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AF daily - Friday, September 9th

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    AF daily - Friday, September 9th

    Hi again,
    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


      AF daily - Friday, September 9th

      Kas I love this stuff and haven't even begun to scratch the surface.

      I can't recall if I mentioned this. (so just ingnore me if I'm repeating!) One of the early people to make an argument for alcoholism as a disease (rather than a moral affliction) was Jellinek. He did studies and documented the progression of the disease. This chart shows Jellinek's work on the left side of the curve. The right side - the "recovery" side was added later.

      The interesting thing pointed out in class is that the average time lapse from the early phase of alcoholism to the chronic phase is 15 - 30 years. Obviously it happens outside of those ranges sometimes - but that is the norm. I know for me, the progression from early drinking (and signs of alcholism such as quick development of tolerance, and withdrawal, etc.) to showing signs of the early chronic stage was about 30 years.

      The recovery cycle - from beginning to comfortable maintenance is on average 3 - 5 years. That is YEARS. Not weeks or months as is sometimes expected, I think.

      Looking at it another way, our bodies and minds are very amazing considering we can heal in a fraction of the times it takes for all the damage to take it's toll.

      Those of you who have been having trouble sleeping should just read that one more time, and then send me a thank you note when you nod off and sleep peacefully until morning. :H

      Lav - When I am not wanting to open up an Illinios can of whoopass on YB, I feel sorry for him. He is so obviously missing out on a wonderful time of life with you and your children and grandchildren.

      May we all be safe on Sunday - and especially your son Lav.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF daily - Friday, September 9th

        X-Post Jenny!

        I think a brand new Friday evening ritual to replace the old one sounds like an excellent plan - indefinitely. Then in the future you will probably not only have yourself to "let down" by drinking but you will have your kids who are now looking forward to the new Friday ritual at DQ. I think it's a great plan.

        Can I be an honorary kid????????

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF daily - Friday, September 9th

          PS - I am personally going asleep to polygenetic inheritance tonight. zzzzzzzzzz......

          Kaz - you could probably teach that class.

          P3 - come out come out wherever you are. No more hiding. We use Blackboard for my on-line classes. I've been able to figure it out OK. I don't really like on-line classes though. I'm sure they will be a fact of life to some degree, but I"m going to minimize it as much as possible - decision made.

          Did I tell you guys I'm going for an Associates degree rather than just the Certificate? I'm hoping all the classes outside of the major will transfer so I don't actually have to take more classes. We shall see. Getting a degree will cut out some requirements for state certification down the road. I wonder if I will go to the graduation ceremony? That would be a first.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF daily - Friday, September 9th

            Aloha Friday ABerooooos in de AF haus!

            oh boy, the day I start smoking stuff that's growing from my bathroom sink is a dark day indeed

            DoggyGirl, I'm really enjoying learning the tidbits from your studies. I'm a techno learning geek by hobby. Speaking of which I've really become a fan of Dr William Davis the author of "Wheatbelly". the guy is really making some breakthroughs for our benefit. I have his podcast on Robb Wolf as well as some youtube vid's on the PALEO thread.

            Jenny, I hope you have enough icecream to share with the rest of us good job booting AL outta your car.

            Kas, what is that gorgeous flower picture of?

            well as you all may well imagine I'm just so very pleased to have my dear Dx back home in my arms. yaaaaaaaaay! woooooooo doggy! a weekend of relaxation, home cooked meals and ___________!

            I wish you all a holly jolly AF weekend
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF daily - Friday, September 9th

              I'm here I'm here! No more hiding for me!!

              Lav-huge hugs and prayers that your son stays safe in DC this weekend and that all this noise is just that.

              M3-I didn't realize you lived so close to the pentagon!! OMG. How horrible that must have been. :l Again, huge prayers that you and your family stay safe this weekend.

              Jenny-I want to be an honorary kid too on Fridays with you and your family!! DQ for dinner and dessert!! Yummmooooo!!

              Deter-so glad DX is back. I don't want to see you back on this site until sometime tomorrow ya hear???________________
              IJM-yes, you must do something special for the Mrs. That is all. I can't even comment on the other thing :H

              Uni-hope the ins. appraisal went well today. I wonder why you're having so many drinking dreams? Hope they end soon!

              M3-how did Yoga training go?

              DG-I suspected you had changed from the cert to the AA degree. Good on ya!! You have such passion for this subject. I just love tagging along!

              So, I taught my first class today and loved it!! I can't wait to start in on my speil for next week. Time management and study skills-this ought to be good coming from the Queen of Procrastination and Let's wait until the night before to study for the midterm and final!! Hoo Boy!

              I also had my interview for the Activity Assistant job and loved it as well! Its a small facility-privately owned and the activities they do for their seniors is phenomenal!! IT's in the Nursing Home part, not the independent or assisted living part but that's OK. I love the Director-she's so passionate and caring. I'll find out next Friday if I have the job or not. As you can imagine, in this economy she got tons of applications. Oh, and it pays $10/hr!! Whoo hoo!! She's also willing to be flexible with the nights I work so if I do get it, I'll be able to go back to agility class on Wed when I've saved enough money. Fingers crossed!!

              I am so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow (yea right!) and then going to my sis's delayed Labor Day party in the afternoon. finally a weekend of total relaxation!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF daily - Friday, September 9th

                yay Papmom, you sound in better spirits.

                Dx is napping so sneaking off for a quick post.

                in regard to the possibility of terror attacks this weekend, the only thing I can really advise is to practice the principle of rugged independence. in other words.... be ready to survive even the face of adversity.

                72 hours of water, food and needed medications in your vehicle.
                much larger supply of the above at home.

                and at least TWO functioning and tested flashlights. (if one goes out and your in the dark, how can you see to replace the batteries?). and then of course, extra fresh batteries.

                portable battery or crank-powered am/fm radio

                my personal list is a few hundred pages longer than this one but these are the essentials.

                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF daily - Friday, September 9th

                  P3, fingers are all crossed for the new PT job! You sound really excited about this direction so even if this one doesn't work out, maybe an area to explore further for PT or maybe more???

                  Det, You and Mr. Doggy would enjoy swapping survival readiness info for sure. How long do C-Rations last? (or whatever they are called now - updated from C-Rations) I wonder if they would be edible with a lot of added garlic?

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF daily - Friday, September 9th

                    Iv'e had C-rats go bad after about 15 years. and there's no resurrection for them!
                    I'm not sure how long MRE's last....have to read the packet I guess.
                    I prefer to make my own 'gourmet' survival food stores. beans and rices of many kinds, and then an assortment of canned meats and pickled veggies that I rotate throughout the year.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF daily - Friday, September 9th

                      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                      Everyday we choose the direction of change.

