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Wednesday 20 December

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    Wednesday 20 December

    Good Morning All

    Just a quick post to let you know I joined the ranks of the refusing-a-Christmas-drink brigade! First time in about 20 years (at least!)!! It was with people I was interested in talking to and I went to get the glasses and thought it'd be nice to try this wine. But then I thought, even a sip would mean I'd have to start back at day 1; and it just wasn't worth it. So I had a little sniff of the wine (literally!) politely declined (my goodness, so that's how it's done and I'm not some sort of boring freak :H ) And went home.
    So a HUGE thank you to all here who have continued to provide words of wisdom and support and humour to enable to me reach such a momentous stage in my life. Wow!:thanks:
    Hope you all have a great day. The Proclaimers sum it up very well - "I'm on my way from Misery to Happines... I'm sittin on top of the world.."


    Wednesday 20 December

    Hi Blondie.
    I'm really pleased for you.


      Wednesday 20 December

      Hooooray!!! know, you made me think of this 'starting off again from day one' bit over the last few days, when you posted a reply to one of my blathers....soooo glad you could do this and feel good about it!

      When you say you had a sniff and went home, did you mean immediately, or were you able to stay and enjoy a bit of a chat with the guys...?? Either way...fabbity fab...and what a nice feeling to wake up to the next day.........Well done Blondie Hugs....The Melon


        Wednesday 20 December

        Hi Weebacktohappyselfmelonhead!
        Glad to hear you came through the other day. Wringer anyone?!
        I chatted for a little bit with the guys, in an upbeat happy way without any obsessive thoughts about the wine! (We did talk about the wine but, for me, not in my normal way, ie, pretending to be soooo interested in the label, etc just so I can keep my little paws on the bottle for sneaky refills!!!!:H ) It was quite enlightening that something like that is possible!
        Congrats on your progrees weemelon and Paul and thanks for your encouragement too!
        Oh well, off to try find a Christmas tree that hasn't been murdered!
        Feeling I might become an annoyingly cheerful person (NOT!!!)


          Wednesday 20 December

          Me too....after 'that' weekend, and reading mike and neils thoughts on counting your blessings today...I feel like I should be looking at this in a very different way...wanna join the 'grinlikeasliceofmelon' gang??????

          Way to go (fellow) Blondie xoxo


            Wednesday 20 December

            After driving round this morning with a huge grin on my face; ImnothungoveranditsChristmaspartytime!, I think I qualify for your gang. I could honestly tell people that I haven't had a drink for ages and don't feel like one without thinking if they are going to think, poor girl, she must be an alcoholic!

            So is weemelonhead going to be morphing into something different now you're not waking up with it every morning? From your track record, I'm sure you'll fill a page withrunningonaptalternatives!
            'Appyandaliveinaotearoa (oh dear on that note...
            Must go and get the tree now or I'll have to decorate the frangipani!


              Wednesday 20 December

              Cheeky Bint!!!
              Yeah! That's what I think...I'm telling people that don't know I have a problem (or so i convince myself) that I'm stopping drinking coz I can't give up smoking and I only want one vice.....but I'm sure everybody knows...I looked at a woman on the bus the other day..she had a face like mine, red veins, puffy, sorta thick looking skin and grey/pink blotchy skin everywhere else and I thought...that woman IS a drinker...if I know that by looking at someone...I'm damn sure no one is fooled by me!!! Ho Hum.......I guess the weemelonhead moniker will stick for longer until I have some MAJOR beauty therapy......

              Get me a tree when you're out will you, otherwise I'm going to be decorating the building rubble.....


                Wednesday 20 December

                Mornin' Blondie, Melon, Paul and the rest of the gang here!

                Blondie, your enthusiasm is contagious!! It does feel great to feel good, doesn't it? Man, to remember when the ONLY thing that would make me feel better would be a sip of vodka in the morning.... UGH!!
                We're about at the same place... today is Day 23 for me. I literally have to remind myself several times a day to stop, focus and feel how good it feels to be AF!!

                I just wanted to check in this morning to say hello and Happy Holidays to everyone. Neil, have a safe trip out West. You might want to hit the road and forget about work... but "making a living?" Nah, you're making a great living! You're living great.

                We're off to spend a week or two with my relatives up north. It'll be the "test" that I've been collecting my resolve for since my first AF day. But, even if I slip (and I will not FALL!) I am still proud of the progress I've made, the clear head I have today and the fact that I know it only gets better and better with each day (something I just could never accomplish before..)

                I'll check back in with you guys in early January sometime to see how everyone is doing. In the meantime, have a really special, lucid, sober, meaningful Christmas holiday.
                warmest wishes,


                  Wednesday 20 December

                  Merry Christmas Olly

                  Hi Olly

                  Your posts are always brimming with strength and confidence and determination to overcome this so I know your resolve will see you through your family gatherings with a renewed outlook! Very best wishes for the season and look forward to your triumphant return in the New Year rousing us all back into shape!:H
                  Best wishes


                    Wednesday 20 December

                    Blondie...that is so awesome. You just indulged in the scent of it and that was that. Your excitement IS contagious! Thank you for sharing. I know what you mean about breaking that start in abs and having to start over at day ONE again.

                    I am starting day FOUR and so so so happy! Yesterday was HARD. But that thought crossed my mind....why would I want to do days one and two over again? There will always be a day three. Anyway....hope this makes some sense to someone.

                    So holiday plans are starting it sounds like. Are you all traveling? I will be traveling but only a couple hours from home. There will be wine and everyone will wonder why I'm not drinking it. I am thinking about bringin my own dark grape juice to make it look like merlot. I do NOT want to address this with my family. I like the idea about only having one vice though!



                      Wednesday 20 December

                      Hey everyone!
                      Thanks for starting us out this morning, Blondie! Great encouragement, as I was at the "shrink" yesterday and we were talking about how the heckfire I'm going to get through the holidays with no booze when I'm just surrounded by it. Act interested and politely decline, huh?....veeeeerrry iiiiinnnnteresting. I'll try. He also suggested either lying (on an antibiotic...) and having an "escape plan" ie: calling one of you guys at pre-planned intervals, just to keep on track. I was thinking maybe of calling Gina or Kim. You guys don't mind do ya?:H . I know both those gals will be doing AF holidays and they are plugged into my cell phone already! (have been for months, actually). Thank you, Gina and Kim. Hope you read this. I'll call later today.
                      Pansy and Lucky, are you guys going to try to do AF? Or just behave? Just wondering. I'm still having a lot of anxiety about it. The "party" arrives here friday and not leaving til Monday, THEN on wednesday next wk I'm going to Canada for more party, party, party. Maybe I'll be abducted by aliens. That would be good.

                      Anyhow, 10 DAYS today!!! My record is 11 back in Feb this year. I'll beat it for sure.
                      Campral is kicking in great. One thing and a question for those on campral... did it supress your appetite? I can't even finish a 6" subway sub. I had a side salad for dinner. I'm down 15 pounds now from the time I started! Have actually lost 2 of them these past 10 day. hmmmmmm. I'm not complaining, but my winter clothes from last year don't even fit any more. Saggybuttpantsyndrome. (had to participate in the fun!). I have to brag that my size 6's have plenty of room. I was barely squeezing into 8's before. And the muffin top was gross. hee hee.

                      OK, have a great day everyone! Let's stay strong these next couple wks. I'm ready.


                        Wednesday 20 December

                        Good morning Paul, Wee, blondie, Maggie, Olly, Becca and all those to follow. It's December 20th already! Today my kids have 1/2 day, then are off 'til Jan 8th. Gotta come up with some activites to keep them busy and away from the tv, computer, etc.... May try to head up to Mammoth Mountain and try skiing one day. My 5 yo SO wants to snowboard.
                        Becca absolutely you can call me anytime you want. I would be honored! It means a lot to me that you believe that I will be sober through the holidays. Just taking it day by day still and praying for willingness every morning.
                        Wishing everyone a peaceful and sober day!


                          Wednesday 20 December

                          Gosh Gina...your plans for keeping the kids away from the tv are huuuge! I would feel great if I got them into the kitchen to make a sponge cake......Wot a mom!!
                          Becca, sounds like your interphonecommunicationbackupsystem is well in place ....Good idea! A 'real' voice could be just the thing, and Gina's obviously got the phone on charge!!! Good luck with the booze free hols, and nice to know we now have a skinny supermodel amongst us...pleeeez don't get to the lolipop head stage though...we don't want to see you in hello mag!!!!!
                          Mornin' Olly, Blondie, Mags and Paul ......Did you get the tree Blondie?
                          Olly, I hope you're've got an extra portion on your plate at the moment I know, so here's to a very restful and stressfree trip for you...take it easy, and enjoy your time!xoxo

                          Love to all who have been and all hereafter.....Hark the Herald angels sing...I'm not gonna drink a thing!!!

                          Weefestivehead xxx


                            Wednesday 20 December

                            Good luck to everyone through this weekend. I am just starting and have found just visiting this page frequently keeps me focused and makes me remember that I know how to say no. I like the ideas/explanations mentioned above.


                              Wednesday 20 December

                              I'm on Campral, haven't noticed a weight drop, although I did lose a few pounds probably because I cut back on drinking. My face doesn't seem as swollen or "chubby," obviously a result of no booze. It's a great feeling. Nothing tastes better than being fit and trim...better than any drink!

