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Tuesday AF Daily ~ Sept 6

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    Tuesday AF Daily ~ Sept 6

    Another awesome sober day for the books!

    It seems like every day I get a little bit stronger and my resolve not to drink gets a little bit more profound. Just a little bit each day though ? not noticeable comparing each day by itself. But the days sort of adds up and where I am today is much further along than where I was two months ago. Here is my duh moment. When I was drinking?. Each day did not seem to make that much difference. But every day I became a little bit more addicted. ? just a little bit each day. After a while I realized ?jeez, I am totally hooked on this stuff?. This closely compares to where I am today but from a different angle. Does that make sense? My point is that I can?t make a life change all at once. It adds up on either side of the equation. It makes ODAT make sense now.

    Ok, enough of the self analyzing?.

    Another topic for the group. I know this is off topic of this site but many of you have experience with this stuff and I really value the wisdom I get here. I have a 20 year old that is about to make my entire head explode. He is driving me bug crap. So here is the deal. He thinks he is an adult. Since he got out of high school he pushes the envelope a little bit further. His curfew went from 11 to whenever he feels like coming home. I bitch and grip to him about it. Now he has a serious girlfriend. Sometimes he tells me that he is staying at her apartment over night because she lives close to his work and he is tired. Of course me and Mrs. IJM do not approve of this. We have had countless conversations regarding personal responsibility, getting priorities in order ? 1) family 2) school, 3) job ? somewhere down the line ? girls.

    Now here is the other side of the coin. He has a student loan and is putting himself through college that way. He pays his gas. I make him pay a portion of his car insurance because he ended up on high risk. Mrs. IJM and I supply him with a loving home, supportive parents, we pay his healthcare insurance, dental insurance, cell phone, food when he is here, and an occasional handful of bucks. I went through basically the same thing at that age. When I was his age I could make a case for it being my life. But I did extremely dumb stuff and was very very lucky. But we still worry. I fear that he will make the wrong decisions. What if he is NOT careful sexually, he drinks, he drops out of college, he generally makes the wrong decisions?.. He is a good kid. I am just afraid that if we come down too hard we will drive him away from us. I took him to dinner and a movie last week to talk about all this and thought we had a great talk and an understanding but I?m not seeing any changes.

    I guess I just don?t want to let go of my little boy. But when it is right to step back and let him make his own mistakes? I?ve got the experience to see the dangers out there. Just like my Dad did when I would ignore him.

    Ok, it was on my mind so I just thought I would put it out there.

    Speaking of girls ? I use to date a midget. I was nuts over her?.. we broke up though because she kept sticking her nose in my business?.. Ok, that was a bad attempt at humor but I didn?t have a thought of the day and felt it my duty to add some color to the thread.

    Take care all!


      Tuesday AF Daily ~ Sept 6

      IJM, what are you going to do with you?
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Tuesday AF Daily ~ Sept 6

        Awe...IJM. I can't speak as a parent - only as a child who was 20 once. By the time I was 20, I wasn't all. It sounds like you at least have a good relationship with your son which as least gives you an avenue of communication. I wish you well my friend.

        Maybe all of us could go to the girlfriends house and eat popcorn behind the :sofa: and report back? (OK - my bad! )

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Tuesday AF Daily ~ Sept 6

          Geez - since my kids are 30 & 34 I guess I had 20 year olds at one time or another
          I know I must have been concerned & everything but at the end of the day you just have to trust that you taught them well & they will make good decisions!
          I did make sure they knew what I was willing to pay for (college tuition) & what I wasn't willing to pay for (bail, lawyers, babies, etc). Don't let your head explode IJM :H
          Kids these days are even more determined than previous generations to do what they want when they want.

          Made a run to the supermarket this morning & came home to find my daughter & Lily here. My grandsons were dropped off at 3 pm, so we all had fun. It was a good distraction for me today. The boys just left at 9 pm so I am officially tired. Not looking forward to dealing with Girl Dog tomorrow but I must

          Hope everyone has a good night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Tuesday AF Daily ~ Sept 6

            I don't know, IJM.... I think this is why I didn't have children. I know I had to abide by my parents rules while I lived in their house. I did, but we butted heads over it. Not too badly though. This is a learning experience for you too, you know. And we aren't perfect, we just do the best we can. :l

            Lav, I think girl dog would be relieved to know she won't have to suffer any more. :l
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Tuesday AF Daily ~ Sept 6

              Good evening!
              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                Tuesday AF Daily ~ Sept 6

                Hummm, ever hear of karma? I am being paid back with interest. My oldest is laid back like Mrs. IJM. That drives me CRAZY. My youngest is a clone copy of me! That drives me crazier! He is anal retentive, a martyr, will do unnatural acts to himself to make a point, has a sassy, sarcastic side… just like his Dad. Someone at work told me recently that I could be summed up in one word….. ‘Sassy’. At a parent/teacher conference, my youngest son’s teacher told us that when someone answers a question wrong in class, he rolls his eyes. I stated that I was shocked. Mrs. IJM said in front of the teacher “Why would you be surprised, you roll your eyes 20 times a day”. I asked co-workers if I really did that and the answer was a unanimous, resounding “yes, you do that … often”. What can I say, I’m too old to change.

                Jenny – it sounds as though you work in a reference lab. I did that all through college and absolutely loved it. I was greedy and moved my career to a more pharmaceutical/business slant. If I had it to do over again I may have chosen lab technology for a career. I worked Micro, RIA, and did a little bit of toxicology. Since I was a college kid and didn’t have a license, I worked night shift – cheap labor and less chance of getting caught in a surprise inspection. But I learned a truck load and that was my favorite college job. I guess my advice is to follow what you love career wise.

                Grennie & Doggie– I have a mental picture that you both were a handful at age 20. Details? As far as hiding behind the couch…. NO THANKS. That is one bit of drama I would rather not witness.

                Lav – you have a 34 yo?!?!?! So, you started having children when you were 10?

                Ok, off to bed with a little Robin Cook before lights out.

                Have a great night all!

