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AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

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    AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

    Hey All

    I so nearly said 'Hey AL, c'mere' this morning... Fought off some strong cravings and FORCED myself (because I really wasn't hungry and my brain was telling me that I really really wanted to have some AL) to eat some protein. It helped. For now. Feel like I'm hanging on by my fingernails.

    Not feeling mentally strong about this and that is really scaring me as I know I have to be. I am trying to make plans to keep me busy and out of the house as one of the things that I hate about this addiction is how it isolates me. I am leaving this town after 3 years here in 3 weeks time and I desperately want to make it the best send -off but I've been letting friends and colleagues down all over the place lately.

    Does anyone have any good resources or links to articles on 'Living with an addict' or 'How to help addicts'? I had a brief conversation with my boyfriend about it last night. I asked him if he wanted to ask me anything because he says he will help me but mostly he just looks at me with a sympathetic expression and doesn't say anything. He has never been in this situation before and I think, simply doesn't know what to do. I am finding it hard to deal with 1) my addiction 2) worrying about his reaction to it. I would like him to reassure me that he's not going to leave my life (our romantic relationship will come to an end when I leave the country but I still want his friendship).

    I find myself playing the victim around him and becoming super needy for his support and reassurance and it pushes him away because all that emotional stuff gets too uncomfortable for him. And then I start on my own pity party and decide he just can't wait to be shot of me and quite rightly, because who would want to be with an addict...blah, blah, blah and then somewhere in the midst of all that I will reach for the bottle and the whole saga starts all over again.

    Maybe I'm missing the point. I had this problem loooooooooong before I met him and I need to stop waiting for some saviour and just suck it up and deal with it. Myself. And stop looking to someone for support who doesn't know how to (as caring and well intentioned as he is) and come here instead where people DO understand and DO know how it is.

    Phew! Feel better to get that off my chest. Thanks for reading.

    DG: I liked what you wrote about our determination to 'win' when we just can't. Just made me remember that scene in Pulp Fiction where Brad Pitt is so stoned he can hardly speak but he tries to tell the visiting heavies that he's going to kick their butts. It's so pathetic it's almost funny. Not when you're the stoned/drunk one though.

    Lav: I am going to think about switching the stakes on the stubborn front. Perhaps it is a gift after all.

    Kas: I am hoping to float the river tomorrow. One last time...I hope the water is still high enough. A beautiful plan that I must remain sober for to enjoy.

    Wooo....sorry for the massive ramble. I need to 'connect' somewhere today and this is probably the best place I can do that.


      AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

      Bean, I think you picked a great spot to connect and express what you are feeling right now.

      Alanon is a great support group for those who love us to learn more about our addictions, and how best to support us without enabling us. IMO there is something very special about interactive support that a self help book, etc. can never provide.

      Your post reminded me of the emotional roller coaster I rode for a long time. Even after I first got sober I "stuffed that" and didn't want to deal with it. For the last couple of years I've been exploring a lot of that underlying stuff - my baggage if you will. It's been a good process. Couldn't get any growth underway while I was drinking, that's for sure.

      Lav - thanks for that link!!! I've started collecting some articles and things in a computer folder that might be of use for my term paper, and your contribution is in there!!!!!

      Mr. Doggy had a really bad trial experience yesterday with his dog. He's left with some complicated decisions about where to go next with his training efforts. I'm finding myself hoping that maybe he takes a break from the current routine so he and I can spend a little more weekend time together. That sorta came out of nowhere! (my emotion about it)

      Anyway....I can't imagine how my mind (not to mention my mouth) would be handling this if I was shit faced.

      Until tomorrow my friends...

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

        Greetings Fabbies!

        Bean, i'm sure you know about our

        But it's a thread we can't read enough of i reckon. Hang in there, and tomorrow is another NEW day.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

          Greetings Fabbies!

          You've probably all gone to bed.......

          Bean, i'm sure you know about our

          But it's a thread we can't read enough of i reckon. Hang in there, and tomorrow is another NEW day.

          Have a peaceful, reflective, and quietly energising week all.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

            Bean-you must hang in there and be strong. You can't let this horrid beast beat you. If you were starting at 7am you have no choice but to quit and stay quit if you want to live. Whatever help you need to conquer and understand this addiction you must get. I will really worry about you when you move since it sounded like you're moving to a brand new country? Would you like to expand on that and how it makes you feel? :l

            Hey Mr. G!! Always good to see you. Any new CDs available??

            DG-I have a friend who has a dog that could just care less about agility. This person's ego seems to be really wrapped up in doing well in this sport and she is way too worried about what people think when her dog just sits there or goes exploring in the ring. I know she knows that she shouldn't be doing agility with this dog but her whole ID seems to be about being a perfect trainer and agility. It's very sad. I'm not saying Mr. Doggy is like that but I don't think taking a break is such a bad idea. Of course if they had just one bad weekend out of many good ones then chalk it up to the handler not being on or in the moment. I know I would find it very hard if all of a sudden DD decided he didn't love agility anymore. But for me, I would find something else for him to do because I want whats best for him. Good thing I'm not a breeder of agility dogs-I'd go broke with that attitude!! :H I hope in the light of a new day things look brighter for Mr. Doggie and his buddy.

            Det-the sign and float are perfect!! Sign me up!!

            Kas-hope you feel better tomorrow after some well deserved rest!

            Greenie-wow, your evening sounded divine!! If I wasn't underwater in my mortgage I might seriously consider moving down there!!

            today was a lazy morning, followed by cleaning and then Pet Rock up the street at the community college (where I could have been working by now). It's a Fair devoted to raising money for rescues and shelters. Not as much giveaways as in years past which is sad but lots of gorgeous dogs to see and meet. My Mickey was pretty reactive to most of the dogs we passed which is unusual for him. I guess he is getting old. :upset: I only wanted to stay 2 hours and we stayed 4 so I guess we had fun!!

            The plan to go down to Maryland next Saturday so my friend can pick up a new older Border Collie is still on. Not sure how I feel about that but I promised to drive so she didn't have to haul 9 dogs down there and stay overnight in a rest area. I'm really hoping that when she calls the owner this week the dog is no longer available. I'm a horrible person for wishing that but honestly, she needs another dog like I need another pair of flip flops!!

            Ok, rant over. it's early still but I'm tired and want to hit the hay at a reasonable hour.

            Nitey nite!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

              Welcome back bean! Maybe it will come easier if you can decide to "play for keeps". You might look at that thread in just starting out - "What's your Sobriety Plan?"

              Gotta run - making a quiche. Didn't use a recipe - that is SO ulike me!!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

                Hi Ho!
                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                  AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

                  Papmom, you sound so good and chipper. yay! love the 'tude.

                  ok just saw the movie Thor and it was better than we expected. recommended in fact.

                  ok, have a stove calling me

                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

                    Good evening Dudes ?

                    I am about as tired as one can get. The IJM man cave is nearing completion. Thought I?d share where I am so far. Now just have small things to do (wire in the ceiling speakers, box in some wiring?.

                    Headed to bed. I'm BEAT!

                    Have a great night all!


                      AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

                      BE-U-TI-FUL IJM!! The choice of the beige felt was brilliant!! It might be your man cave but any woman would be comfy hanging out there. Nice job! Like the aquarium too. I'm assuming your fish tend to live? Would you give me some tips?

                      Jennie-I'm a tad jealous about your 8-9 hours of sleep every nite. Must be an age thing....
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

                        Hey, me again. It's so nice to be able to pop in and out of here all day.

                        Yes, I am thinking (know) that this time needs to be for real. I get it. I really do. But the doing of it is another matter as we all well know.

                        That said, Papmom, I was reading some of your recent posts today and what a hard time you've been having lately and am in GREAT admiration of your firm commitment to being AF, despite everything. Nothing is hard in my life right now - I have been making it hard and stressful for myself by indulging in such destructive drinking that it's interfered with my work, social life and relationship (again). So if you can stay off it through these times, I can too. For today anyway. No AL for me tonight.

                        Re my move country - I am actually moving back to England (home) after 3 years studying in Canada. I plan on moving somewhere near to my parents. My brothers and sister (and kids) live nearby too and I am ready to have some family connection and support around. They all think I have quit anyway because I told them I had earlier this year....when I had. They don't know I have lately gone back to my old ways. The thought of going home and being a drunken mess again is too awful to think about. I know they would be devastated. So added incentive to get myself sorted out again and back to AF. I think that's kind of what prompted my latest binge though - trying to 'fit it in' before I go home.

                        You know, every time I write on here it's like having a mirror reflect back how retarded our thinking is when we drink. I gasp sometimes at the things I come out with because they sound SOOOOO stupid but when you're drinking, it all seems to make sense. In my sober head I like to think I'm quite intelligent!!

                        Hope everyone had a good Sunday. Mine's been the best one for a few weeks, that's for sure.

                        After seeing Deter's Garlicmobile and IJM's bat cave, I want to stay on this side of the pond. Booo.



                          AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

                          Sorry, IJM's man cave not bat cave!! Same same but different?


                            AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

                            Very nice man cave indeed IJM

                            Bean, it is the right time for you to settle down & just accept the fact that (like us) you just can't drink anymore. You have lots of company here, you'll never be alone

                            A huge T storm is waging war outside my windows at the moment so I really should sign off & say G'night!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

                              bat MAN cave. close enough! LOL Bean, you sound intelligent to me and I like that you sound like you have your last binge behind you. I thought that many times, but you know... eventually there really is a last one.
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)


                                AF Daily ~ Sunday Sepr. 11

                                Lav, time to switch the kite string from wire, to cotton. hope you get some rest through the thunder!
                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

