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Drink Tracker!

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    Drink Tracker!

    Morning all

    Just filled in drink tracker this morning and, looking at the remainder of the month, there's only 10 more days to go! Regards abstaining/getting through, that doesn't seem too insurmountable just on its own, but what a lot of stress and anxiety these next 10 days are going to be for (nearly!) everyone. It looks good just to focus on the calendar like that, ah, but were it so simple...!
    My real tests begin tomorrow... my partner comes home, birthday, Christmas, etc, and all we've ever done is drink! I know I feel different.. but anyway, that's tomorrow and if, no NOT IF, when I get through today, that'll be 40 days AF!! Quite surreal. Before I looked back on my life wanting to recapture it and pining, but now I look back and think what a waste getting drunk all the time! So perhaps that'll give me motivation not to waste what I have discovered. Life can begin at ...well, who's counting, 37 sounds good, I'll stick with that for a wee while
    Have a great day everyone and if you're heading away for holidays, I hope everyone has a enjoyable time, no guilt, recriminations or regrets, just love and laughter.
    BTW weewhateverwe'recallingourselvestoday, no trees left!! Got a gum tree and a casuarina tree; thought they'd impart a nice scent in the house and the black cockatoos love the casuarinas.
    The only way is Up....