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AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

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    AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

    Snarky??? I love that word! I may try to use it in casual conversations today. Of course I will give Greenie full credit for it.

    Jenny ? Please don?t think you are being run off at all. It?s just that everyone here is working hard for an AF life. I know that I struggle with it daily. I?d love to help anyone that is starting down the road of sobriety and I think I can speak for everyone on the thread that they would as well. I know they have let me lean on them so many times in the past and talked me out of the trees more than once. However, no one here can be with you to knock that glass out of your hand. You?ve got to meet us half way. You have the hard part ? making the decision to quit. Wishing to quit or hoping the time is right to quit is NEVER going to work. I?ve been down that road as well. Al will make you think that anytime is not the right time. You have got to decide and you need to do it now. Just say that you have had it with Al. Right now ? this exact minute, you are going to totally stop. Everyone here is ready to advise you on how you are feeling and what to do to maintain your sobriety. You just have to make the decision and STAND FIRM on it. Does that make sense?

    So, yesterday I had to do a unnatural act to myself. I was asked to give a one hour presentation to about 15 or so people. I didn?t have a problem with that. I later learned that would be 80 to 100 people, the venue was moved to an auditorium, it was going to be videotaped and used in other divisions, and the president of our business unit would be there! HOLY CRAP. I was the poster boy for Xanax! But to quote Cindi ? I put on my big boy pants and just made it happen. After about 5 minutes I put the crowd and the camera out of my mind ? focused on three or so people and turned loose! I think it was pretty successful. I was so stressed with the day though that on the way home I was really really tempted to make a stop at the package store. To keep from the temptation I got off the interstate at a different exit so I would not drive by the store on the way home.

    Marshy ? I don?t think I would be ready to do what you are doing. If I were entertaining and there were open bottles on the kitchen counter I don?t want to think of what *might* happen. But, you have two and a half years under your belt so I know you will be fine.

    M3 ? How the heck have you been!?! I have not felt the love from you lately! Is there any way I could get you to come to Atlanta for a week, live in my house, and kick my butt each day to make me get out and run! I would feed you pulled pork BBQ, sweet potato fries, all the iced tea you could drink. I really want to get in shape this winter. I think it would be so cool for me and Mrs. IJM to get PADI certified for diving this winter and do a diving vacation in the spring. Right now I am in no shape for the training though. I am just beat when I get home from work. Maybe you could make me run and Lav could sneak me into Curves!

    Doggie ? the homework will sneak up on you if you let it. I would jump all over the opportunity to submit your paper early for review. My writing totally sucks so if I could get a review prior to grading I would be all over it like ugly on an ape!

    Uni ? Big time Congrats. Will there be a spoiled nephew in the not too distant future?

    Kas ? when I think or retired airline pilots, the mental picture of two dudes at each others throats is not one that comes to mind?. Just sayin!

    Have an awesome day everyone!


      AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

      IJM, congrats on your successful presentation. I suffer from performance anxity, public speaking makes me freak

      Well, looks like my post to jenny made her hit the door. I am sorry, I didn't intend to push her away but did want her to make a decision - AF or NOT! I guess we know her decision now.
      It hasn't been all that long ago that someone else was here doing the same thing over & over, remember? It quite well could be that I'm turning into a crabby, snarky 29 year old but I it's not good having a person say one thing then do another..........had enough of that with YB over the past 40+ years

      Now it's raining & I have to go out & close up the chicken house - crap!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

        Here's the thing. If Jenny wants to drink that's her decision. The issue I have is that this thread is not the appropriate place for a disclosure of that nature, which makes resuming drinking sound like it's controlable and easy. Take someone like Bean who's just on the edge and who could easily have the knee jerk thought, "Hummm... maybe I can do that". Abs thread isn't the place.

        However, Jenny I hope you will keep trying to quit drinking if that is what you want, but I think your first hurdle is in the decision making process. I don't know how to support someone still actively interested drinking. You are modding it sounds like. I can't relate to that and don't know how to support you.

        Hi everyone. Super busy day here so pardon my brevity.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

          Hi again fABbies! A very quick post homework check in and then some DINNER. And maybe and episode or two of 2.5 men. Chauvenistic (sp) and all that - yes. But funny???? Double yes. That is my sick entertainment these days!

          Jenny, I am sorry to hear about your decision to drink. Of course I hope it all works out OK for you. That would mean you beating the odds, which are very strongly stacked against you. If you change your mind and decide you want to be AF, you know we will always be here and you will be welcome back!

          Greenie, I really appreciated your post about people who might be in the midst of a mighty struggle while some casual positive remarks are made about drinking. The last time I recall that happening here on AF daily we had some glammed up drinking remarks when Uni and Det were both really struggling. Drinking is not, and never will be a safe thing for me to do. And I don't need any glamorous ideas about it.

          To me, that is different from a discussion of someone who wants to be AF, but has struggled with relapse. Relapse and happy drinking are two different things, IMO. Actually, they are probably NOT two different things, except in the eye of the drinker. But I digress....

          Kas, I know Friday will be hard. I hope you can focus on what is yours and not worry about what is your brothers' to own.

          Lav, where were you with those heavenly eggs when I was active at Curves??????? I hope when YB gets around to cleaning up the booze in the man cave, the snake bites him. Well, just kidding. Sort of. didn't you say you saw a snake in there one time?

          IJM!!!! Congrats on your presentation!! I think it's so awesome how we sober up and then all start breaking new ground. Jenny, if you are reading I hope you think about whether you are able to drink AND break new ground in your life like you want to. Or is it more a matter of hoping not to end up with icky consequences and then a sense of relief when nothing bad happened (yet). :l

          Well, 10 articles with comments submitted today, and homework for dual disorders almost complete. Waiting for the teacher to answer one question then I can finish that. Life is good.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

            Happy late afternoon ABerooooos!

            IJM, I just hate it when my work springs that crap on me! I had that happen once when I was really hungover and NOT in any way up for the task. egads.... I almost died of anxiety. Being AF I'm much more resilient and can take pretty much anything that life dishes out.

            Mom3 you are rocking the casbah! way to go

            Uni huge congrads on the new family member

            Jenny, you can do this. you really can.

            here's a party idea: have a party at 10am and call it a juice party. you could make different kinds of blended juices and homemade energy drinks. (Ok, I'm a health geek but what the hell).

            well, had a great time at stick-fighting tonight, got hit really hard in the hand but thankfully I was distracted by getting whacked in the face which took my mind off my hand. swelling should be going down soon. I sure pick weird ways to amuse myself.

            big shouts to Lav, Greenie DoggyG, Marshy, Treya, Cinders, LVT and I probably missed some in my tiredness...apologies.

            be well
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF daily - Wednesday September 21st

              OH my goodness Det! I'm really sorry but I had to laugh at your stick fighting story. I am sorry you got hurt tho!

              IJM-great job on the presentation!! My biggest nightmare too but I know I would handle it with as much grace and presence of mind as you did now that I am AF. (edited due to loss of thinking/typing abilities-holy crap!)
              Jenny-honestly, I too am frustrated by your hypocritical attitude towards drinking. When bad things happen to you (remember your broken ankle?) you're all "I can't control AL and I NEED to be AF" but when you drink and bad things don't happen all of a sudden you can control AL. It doesn't work that way. You WILL go down the bad road again because you CAN"T control AL.
              Until you accept that, I hope you are happy in the Mods section. When you're ready to accept that AL can't be part of your life, I will welcome you back with open arms. Even if you relapse a thousand times, I'll welcome you back as long as you are not fooling yourself.

              Marshy-I like Det's Juice Party idea but understand that's prolly not going to happen. My personal opinion is that you should make it BYOB and the unfinished bottles go home with their owners. That's what I would do and what I did on a very very small scale last fall (my 2 friends visiting). Good luck and know we will be in the back row munching popcorn!! :H

              I have a great story to tell but will leave you with wondering what it is for now as I have to get to my physical for my new job. I WILL post later tho. It's all good.

              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!

