I don't know if I'm developing ang curves but I do know my joints are beginning to loosen up & I find that amazing

I just started reading 'The Hormone Diet' by Natasha Turner ND.
She writes about a 3-step program to help you lose weight, gain strength, and live younger longer! Basically this is done by eating & taking appropriate supplements where needed to balance all of your hormones. The is for men & for women. balancing your hormones helps boost your metabolism

Marshy, sorry Saturday was so hard on you! Glad you got thru OK! The countryside pic is perfect.
Kaslo, I'm another one who spent years kidding myself about the effects of AL. God knows I took care of plenty of patients with end stage liver & kidney disease. Did I really think I was immune?

Just in case anyone else is avoiding dairy like me -
Yes, you can make delicious Kennett Square Mushroom soup replacing the half & half with almond milk - YUM
