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September Sanctuary-Week 3

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    September Sanctuary-Week 3

    Good Monday Morning September Friends,

    I accidentally posted this in the General Discussion Forum...thanks for calling it to my attention, Papmom!

    I am writing you from lovely Montgomery, AL. I am starting my week with happy thoughts of an absolutely fantastic AF celebration as my niece got married last Saturday. The ceremony was nice and brief, in a beautiful Catholic church on the East side of the city, and the reception was at a lovely club overlooking Lake Michigan. The food was fantastic, and I danced the night away with every one of my brother's friends. My brother is 8 years older than I am and his friends have doted on me since I was little. So, after not seeing many of his friends in more than 25 years, we all reconnected and had a great time. I did not crave AL, only water as we were dancing as if we felt (not looked) like we were on DWTS. We've never had a problem with people getting unruly/obnoxious at one of our family weddings so we were lucky once more. One of my brother's closest friends gave me a huge hug and said my brother had been so worried about me (when I was drinking) because he loved me so much. He said he thought I looked really good. I told him and his wife that there was no way I would go back to that dark, scary place.

    Lav-Lily is absolutely gorgeous with those big blue eyes....and your daughter looks so happy there. Hmmm....YB made an appearance? Well, I hope you had a laundry list of chores for him to finish.

    Jolie-you sound so positive and it's so good to hear you have your resolve back. Let us know if we can help you in anyway....or just vent....we're good for that, too.

    Papmom-when do you start your new PT job? No, I can't get rid of my PIA client...not for 2 more's just how this industry is. I can't change him so I have to learn how to handle him better. I envy you making that 18-hour trip....ugh, if I have to drive more than 5 hours, I fly.

    Rustop-you asked about my weight loss...well, after trying the HCG $$$$ Diet (don't RARELY works), my doctor put me on Phentermine....a diet pill. You can't get it off the internet...I check in with her once per month and get my refills. It really does suppress my appetite without making me gittery. I have been very happy with the results. Like you, despite exercising....the food this summer seemed to taste way too delicious.

    Big hugs and hello and welcome backs to Sped and Jolie....and "I'll be folllowing the Packers this season" to SD. Congrats again SD and Sped on 90 days. Healing thoughts to Dew, soothing thoughts to Chill, Star, Cyn and LBH-come out, come out!

    Well, I have a lot of work to do before I see my nice consulting client :-). Have a great AF Monday!


    September Sanctuary-Week 3

    Good morning Rusty & everyone!

    Happy unhung Monday
    Glad you had a nice time at the wedding Rusty!

    Don't have much biz lined up yet this week but I'm hoping for some. In the meantime I will get my big blue butt to Curves this morning then back home to get busy with some outside work done while it's still reasonably cool.

    Wishing everyone a great AF day!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      September Sanctuary-Week 3

      Week three: and it?s been a day when I?ve had to pull on my big girl pants up very tight :grannypants::grannypants::grannypants: Well I got through it and the family got through it and we are all feeling a bit exhausted. I?m going off for a bath and to get tucked up in bed. I?ve an early start tomorrow so I?m off to bed with a book; I?ve taken my melatonin so hopeful for a good sleep tonight. I was awake much of last night at 3am, 4am and gave up and rose at 5am.

      I?m thinking of going away for the weekend for a break, will see what I can sort out. I've just eaten a tub of clotted cream and honeycomb icecream and I feel a bit sick :egad:uch:

      Dewdrop :h
      Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


        September Sanctuary-Week 3

        Oh Dewdrop.
        Glad you stopped in after your rough day :l
        I hope you rest tonight, you certainly deserve a good night. Wouldn't it be great to get away for a few days? Hope you can work it out.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          September Sanctuary-Week 3


          Sounds like you had a great time at that wedding - so nice that you had all those friends of your brothers to dance with! Older brothers and their friends always seem to have a way of looking after their younger sisters! I went to a wedding on Saturday as well and sat back and watched as some of my friends got more and more wasted. It's always good to be on the side that's looking on from a sober point of view!

          Lav - I've got to go back and look for that picture! Hope my good ole dial up will support it! I used to go to curves many years ago and I loved it! It was quick but you really felt like you got a good workout. There aren't any close by anymore.

          Dew - hope you get a good nights rest and getting away might be a nice idea for you right now. Hope it works out for you.

          Well, I'm off to make some phone calls, pack lunches, maybe watch a little of whoever is playing tonight (I live for football) and then heading to bed - tired but sober and looking forward to waking up in a peaceful frame of mind again tomorrow morning.

          Good night all.
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            September Sanctuary-Week 3

            Jolie, we HAVE GOT TO get your cable internet :H
            I only have to go 8 miles to get to Curves believe it or not! There's not a damn thing of any interest around here (except cows & corn) I do like going & I hope it helps get my metabolism kick started & help my poor bones.....
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              September Sanctuary-Week 3

              Hello Everyone!!
              Well the weekend was wonderful!!!!! (minus both the Twins and Vikings games we were at the teams!!!) At the baseball game my son went down to stand by the field where the players warm up and 3 players came over to him and signed his baseball cap....then one of the guys threw him the ball he was warming up son was beaming the rest of the game!!! The football game was a different story...we had Drunk McJerk-Off sitting behind us who swore nonstop...F this, F that....not to mention the beer he would spill on us, laugh, not apologize and keep on going at it....finally it got so vulgar, about 5 minutes into the 3rd quarter I turn around and yell at him....only to have him yell back...AND GET THIS....his FATHER then yells at me to turn around and mind my own business....I lit into him too. The "mom/wife" had to come simmer her son and husband down and threaten to separate them if they didn't stop. I threaten to get security...which I should of done long before.....oh well....another reason I'm so glad I don't drink!!!! One--people are idiots and Two--if I WOULD HAVE been drinking, God only knows how bad that scene could have got...instead I remained in charge, those two idiots continued to rant and rave, fight with their wives and girlfriends and pout the rest of the game (along with heckle me, but never did I give them the time a day again...which pissed them off so much!!):H

              Anywhooooooooo.......Chill...besides your Ex-factor...I'm glad you are enjoying your time with your friends and being back "home". It truly sounds like thats where your heart is! I wish I knew where my heart belonged...I know its not here anymore!!

              Lav--WOW!! Your Lily is beautiful!!!!! Absolutely a photogenic little girl!!! And I know you've said her name before...but when you see her face with the name....her beautiful face matches that name!! :h

              Jolie--:lFriend, another football lover...yea!!!! (I didn't catch which team you like to cheer for!?) LOL!!

              Rusty--Awesome job on your weight loss!!! I've never heard of the Rx your doctor has you on...sounds pretty good...especially if you aren't feeling all jittery!! Yea--and I can see why not many people stick with the Vikings....really??? 17-0 at the half and you find a way to lose with 31 seconds left in the game...c'mon?!! 20-24!! OUCH! How'd GB do...oh yea...that's right...THEY WON....AGAIN!!!!:thumbs:

              Pap3--18 hour drive!!!! You are an amazing friend!!! It's only a 5 hour drive into the cities and I have to stop twice to stretch....(and I pretty much complain for about 3 hours of it...."my hips...charlie horse in my calf"....I'm a ton of fun to take car trip with!!! LOL!!!! HA!!! Although, the place your friend got that dog sounded so gorgeous!! Wow!! Nothing like the places around here...that's for sure!!

              Dew--I think you are right...a mini-getaway is exactly what you need!! Take care of yourself!!

              Rustop--WONDERFUL JOB being in your 4th month AF!!!!!! :yay:

              I better get some rest everyone else...a very warm hello!!! Speed--thought about you on the 18th!!! ((yea us!!!))
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                September Sanctuary-Week 3

                Hi guys - hope you don't mind me popping into your lovely thread. As I live in the future, I can see that the 20th is Chill's Birthday.

                Have a wonderful day, Chill and may your year be calm.


                  September Sanctuary-Week 3

                  Good morning everyone

                  :welcome:Tawney and thanks for stopping by. Love seeing new faces and thanks so much for reminding us that it is our Chill's Birthday. Happy Birthday Chill. Wish I could do nice graphics.

                  Dew - Hope you got some sleep. I am glad that you are getting away for the week-end. I know you are there for your son and DIL but you need to take care of yourself too. Lots of cyber hugs.

                  I had to drop my hubby's glasses into him yesterday as he was travelling so I went into the city for a mooch around. I find it so strange having all this time to myself. Not complaining though, I enjoyed it.

                  Hi to everyone I did not mention and have a great day.



                    September Sanctuary-Week 3

                    Good morning all....

                    I am struggling with work, we are really slow and I worry about money....still glad I quit the old job though. It is hard at this time of year with the rain and cold.

                    Dew, take care of yourself and you will get through this difficult time.

                    Lav, Lily looks like you!! She is absolutely darling. YB just comes around when it is convenient for him. Whatever, right?

                    Rustop, how lovely to have some time to yourself after your busy summer. Enjoy.

                    Jolie and Rusty, so glad you both enjoyed your wedding AF. It is amazing how any event is so much better when AF, yet for some reason we are deluded we need something more to have fun! This site gives us clarity and understanding that all we need is ourselves, we are all pretty wonderful.

                    SD, how horrible to have drunken fools at your football game. Hope you had some fun.

                    I am forcing myself to exercise today, then get on the computer for some business. I will clean up a little, then head on into work. Struggling to keep my spirits up today.

                    Chill, Happy Birthday, hope it is great.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      September Sanctuary-Week 3

                      Morning everyone,
                      Happy birthday, Chill. Hope you have a wonderful day. Are you still in Portugal?

                      Lav, I ditto what everyone has says about Lily. She's beautiful.

                      SD, I too have experienced drunken fools at professional sports games. Best not to confront them; they can be dangerous. Congrats to both of us on our 90 days. I'm curious about how you ended up in a little SD town.

                      Rustop, are both of your girls out of the house? It took me a long time to work through the empty nest issues. And alcohol did not help at all.

                      Star, sending you some southwestern positivity. Definitely get some exercise in. Those endorphins can really help.

                      I'm in a good place these days despite fallout from my DWI. Not substitute teaching right now. Tutoring and volunteering at a homeless shelter. Have gotten very involved again with AA. I'm not a religious person but strive to be a spiritual one. At this point I will do anything to stay sober.

                      Jolie, Rusty, Pap, Dew, have a good day.


                        September Sanctuary-Week 3

                        Good morning friends,

                        Totally overslept but I blame it on the cloudy, rainy day :H
                        I didn't need to be anywhere this morning anyway.....

                        SD, back in the early 70's (a hundred years ago) I was talked into going to a couple of ice hockey games & was turned off by the same obnoxious & rude behavior. I've been to a few baseball games & found them boring & a waste of time. I'd rather stay home & vacuum dog hair!!!!

                        Hi Tawny - thanks for the heads up about Chill's BD! Happy BD Chill:bday7:

                        Rustop, sounds like now is a good time for you to do something just for you! A class maybe, a new hobby, something fun & interesting

                        Star, I recently pulled out an old photo of myself at the same age as Lily is now & was amazed at how similar we are!
                        Are you having some dark, gloomy rain days too? They get to me pretty quickly so I need to keep myself seriously busy Hope things brighten up for you quickly!

                        Shelley, I'm glad you've found the support you need & volunteering/mentoring sounds like a great way to fill your day! I consider all the free babysitting I do these days to be my contribution, my way to give back

                        Hope everyone has a great AF Tuesday. Still waiting to hear if I'm on babysitting duty this afternoon or not

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          September Sanctuary-Week 3

                          Hi Guys! :hallo:

                          Lots to read back on so I hope you are all doing good.
                          Dewdrop im sending you much love and strength and hope you managed some sleep last night.

                          I was up at 5am this morning and arrived back in Scotland before noon. As it is my Birthday (thanks Tawny ) my Parents took me for lunch and I have spent the afternoon unpacking and catching up on emails. I spend every moment in the last week with friends and I feel very flat being alone now especially on my birthday but I will head to bed early and im sure the blues will have faded by morning.

                          So much has happened in the last few days and I dont really know what to think. I've had meetings with banks, meeting with my ex, a job offer and about 10 different oppinions of what I should do next. The best advice I like to follow when you dont know what to do, is to do nothing. When the pond has been disturbed the best way to get the clear water back is to leave it to settle.....

                          It was a wonderful 8 days surrounded by great friends, perfect weather and I cycled every day. My painful arthritis disappeared completely after less than 24 hours and I walked more upright than I have in months. I felt 10 years younger and fitter and had so much energy that I walked, ran, cycled and swam for hours each day. I have only been back 6 hours and the pain is returning. I would never have believed that climate could so affect this disease so much.

                          I will catch up with everyone properly over the next few days but I have missed you guys and its good to be back.
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            September Sanctuary-Week 3

                            just a quick flyby to wish our special Chill Girl a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!:h :l
                            I'm at work and can't import special graphics but know that I would've found a doozy for ya!!
                            Chill-My wish for you is that you get your wish, whatever that may be. I love your philosophy of letting the waters clear before making a decision. It's so logical yet how many of us rush right in? I know that the Universe will take care of you and whatever you are meant to decide will be the right thing to do. I'm excited for you and can't wait to see what this next chapter holds.

                            I hope to write more later tonite after Quilting.
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              September Sanctuary-Week 3

                              Good (LATE) Evening!!

                              I just stopped by quick to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Chill!! :bday1: I hope this year brings you much joy and happiness!!!

                              To everyone else...a very Happy Hump Day Tomorrow!!
                              Good Night!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


