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AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

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    AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

    Up and at 'em fABbies!! It's MONDAY!! I love the start of a new week these days. Monday = HOPE and OPTIMISM for me.

    What are you grateful for today? My gratitude list is really long but a few things that are particularly on my mind right now are:

    * I am grateful that somehow by the grace of the universe I was able to stop drinking.
    * I am very grateful that today I have my health and my family.
    * I am grateful for this optimistic and hopeful state of mind.
    * I am grateful for all of you who help me in a multitude of ways each and every day.

    Well, it's a start.

    I've got lots of studying to do today but I think I will also take a break and head to a women's AA meeting that I haven't been to in a very long time. I need to find a new sponsor as Sister is not really up for it any more with her health issues, etc. I've been dragging my feet.

    Tomorrow is my first midterm. :egad:

    One thing is for sure. My life with AL was hell and I'm not going back there today.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011


    What a great way to start off a Monday!

    I am grateful for waking up clear-headed and hopeful.
    I am grateful for a sense of peace and well-being
    I am grateful for all of you here who still remembered me even though I was away for a while.

    Have a great Monday everyone!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

      Hi DG,
      Re your gratitude list - I could not have put it better myself and so I won't! Take it as read that all of the above apply to me too.
      You asked when I was leaving Italy. The answer is on Thursday. Been here just under 3 weeks. All business attended to. Only had a few blips at the beginning but otherwise have not thought too much about booze even though surrounded by fine wines. I have been turning my attention to all the other beautiful things I see instead.
      Just want to say that I love your posts DG. Keep 'em coming!
      X Treya
      AF since 11 July 2011
      You can never get enough of what you don't really want


        AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

        Morning DG and others to come!

        I am grateful that I am sober and that thoughts of AL no longer occupy my mind even when I am stressed.

        Like today. I swear my 10 year old is PMS'ing even though she is no where close to hitting puberty. I am feeling quite overwhelmed this morning. However I do have my appt with my therapist today and I am looking forward to that. I have a lot of venting that I need to do. I think that I need to put my daughter to bed earlier as she is just miserable lately.

        I am tired, didn't sleep well. Today I will be going to my therapist, and then a little bit of cleaning and tonight my hubby and I are having a date night. We are just going to veg out and watch a movie and cuddle. Which is what we need badly.

        Okay, that's it for me for now. Must get the kiddie off to school so I can have a little time to myself before my appt.

        Have a great AF day folks.

        Bean, hugs. Hope you are feeling better today.

        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

          Hi Jolie,
          Our posts crossed. Welcome back and have a great Monday AF
          AF since 11 July 2011
          You can never get enough of what you don't really want


            AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

            Hi Uni,
            Our posts also crossed. We're all at the pcs at the same time!
            I had a daughter with early PMS. She was 11. Vitamin B6 with magnesium for the two weeks cured her symptoms beautifully.
            AF since 11 July 2011
            You can never get enough of what you don't really want


              AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

              Good morning Abbers!

              I am grateful every day to wake up clear headed, guiltfree & just plain happy

              Had a wonderful weekend & spent a lot of time with my kids & grandkids.
              Lily was so good at her christening yesterday. I wonder if she actually knew it was her party :H

              I'm off to Curves now then plan some outside work - hopefully. Things are looking shaggy around here, what can I say?

              Greetings to the busy DG, my neighbor Jolie, the traveling Treya & Uni!
              Uni, I remember dealing with the same stuff when my daughter was 10......wishing you strength

              Have a great AF day one & all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

                Hiya Fabber's!

                Wishing everyone a great day with plenty of lovin', whatever that means to you!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

                  Hiya Fabber's!

                  Wishing everyone a great day with plenty of lovin', whatever that means to you! :h


                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011


                    Thanks for the start, DG! I'm grateful for everyone, everything and me. Midterm already?!?!

                    Lav... that's the sweetest piccie ever!

                    Jolie, nice to see you!

                    G, :h

                    LVT, without reading back... pay attention to D3, OK?

                    Uni, hope your mood picks up - maybe a bit of exercise today?

                    Treya, safe travels on Thursday... where are you going after Italy?

                    Fabulous weekend for moi! Wonderful birthday dinner with family at resto in a restored house on historical registry. It was so nice to feel such connection with them. Yesterday went to out to brekkie with them and then to church. It was the big church extravaganza. Beautiful building, huge pipe organ, choir, all that. Organized religion is interesting to me. After that I jumped in the car and headed to the amusement park. WOW! Perfect temp, overcast and NO crowd! You wouldn't believe the number of times I rode in the first seat with about a 10 minute or less wait. Sometimes I just walked up and got on! I rode for 4 1/2 hours only taking a break to suck down a huge coke when I got a little tired. I only left because some friends had called that morning to ask me to meet them at a resto near my house where the chef was going to prepare some crabs they were bringing back from the beach. I drove straight there from the coasters and those ginger scallion crabs were the best I have ever eaten. Doing all those things AF is SO nice. There was no bothering with navigating the pre-dinner drinks, the dinner's free flowing wine, after dinner drinks, the stash in the car at the amusement park, jumping in on the beers at dinner. IF I even went to the events in the first place! What freedom it truly is!

                    Have a marvelous monday!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

                      Top O the Monday ABadingos!!

                      I'm grateful for:

                      Doggygirl FedEx'ing me a nice little dog
                      IJM rewiring my house
                      Lav sending me the 200lb zucchini
                      Treya sending a private jet to take me to Italy

                      hahahaha ok now...

                      I'm grateful that I found a way out of the elevator ride to the depths of alcoholism.

                      that my depression has been about 98% resolved just by being AF

                      that my lovely wife is so supportive of me

                      that I've made so many great and supportive friends here at MWO

                      that I have my health


                      be well friends
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

                        What I am grateful for today:

                        1. Another unhung morning
                        2. My family
                        3. My MWO friends
                        4. My job
                        5. My PT job which I'll be starting on Wed if my ex doctor gets the physical form to them in time!
                        6. My dogs
                        7. My safe marathon road trip on Saturday (except for the short journey the wrong way on a one way road. Why are these cars blowing their horns at me??? Oh, crap.)
                        8. Having no events planned yesterday so I could rest and recuperate. Wish that had worked - It sucks being 29!
                        9. The gorgeous fall weather!

                        I could go on and on! Treya-please tell-where are you off to after Italy?

                        LVT-If you're feeling a little tired, no wonder! I nominate YOU to be the grown up version of EB-you just keep going and going! I'm so impressed with your son and his decision making this weekend. I hope XC turns out to be a good activity for him. Not everyone is cut out for team sports and I can't think of anything better than running for miles in beautiful fall weather and crossing the finish line. Sigh, some day I'll be able to do that.

                        LAV-OMG that picture was precious! YOu MUST get it framed!! Lav, I just knew we were not that far from you on Sat. I could feel your presence somehow. Had we been able to stay over I would have insisted on a detour. You never know, we might head back down there sometime in the next year and if we do, we will NOT do a one day trip!! If I can afford it, I would love to do a 3 day weekend and make it over to you and antique country.

                        UNI-oh gosh, good luck with your daughter and her early PMS. I didn't know there was such a thing but I suppose it can happen. I know you were only kidding but you never know!!

                        Greenie! What a fab weekend you had! You actually LOVE rollercoasters?? Couldn't get me on one even at gunpoint!!

                        Hi G :h

                        DG-I'll take that bet! Good luck on your Midterm. Does seem a bit early?

                        IJM-truthfully now, how many times did it really take you to figure out it was the on/off switch cutting out the internet!! :H

                        Hey Jolie-welcome back!! Please stay close!!

                        OK all, I've procrastinated enough this morning. Back to work!! :b&d:
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

                          Hello again everyone! Good to see the regulars and you too Jolie! Hey - where is Jenny? And Doglvr? We need to round up our missing.

                          Midterm is in the class that is 3 hours, but only 1/2 the semester. Accelerated pace like a summer session. Then I have a different 3 hour class in that same time slot with that same teacher for the back 1/2 of the semester. Strange way to do it, but there it is.

                          OK - back to the books.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

                            Back again!

                            Watching Lily right now - her parents are cleaning out their rental house & will be moving back to the homeland later today. I am trying real hard to not be a baby about this
                            My TUT message today actually said: 'Don't cry because it's over. Be happy that it happened'.
                            Very timely message for me.......pulling on my BGPs right now.

                            Greenie, the last time I went on a roller coaster I came off puking my brains out& NO I wasn't drinking :H
                            So happy people can actually enjoy those things!!!!!

                            DG, back when I first started at Penn State they were still on the trimester system which was great! Prevents you from getting bored I think.

                            papmom - next time we'll figure something out

                            Deter, I will put you on my list for a 200 lbs zucchini every year from now on

                            Lily is napping, should do something productive I suppose!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily - Monday September 19, 2011

                              last time I rode a rollercoaster was at 6 flags over Georgia in 1993. the night before I had drank 3 bottles of wine on my own. needless to say that was an unpleasant day. I'm glad I was young or I'd probably have had a freaking heart attack.
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

