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Saturday, September 10th

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    Saturday, September 10th

    Good Morning All,

    A quick check in before I head off to yoga teacher training. Last night was all about meditation, the history of yoga, and the connection between yoga and meditation. It was taught by a gentleman from India who is a neuroscientist. It was awesome.

    Jenny, I love your new Friday night plan!!

    Hmmm, I'm not sure whether I should escape to IJM's house or Det's house this weekend. Honestly though, I refuse to live my life in fear over potential terrorist attacks. The DC area is really ramping up though with all first responders like Lav's son working long shifts or around the clock.

    Can't wait for another day of training. I'm the oldest person in the class at the ripe old (young) age of 29.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!

    Saturday, September 10th

    momof3;1175829 wrote: Good Morning All,

    I'm the oldest person in the class at the ripe old (young) age of 29.

    We are ADAPTABLE!!! :yougo: Your studies sound so interesting. And I bet you are kickin' some young student booty! :weneedanasskickin'smilie:

    Mornin' fABbies!! Mr. Doggy left last night - he is tracking this morning for a "Tracking 2" title which is a Schutzhund 2 track, but he is not doing obedience or protection. His dog loves to track and they someday hope to go for an FH which is an advanced tracking title. (it's not just Greenies' X husband anymore LOL!)

    Jenny - so very proud of you for implementing your sober plan last night and prevailing!!!!

    Hello to everyone else. I am studying, then dashing to Macy's (today is one of their big sale days just in case anyone needs to know that!). I went there yesterday and bought a pair of shoes but decided I need to trade for a different color. Like I can afford the time or $ for this but oh well.

    One thing is for sure....I may be wasting money on more shoes today, but not AL.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Saturday, September 10th

      Good morning Abbers!

      I am happy to report that the sun is trying to break thru the chronic gloom out there :H

      M3, come straight to my house!!! You can hang out in cow country with me
      I am really, really praying for a peaceful day tomorrow for everyone!
      Isn't it weird being the oldest person in a class? I am sure you will do great

      DG, I have to travel back to my old hometown to get to a Macy's but I don't think it's in the cards for today. Enjoy yourself but don't lose control :H

      OK, time to get busy doing something useful around here.
      Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Saturday, September 10th

        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


          Saturday, September 10th

          Jenny-that was awesome! Thank you! I have to say that I commute to my job longer than what it would take you to get to Kurt's studio and it takes me longer to go to agility practice than that. 40 min is nothing girl!! If you want to get involved with his studio and classes, don't let the drive time stop you!! You are very lucky he is really "just around the corner"!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Saturday, September 10th

            Hello friends,

            Wow, you guys got busy on the boards here yesterday!

            Happy anniversary to IJM and his wife. My advice is to try out that new pool table and even a little oral____________________with no risk for STD's. (Just rinse your mouth with mouthwash if you're worried):H Sorry, couldn't resist. You can bet Det is all over that after not seeing his love for such a long time. sorry again

            Jenny, thanks for the story about burning man. Det talks about it every year. I'm going to have to check out some pics on google. Sounds like you did great last night! Ice cream always takes away any urges I have. Now I'm to the point I really need to seriously think about cutting out the sweet stuff or at least cut down.

            I hate to come on here with my petty problems so much, but you guys are always so willing to give me a different perspective on things. I am feeling a lot of anxiety for something that is going on with #1 son. I am so sick of thinking about it and worrying about it, but it won't go away. He is a fairly athletic kid, has a good build, lifts weights, etc. He has played football for 6 years now. Last year they had a new coach and he started the first game! Caught a pass even. He is not aggressive--and he holds back. I think that is what hurts him. After that first game last year, he played less and less, and towards the end he was maybe playing a minute or 2 towards the end of the games. (We haven't had a winning season in a few years now) He was quite discouraged last year, but after the last game the coach told him he just needed to get bigger, stronger and faster and he would for sure get some more playing time. So he decided to go out. I might add the coach treated him like crap (not just him) yelling, belittling, etc. A few of his friends (Better players than my son) did not go out. But my son did, he went to all the practices, morning, night, etc, etc. He played in the last 1 minute of the first game, and not at all last night. He stands on the sidelines (Just like the last 3 years in HS) and watches his friends and teammates play. He watches kids smaller than him in their first year of FB go in before him. Coaches ignore him. Last night they asked him if he would give his knee pads to a kid (Underclassman) that forgot his. So there was no way he could play. He started getting discouraged a few weeks ago, because it is obvious even in practice that he is not going to get a position on that team. I keep telling him to try harder, push yourself. And I'm not saying my son deserves to start, and that he gives even 100 percent--his ADD effects his abilities as well. But they don't talk to him, don't tell him what he needs to work on, just ignore him.
            I asked the coach a couple of weeks ago how my son is doing this year. He said "He is coming along". I said he was discouraged at times, he said "It shows on the field". I said, "You have a lot of influence over these boys" He said "I'm not just teaching them football, I'm teaching them how to be good people"...something like that.
            I know some of you can relate to how this feels as a parent. I feel so bad for my son. Last year he had to drop out of the drama team because he couldn't keep his grades up and practice One Acts and Basketball. Now he wants to quit football. A part of me hates the idea--I can't let him be a quitter. When the going gets tough, the tough get going right? Is this just another example of his laziness? Is he slacking so bad in practice that is the reason coach won't play him? If so, why didn't he tell me that? Of course I worry that he will have way too much time on his hands after school if he quits FB. What if he gets in trouble? But then again, what if he gets so discouraged and his self esteem goes lower and lower that he thinks "what the hell?" Oh, yes, and that other part of me that knows the other parents will think that he is just a loser for quitting and that is a reflection on us. Yeah, I know, but it's there.
            I am so sorry for dumping this all out here to you guys. Unfortunately, my son has made up his mind, and he is so stubborn that if I force him to stay with something he is miserable in, that will not benefit anyone. The good news is, he should have a job at a new restaurant starting in October. I hope that keeps him busy, otherwise he better be hitting the books. I hope this anxiety and feeling in my heart goes away. I have so much to do today, it is over whelming and I don't know where to start. but I better start somewhere. Thank you so much to those that got through this long post without a sandwich. :h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              Saturday, September 10th

              (((LVT and your son))). Now you know that I am not a parent, never have been but I spent 12 years on the FB field with college players. I saw all sorts of coaches and didn't agree with most of them but I had no say. All I could do was support the players on and off the field. I also saw my share of those kids who didn't play at all. some of them gave 200% on the field practice but never saw a minute of game time. Some of them only whined and ranted but didn't give their all in practice. Nothing you said to them made them see it was their own doing. Some kids didn't come back out for the team after the first year or 2, some stuck it out all 4 years and were just proud to be part of the team. My 2nd neph is an awesome hockey player-pretty much the best on the team. Treated like crap last year by the coach. Very disheartening. As far as I know he will play his last year. He's well liked by the team and that's who he plays for. I know it kills my sister to see him on the bench and she wants to say something so bad to the coach but knows she can't. She just isn't that kind of hockey mom.
              I personally don't believe kids should be forced to do something their heart is not in. I saw too much of that in my day of working the college teams. The kids who were only there because their parents wanted them to play. Some ended up with bad behavior, some didn't. your son can't work and play FB at the same time. It just isn't reality. If he's done the best he can but doesn't feel good about his efforts or how the coach treats him, I say screw what the other parents might think and let him make the decision. Working at the job might be the best thing that ever happened to him! Might teach him more teamwork and give him more self esteem than sports ever did. No, quitting in the middle of something isn't always the best or noble thing to do but he's overcome so much in the past year I think he needs to be given credit for making a well thought out decision (assuming he did look at all the pros and cons and if he didn't maybe you can help him make that list).

              I know how hard this is for you on so many levels. I hope you all can work something out so everyone feels good.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Saturday, September 10th

                Good morning folks. M3 enjoy your yoga teaching experience... DG, wish I could shop in Macys for shoes. We have about 2 shoe stores here. For 21 thousand people over 100 square miles = not enough shoe stores. And thanks re your comments yesterday on genetics. Its not a strong point for me though. The genetics of response to toxicology is not a huge part of what i do. Have a hard enough time sorting it out at the specific level.

                Lav have a great day. Perhaps you might like to help me paint my deck.

                Cross post with LV and Pap re football which I know zero about, but I do know that when kids put a lot of effort into something and they are losing interest and not doing as well as they used to or just dont feel cut out for it in a team sport, in my opinion its time to support thier decisions and encourage them to move into something that is more a single person or small competitive field sport, something they DO like doing, whether its golf, or running, or swimming competitively or skiing snowboarding what ever. LV you have GREAT kids, did you know that? Really wonderful boys. God I would have given anything to have boys like yours. I love my kids, but they have been challenging. As you know.

                Regarding Burning Man, I have read quite a bit about it. Here is my soap box statement of the forgive me if y'all are big Burning Man fans. I happen to not be. I love the idea of artists getting together. I love the experience of all that spooky stuff. However, I dont love the impact that burning substances and 40 000 people have for a week on a very sensitive wild desert environment has. I've read the impact studies, the garbage and residues left behind, despite the artists "leaving no trace behind" policy, the same can not be said for the people who do leave rather a lot of crap and waste behind. I live in a part of the world where festivals every year are held, and the lands where they are held are heavily imacted, wildlife gone, vegetation wasted, buried and half buried garbage etc. Burning man organizers claim no impact, but the area impacted is actually huge and has been for years. I guess I respect the beauty and wildness of the desert, and the idea of sticking a huge number of people for a week, dragging all this crap with them, and no matter what not taking EVERYthing back with them, trampling, noise, not to mention combustion of a bunch of toxins directly into the lungs of people attending, leaves me luke warm, if not desert cold. I guess I love the sage thrasher and the rock wren more than I can love some one setting fire to a painted sofa and releasing more furans and dioxin into the immediate lung capacity of a bunch of other art enthusists, out among the creosote bush and cacti. The orgs tell folks...plant trees to offset the toxic waste, and I just picture all the invasive species and disturbance this thing causes. So thats my rant. Sorry.


                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  Saturday, September 10th

                  hidy ho ABeroooos!

                  Mom3 I'd love to hear your teaching speaking, he sounds fascinating. does he have any youtube vids?

                  Jenny, my wife (DX) was 3rd in charge of the temple project at this year's BM and just got back a couple days ago. they are currently running the cleanup operation because sadly as Kas pointed out many of the visitors leave trash so the crew is stuck cleaning it up. if they leave just one singular piece of trash the BLM authorities can cancel their license for next year and shut the whole thing down, so they take it very seriously. I must say I've never seen such a huge bunch of people come, then go and leave no obvious signs but footprints. And just for the record you are NOT allowed to burn things such as couches there. if you will be arrested by the BM authorities and hauled off. (people do dumb things all over, what can I say). I've been to BM as a participant twice, and also been to the very same spot on the playa in the off-season as a recreational camper many times and you simply can't find the spot unless you have GPS. You can also walk until you literally die of thirst without finding a single form of flora or fauna or even a twig. the area is so featureless that it's bizarre. I agree that burning of the fuel and wood in the big structures must be causing some impact on the environment and I'd like to see an alternative to that.

                  off to exercise in the blazing sun (weeeeeee!)
                  then a film presentation by the Weston A Price foundation (my second film event with them this year).

                  too much fun to have AL in the conversation!

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Saturday, September 10th

                    Hi all - Jenny, thanks for sharing that!! I too am going to google up some pics. What an event! That was quite a write up, too.

                    LVT, as a kid who was pushed very hard in my sport, I would suggest letting your son make his own decision about it at this point. I truly don't see what is to be gained by forcing him to continue if he doesn't want to. Since you have the concern about what he will do with that time, why don't you ask him? Maybe he already has something in mind and if not, maybe choosing something else that you approve could be a condition? (drama club? part time job? etc.) There are SO many things in life to choose from. If I did have a child I think my hope would be that they enter adulthood realizing just how many possible wonderful choices are really out there. No reason not to find something you LOVE to do and are also good at.

                    That's my non-parent experience 2 cents anyway.

                    Hi Det, Kas, Lav, and all fabbies to come!!!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Saturday, September 10th

                      Good afternoon all!!

                      Tomorrow I officially start my job at the SPCA!!!!!!! Weeeeeee haaaaa!! We are doing a fundraiser called 'Paws for a Cause' that is in most major cities, provincial wide. It is a walk with or without your doggie that raises money for your local SPCA. I am sooooo fricken excited! OMG!:nutso: So excited.

                      Other than that, feeling really good. I have actually been feeling really good since the surgery. I hope to find out what the Pathologist says about my lymph node dissection on Monday. I haven't heard from the surgeon yet. Praying that it was a NEGATIVE for spreading. But, even if is positive, chemo will be the next step, and I am fine with that. I am a very happy camper these days, and have so much to live for that I will ensure the cancer will be destroyed and gone for good after treatment!!

                      Have a fabulous day everyone. I really should shower. It is 12:05pm and holy smokers have I ever been a lazy one today!!



                        Saturday, September 10th

                        AFM!!!! How wonderful to see you checking in and especially great to hear you sounding so happy!!!!

                        Thank you for your input guys. I had a long talk with son and then included hubby in it when he came in. I expressed my concern about the whole quitting thing. I don't want it to become his way. He can't just quit something because he doesn't like it. He doesn't have the passion for football, he never has. But he did have passion for basketball until last year when he mostly sat the bench. He plans to talk to his coach Monday morning, respectfully. He also will talk to the cross country coach about just training with them this year and going out for the team next year. Although he dislikes running, I think he might like this, not sure until he tries it. He also wants to work out and shoot hoops so hopefully he can do better in basketball this year. Our school does have a drama team which he did last year and was a complete disaster because it ran over into basketball season. Trying to do both and keep up with his studies landed him on the ineligible list. The good news is that was the beginning of us figuring out he had ADD.
                        Pap--I really hope he gets this job and likes it. You are right, I tend to try to keep the boys super busy to keep them out of trouble, and it is really hard for me not to make them do it all!! I really appreciate the advice and comments so much! I feel like the knot in my stomach has loosened and I can actually enjoy my weekend.
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          Saturday, September 10th

                          AFM, you are an inspiration. Wish everyone could have your attitude, well done.

                          Thanks for the info Det. I really appreciate it. I guess I have seen pix with vegetation in the background and I know there are wildlife there. OI have lists for the area. I actually have not been to that particular spot tho. I have also read that the garbage issue is a huge problem and its good that it gets picked up. I know there USED to be an issue with PVCs fabrics etc being burned and subseq VOCs etc. I guess before I criticize I should show up. But I hate crowds. Its a very interesting idea, for sure.

                          What DG said, LVT. It pays to be positive around teenagers, I think. And know what, when it comes to sports I think yes you can quit something if you dont like it. There I have said it.

                          Well back out to the deck sanding with knee pads and a wrist brace. And a stool to get up and down. Athritis sucks when it comes to DIY projects!!!

                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            Saturday, September 10th

                            Just buzzing in for a quick check in. Thanks for the anniversary well wishes. 23 years and she still puts us with me! What made this another good day? Roll Tide! Alabama is looking great this year on the field…. (yes, I am a product of that fine institution of learning… )

                            Got up very late today. I took my boys out to dinner last evening and then the midnight movie. “Contagion” was released yesterday and I have this thing about virus movies. No zombies in it though! When I finally got up, Mrs. IJM and I took out shopping for stuff on the billiard room project. Got a really nice fixture to go over the pool table and some other accessories. The pool dude is coming tomorrow to professionally level the table and re-felt it with a camel colored felt. We painted the room hunter green so it should look pretty decent. My oldest is picking up ceiling speakers for the audio. If everything works out, it should be completed by next weekend.

                            Not much else going on. Had a huge steak for dinner. Think me and my bride are just gonna watch a movie at home and relax. After 23 years, we just don’t get that wild! Certainly no Al or oral STD’s for me!

                            Have a great evening all!


                              Saturday, September 10th

                              Happy Anni IJM!
                              If I was still counting it would have been 38 years on June 30.

                              AFM, I'm very happy for you & I hope you love your new job

                              LVT, as a survivor of two teenagers, one with ADHD I just want to say this......
                              Kids interests change as they go thru high school. What interested them in 9th grade has absolutely no meaning to them in 11th or 12th. My son was fairly uncoordinated during his younger years & trying to interest him in sports was useless. He was interested in music though so he did well with years of trumpet & guitar lessons. Scouts helped keep him off the streets!!! And his biggest interest ended up being the local fire company. He had to toe the line there & attend all the safety schools & he did. He held that interest through high school & college working in Wildwood, NJ during his summers. Then of course he decided to make a career of doing what he loved the most.
                              If your son want to quit FB, let him quit but encourage him to try something new - maybe non-sports related. Volunteer firefighters &EMTs all start out as teenagers

                              Kaslo, I hope you didn't hurt yourself working on your deck today. I did finally get my butt in gear & did some cleaning, food shopping, cooking, entertained my DIL & grandsons for dinner, etc.
                              Now I just want to SIT!

                              Hello to jenny, Deter, DG & everyone who stopped in today
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

