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AF Daily 8th September

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    AF Daily 8th September

    Hello Everyone,

    Special thoughts to Papmom who seems to have been through so much recently. :h

    It's beautiful where I am today. Happy to be enjoying clear and spectacular mountain views, but even better because I can take a bow for 60 days AF. So I'm in a "corn is as high as the elephants eye mood"

    Have a great day all,

    AF since 11 July 2011
    You can never get enough of what you don't really want

    AF Daily 8th September

    Treya - congratulations on 60 days. That's great.

    Papmom, sorry to hear you've been so down. I understand the feeling of wanting to numb it all out - I really wanted to "switch off" for a night or two when my mum died - but it wouldn't achieve anything and could have really dire consequences. Can you get tough about asking for extra money for the extra work you've been given? I know it's difficult to ask for a pay rise but if they brought someone in from outside to do the extra work that person would be paid the going rate for the job. You could say you're doing some freelance work on the side and doing the extra work for free would cut into the time you have to do PAID work and it's not economically viable for you.
    They want you to do the work because you're good at what you do and they know you'll do a good job. So they should damn well pay you for that!
    My GF has been given extra hours to do this year at work (she's in education) and on top of her regular salary she's being paid by the hour at a freelance rate for the extra work. So her *salary* hasn't increased but she's being paid extra for the extra work. I'm not sure why they are doing it that way, maybe tax reasons, or so they don't have to increase the salary for her position.
    I work entirely freelance and if someone wants me to work for them, they pay me for my experience and my time. I wouldn't do it for free. Don't sell yourself short!

    Lav - what a lovely picture of your dogs.

    After being busy and surrounded by people for the last three weeks I've finally had a couple of days on my own (GF has gone back to work after the long summer holiday and I'm off work until next week) and it's been nice to have time to start to unwind after the stress of recent events.

    Have a peaceful day everyone.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily 8th September

      Good Morning Fabbies!!

      I saw where Absolutely Fabulous was coming back on. Of course I can't remember the details.

      Marshy, this couple days alone time sure came at a good time. I hope you are entirely selfish about them.

      Marshy;1174841 wrote: Can you get tough about asking for extra money for the extra work you've been given? I know it's difficult to ask for a pay rise but if they brought someone in from outside to do the extra work that person would be paid the going rate for the job. You could say you're doing some freelance work on the side and doing the extra work for free would cut into the time you have to do PAID work and it's not economically viable for you.
      They want you to do the work because you're good at what you do and they know you'll do a good job. So they should damn well pay you for that!
      Don't sell yourself short!
      Hear! Hear!

      Those moments in the powder room and such have paid off!

      It was so cool I slept with the window open last night and could hear an owl hooting in the back yard along with the other birds singing ad daybreak. I love to wake up to that.

      Kaz, this is where I take little doggie swimming. The water here is on the shore side of an island and you can wade across and then wade a stream that cuts through the island to get to the river side. The top edge of the water is "the river" - you can see kayakers.

      Have a lovely AF day!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily 8th September

        Good Morning Abbies,

        P3. Thanks for checking in and being so very honest about what is going on with you. It's okay to feel real down in the dumps. I would too and stuffing it down does not do any good. I'm happy that you put it in perspective though and know that drinking will not make anything in your life better. It sounds like there is alot of cronyism that exists in your job. Keep rolling with the punches til something better comes along. PS. If you are going to work part time for minimum wage, I would really recommend doing something fun and something you love. Perhaps the part-time job you mentioned would be that for you. I'm also wondering if there is anything part-time you could find associated with dogs. You seem to love yours so much and have a special gift with them.

        Hi Marshy, I have been thinking about you and your dad alot. I'm imagining the sadness of your mom's lost is really settling in. Lots of love to you.

        Treya. Congrats on 60 days. You go girl!!!:goodjob:

        Greenie, We have an owl in our neighborhood too; maybe two. I hear the hoots at dusk. I find it very cool to be in an urban area hearing owls. Thanks for the river picture. I just love rivers...the sound, motion, smell.

        Lav, are you getting any flooding. Geez. It has been raining nonstop here. I just want to go back to bed.

        Yoga teacher training starts tomorrow.

        Hi IJM. Sounds like you got your mojo back.:yay:

        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          AF Daily 8th September

          Good Morning
          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            AF Daily 8th September

            jennyneric;1174981 wrote: I think I have made a discovery...I think one of the reasons I used AL was to relax (duh right) what i mean is I needed the excuse to stop...I have been going non stop except to sleep for almost two weeks! This weekend I am giving myself Sunday afternoon off. If things don't get done I will catch up later, but if I don't chill I will need AL as an out soon! Maybe I'll rent a move, eat some crappy yummy food, take a nap, play with the kitten, just sit, who knows but I need to stop working sometime!
            Good observation! And one that I really understand. I'm like that too.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily 8th September

              Good morning Abbers!

              Reporting in from the swampland formerly known as southeast PA!
              M3 this rain is absolutely ridiculous. The high school in the neighboring town was opened last night as a shelter for anyone flooded out of their homes I am grateful to be up on a hill. The closest body of water is Little Elk Creek & it sits way below me, thank goodness.

              Treya, awesome on your 60 AF days

              Marshy, a few days of quality alone time can be good for the soul! R & R rocks!

              greenie, your river walk looks very nice indeed!

              jenny, the Hypno CDs helped me learn to relax without AL ~ try them! That was a really big deal for me!

              papmom, if I may........
              Don't take a job in an assisted living facility. They can be as depressing as nursing homes in many cases. Activity directors jobs can be a pain in the A$$. If the facility receives Medicare finds then you have to jump through all the hoops to meet the federal regulations......a real pain in the A$$ especially when you're working for minimum wage. I'm with M3 - something related to dogs/dog care would suit you

              OK, need to jump ino my mud shoes & make sure my chickens haven't floated away......

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily 8th September

                This is the river from the other side of the island.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily 8th September

                  hey guys,

                  Sorry I haven't been on lately, our house got struck by lightning and all of our equipment got pooched!!! But everyone is fine and no fire (thank god). Having to deal with insurance for computers, phones, tv's, printers etc. But it will all get sorted out - not too worried about it.

                  Treya - AWESOME JOB!!!

                  All right, gotta fly!
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF Daily 8th September

                    hidy ho ABeroooos!

                    Uni, we must be related somehow. Lighting hit VERY close to my bedroom last night scaring the living crap out of me and just now power is on. so far nothing seems damaged. yeeeeks!
                    sorry to hear your stuff got fried.

                    great pic's and posts everyone. gotta zoom

                    be well
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily 8th September

                      Hello Abbers-thank you so much for all your well wishes, support and affirmations. I am trying very hard to take it all to heart. Another piece of bad news I'm afraid-my refi application got denied because the appraisal did indeed come in about 4K less than what I owe. Not sure what my next move is at this point. My contact at the bank has been on vacation this week and is not due back until Tues. I have 14 days to accept or reject their counteroffer which I can't accept as it means at least 1K out of my pocket to cover closing costs. I'm going to let it ride until I can talk to him next week.
                      On a better note, I met with the other 2 members of my team for the class I will be teaching starting tomorrow. I have been able to "borrow" some documents from other more experienced instructors and spent the day editing them to reflect my class. They are now up on Blackboard which is a program that students and instructors use to communicate, store documents, write blogs and journals, keep up with announcements and store the grades. It's pretty cool and just what this techie likes. This class is part of a regular Chemistry class so the professor of the lecture/lab classes will also be helping me with the Seminar part of the course. My Peer Mentor is a junior science major who is also doing this for the first time but seems very laid back and not at all worried. He had to take the seminar class when he was a freshman too so he knows what the students like or dislike. I'm actually getting excited about this venture and it doesn't hurt that my boss is very much behind it and is excited for me. So score one for a light on the horizon.

                      Marshy-I wish I could fight for some compensation for this class but it's part of our contract that they can make us do this and we can't be paid for it. Part of being a state employee.

                      Uni!! OMG! I'm so glad it was only your electronics that got fried! Deter-you too! I truly know how scary microbursts can be. One landed a huge tree on my house in 1999. I hurt the crack but was in the basement so didn't feel anything. It wasn't until I went outside after the storm that I realized what had happened. Broke my bedroom window but I wasn't in it so that was lucky.

                      Treya-you go girl!! 60 days is super awesome!!

                      Greenie-those pics are just gorgeous!! I want to come live with you and doggie!! You have room for the 6 of us right? 2 baths????

                      Lav-I'll know more tomorrow about this activity assistant job. It's a place where people can go from independant apartment living to assisted living to nursing home. Not sure which population I'll be working with. how you doing today?

                      Jenny-great insight and I to used AL to relax as well as other reasons. You will find other ways to wind down-I promise!!

                      Deter-DX home tomorrow? Yippiee!! You should be very very proud of yourself kiddo!!

                      OK, almost time for Burn Notice and Suits where I can lose myself in fantasy for a couple of hours.
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily 8th September

                        ok, this is a bit odd. not every day you find a plant growing from the drain in the guest bathroom.

                        Dx is on her way now! soon my love will be back. sigh

                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily 8th September

                          Exactly what sort of plant is that Deter?
                          Maybe you should let it grow a while, then roll it up & smoke it :H :H Just kidding!!!

                          Had a busy, busy day! Did a bit of work, played mother, grandmother, cook & babysitter too
                          Just as well that I didn't have time to dwell on stuff.

                          Well it seems that the rain has stopped. I still have my AC on due to all this yucky humidity. I feel bad for the all the folks dealing with flooding in areas not too far away from me.

                          I'm getting creeped out hearing about possible terror attacks on 9/11.
                          We will never be able to completely relax, will we?

                          Have a good night all!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily 8th September

                            Hello All!
                            You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                            Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                              AF Daily 8th September

                              Hi everyone... I am so late today. Not really a good morning still. more of a good nite nurse!

                              First Greenie, thanks so much for posting pix of your river. It looks so cool and refreshing, and shady. Also not a big rushing one, but a lovely meandering one. No wonder you spend so much time there. I will try to post pix of the Columbia and Kootenay, that come together at my house.

                              Treya congratulations on sixty days, :goodjob: thats wonderful. If you can do 60 days you are well out of the really scary bits and onto the part where all you have to do is have a half a brain, I think. I still have thoughts but that is all they are, (almost 8 months for me now).

                              Pap, you are amazing. That is all. Its so wonderful to read about you getting enthusiastic about the extra work they gave you, they are SO LUCKY TO HAVE YOU. I hope they realize it. If not please send me an address, and I will have to come down there and make them read dead donkey postmortem reports. Or sort spruce samples. OUCH. (they hurt your hands).

                              Deter that there is a dicot, and it could be anything, at this point. Pretty cute pix, I have to say. It actually looks like a tomato seedling to me. Glad you escaped electrocution. That would kind of suck dont you think?

                              Jenny, you are what my dad called busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest. And you might even win, if you keep it up. I am amazed. Somewhere in there you wrote a paper? Whats in that Texas water? Send me some!

                              Lav I will be thinking of you and all my American friends on September 11. For sure. And remembering how it was this stunningly beautiful clear day, I will never forget it. Two days stay with me, JFKs assassination and 9/11 2001. I think I am dating myself with the first one. We were all sent home from elementary school. I had no one at home to let me in the house, so I sat on the front porch for the rest of the day. Thinking about JFK. Way off in south central BC, which is about as American as a Scottish croft is English.

                              Marshy, hope you are enjoying your week off and thinking good thougts. And that your brother comes round, cause do you think he will regret it if he doesnt come with you, your dad and sister??? Anyway, thats a tough one, isnt it?

                              M3.... is there such a thing as yoga for people with two hip replacements and ZERO flexibility in the hips and legs???

                              Special shouts out to IJM, DG, Uni, Bean, Bear, and anyone else that I missed....Love to you all.

                              Nothing special to report from my station.... had a day of painting the deck railings, driving to nelson to get help with an expense claim for the company I work for part time...shipping off stuff to adult kids, saves driving it out there, thinking of where I will take the boat this weekend.....peace. no terrorist nonsense, please. We are all together in solidarity on that one.


                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

