold that over their head whenever they give me a hard time. We saw my nieces and nephews and grand nieces, my brother, my SIL, my favorite ex SIL, and then stayed at my BIL's (Terry's) last night. I feel bad for my ex SIL and her family. In the last 8 months she lost her sister's husband, her husband, my sister, and now both her parents passed away 2 weeks apart. Geez!

                            The boys and I went to the state fair and went our separate ways. I was in 7th Heaven, all the smells and sights brought back some good child hood memories. The first building I walked in however was the quilt display and I wandered through there holding back tears wishing Terry was there with me. I was fine on my own, but it would have been more fun if my hubby or a friend could have come along. I saw all the cheesy things that go along with the fair--or at least most of them. Even saw some racing pigs. Watched them milk cows--saw the largest pig in Nebraska--told my kids all this time I though they were the largest pigs in Nebraska!:H:H Anyway, the boys were good sports about how lame it was and how they would rather be anywhere else--so it really was fun for me. We splurged and ate at my favorite seafood restaurant and also Old Chicago.

                            Tomorrow my in-laws head home. I do love them, but Damn. I think the only time I saw them without a beer and ciggy in their hands was in the morning during coffee. I am ever so grateful the boys and I got away for the weekend so we didn't have to join the rest of the family at the lake for more drinking and repeating and all the fun that goes with that. I really don't see how they can drink so freaking much! I know I used to be right there with them, but I don't even think I could drink like that for a week straight! I'd love to have an enjoyable visit with them this evening, their last night--but they've all been drinking all day already. They are supposedly bringing a few enchiladas home for supper--my sil asked if I had any cheese. I'm guessing I'll need to make more. Most of the dishes are still on the counter that I refused to do the other night. And besides that it is my son's birthday. I told him he could skip football practice and go be with his friends.
                            I'm pretty sure everyone will go to bed early tonight.

                            Ok, enough rambling from me. (Bet you've missed that!)

                            Hugs to all that need them--Lav--25 years is a long time!

                            Jenny, I know I am just an old prude--but have you considered that it might NOT be ok to buy wine for a minor? None of my business I know, but I've learned too much about the science behind al and drugs and what it does to a developing brain to keep my mouth shut.

                            Well, I better do these dishes and whip up a batch of enchiladas. It's back to the real world!:h
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              Monday AF Daily ~ Sept 5

                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

