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AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

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    AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

    Hello abbers,

    Drizzly in London this morning.

    Me and the GF are having a get-together at home on Friday evening for about 10 friends. It will be the first time I've had a party at home since giving up drinking. That's how unsociable I am. :H GF mentioned getting some beer as well as wine for people who might want to drink that. And my knee-jerk reaction was "No! I don't want beer in the fridge!" Hmmm. Might have a little work to do in that direction. :H I'm quite comfortable being around alcohol and people drinking when I'm out or in other people's homes but I'll have to wait and see how it is to have booze in my own fridge.

    Kaslo - shame your grandkids are moving so far away but there's always holiday time!


    Have a peaceful day everyone.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

    Good Morning Fabber Abbers!!!!

    It's been a long time since I've been here and I have lots of posts to catch up on!!

    Hello to all and hope that you are rockin' the AF life.

    Marshy, I hosted my first party this past Summer. It was kind of weird because the people who came did some serious drinking. I did not expect that. I've had people over for dinner and they've had wine but this was a social event with appetizers, beer and wine. Anyhow, my rule is "booze in; booze out." I don't buy it (either my husband does or I ask people to bring what they want) and I ask people to take it home with them at the end of the night. If there is anything open that wasn't taken home, I pour it down the drain.:H

    I am LOVING my yoga teacher training but wow, it is kicking my ass. I have so many books to study, papers due, observation of classes, taking classes, assisting in classes, Monday night practice teacher sessions, weekend training, etc. Our class is also tasked with putting a fundraiser together at the studio ( which I did not know about). Now I find myself heavily involved in two community service projects because I'm also heading up a food drive and event for my church! And then there is my job which I have been neglecting. It's all great though but it has kept me from staying connected here.

    Love all of you and think of you even when I do not post.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

      Hi fABbies! Marshy, thanks for kicking things off today! Sorry to hear it is drizzly.

      M3 - sounds frenzied right now but I know you will be an awesome yoga teacher!! I wish I lived near you.

      I was just thinking as I sit here in the pitch darkness that I'm not adjusted yet to the shorter days. I need to up my exercise (which has been sorely inconsistent lately) etc. to get ready to keep the mood up in the winter months.

      On parties and booze in the house. I have not hosted any major parties that involve heavy drinkers since sobering up. We have the usual family get togethers, but I was the big boozer at those so removing me from the drinking equation pretty much makes those non-AL events! :H There is the dog training every Saturday, but that is "booze in, booze out" for sure as you said M3. Marshy, good luck to you. Will be interested to hear how it feels as I have not really hosted a for real event with beer and wine sitting on my counter.

      Had planned to do some homework last night but ended up goofing off. Guess I needed that unwind time after the mid term. What the sam hill am I gonna do in a few more weeks when I have 2 midterms in a week???? :H Anyway, off soon to an AA meeting and then back here for an intense "back in the saddle" homework day. Hoping to have all the regular assignments done by Friday so I can spend the weekend making serious progress on that term paper. If we are able to send it to the teacher early, she will give feedback for how to improve it. Can't be that. I don't intend to miss that opportunity!

      Hope everyone is off to a great start! Or still sleeping! Either way would be good...

      Zoom thing is for sure...

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

        Morning abbers!

        I am so happy today, my sister had her baby last night! A beautiful baby boy named Liam Shea weighing in at 8lbs, 15oz and she did it without any drugs! My sister is a powerhouse in my opinion. I can't wait to go see him, I will be flying down to Florida in mid October to stay for 10 days to help out. Does anyone on here live in the Florida Keys? That's where I'll be.

        Marshy, we usually have a football party every year however I told hubby this year that I didn't want to host it as I don't want the AL in the house. He was actually quite cool about it and said, no problem. I was very grateful for that.

        Today is supposed to rain but before it does I need to clean up the leaves and sticks on our front lawn and do a quick mow. Our house is the only one on the street right now without a clean lawn so I promised hubby I would do it before it rains.

        Have a great day everyone! I know I will! AF of course!

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

          Uni - congrats on your new nephew!!!!! Wow the keys should be FABULOUS in the fall!!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

            Doggygirl;1180371 wrote:
            Will be interested to hear how it feels as I have not really hosted a for real event with beer and wine sitting on my counter.
            Ummm. The thought of that is weird. Something about it being in MY home, not someone else's. Anyhoo, I'm sure it will be fine. Mom3, GF will buy the wine (on Friday, so it's not lying around at home for days) and people will bring some too. I think a lot will be going down the sink at the end of the night :H The yoga training sounds great!

            Uni - congratulations!
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

              Good morning Abbers!

              Had to arrive at Curves by 9 am - today is egg day :H
              The ladies there are very nice & appreciative of the super fresh brown eggs!

              Hello to Marshy, DG, M3 & Uni!
              The thought of having booze in my house freaks me out too so you guys are in good company. There have been a few times when my son has shown up with enough beer for himself & YB but it didn't bother me much. YB still has several open bottles of booze left in his garage/man cave. I have been tempted to throw them out but I honestly don't want to touch them. I've told him to take them but I think he's leaving them there to test/annoy me

              M3, where will you be teaching yoga when all is said & done??

              Uni, congrats on your new nephew! Big boy - very nice

              Now I need to get my butt in gear & do something productive around here.
              Wishing everyone a good AF Wednesday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

                I'm here all!

                Hi to everyone!

                Have a great week!
                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                  AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

                  jennyneric;1180459 wrote: I'm here all! I drank Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday last week, did not over do it, did not get depressed...but now that it's Wednesday I know I feel physically so much better without AL, man I wish this sobriety thing would stick
                  At the risk of sounding snarky jenny, it is going to take much much more than wishing. You already know that.... WTF are you doing?
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

                    Hi everyone, P3 you are awesome, that is all.

                    Marshy, I am sure you and GF can handle the challenge, and that she will help you if there is any AL left lying around. My own experience was it was interesting to see how people reacted to AL, (got louder, laughed more) and how very little some people drank at all. I never noticed before, always being focused on trying to get away with a half full glass for hours on end....

                    Lav thanks for your comments earlier on the GKs. She really does NOT want to go, but her dad is taking her off to VI to chill for a while. And a lawyer friend is now having to help her beat an new assault charge....:no: I spoke with her frankly about how the weed has to go, and she agrees. But stopping is another matter. However she could lose her kids over this most recent unstable behaviour. (A crack addict friend tried to break into her apartment, they got into a fight, she and the addict were both charged....I never know what the real truth is with that girl though.

                    Also, Helens memorial is on Friday. I am really hoping both my brothers do not start a big fight there. They are absolutely NOT on speaking terms, and one of them has a habit of being an asshole, and the other one reacts. Been that way since day one. Now they are 67 and 63... both retired airline captains. Youd think they would be dignified silver haired gents, but it can get ugly with a lot of yelling from the reactive one. I am hoping either or both of them dont actually show up. Usually they stay too busy playing with thier little aeroplanes on opposite sides of the Canadian west. And people wonder where my daughter gets it from....

                    As a result of all of this....I am not getting any work done. Painted my deck chairs though, and the deck and lattice and furniture are now completley done. had a nice visits from the neighbours yesterday...but still that paper wont write itself.

                    DG I wish I too could focus on some kind of fitness thing. Maybe I could try the pool again.... my own pool is frigging cold right now.

                    Greenie, this is so important to me I am going to post it seperately>


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

                      greeneyes;1180465 wrote: At the risk of sounding snarky jenny, it is going to take much much more than wishing. You already know that.... WTF are you doing?
                      Jenny....I totally agree with Greenie. And I am pretty sure you dont want to hear it.

                      Greenie once took me to task for a SIP of champaigne, and rightly so. It was great that I hated the taste, (some where between ditch water, moldy fruit and boat gas) but I also know that I STILL feel on some days I might falter, and if I were to go to monday, tuesday, friday, saturday I would be a problem drinker again in less than two weeks. And I could kiss my newly regained health goodbye.


                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

                        Hi all.

                        Jenny, there was a time when Greenie was told to put on her big girl pants.

                        She is not being snarky, just truthful.

                        Sometimes truth hurts but she is telling you like it is. Wishing, luck, etc, have NOTHING to do with getting sober.

                        Okay, carry on, friends. :-)

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

                          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                            AF daily - Wednesday September 21st


                            Here's my .02 -
                            This thread is the Daily Abstinence thread! It is not the I drank four days or whatever last week thread.
                            You need to make a decision - either stop drinking or stop coming here telling us that you chose to drink over & over.
                            If you are not ready to stop drinking entirely that's perfectly OK for you but you don't need to post it on the abstinence thread. You would probably find more support on the moderators thread. Please think about that, OK?
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

                              OK, I checked in because DG asked where I was, I will message her next time. See y'all later good luck on your journeys!
                              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                              Everyday we choose the direction of change.

