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AF Daily - Friday Sept 23

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    AF Daily - Friday Sept 23

    Holy shit! Thank goodness you had some knowledge and that you were able to remain... well calm doesn't seem the right word, but you know what I mean.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Friday Sept 23

      greeneyes;1181725 wrote: Holy shit! Thank goodness you had some knowledge and that you were able to remain... well calm doesn't seem the right word, but you know what I mean.
      Greenie, I have actually been really amazed at how I processed things while it was going on, and then afterwards. My reaction today was so very, very different than it would have been before I quit drinking, or even in the first year after - it's like an out of body experience. I feel good about how far I have come mentally and emotionally.

      Sorry to be "all about me." I expect the regular DG will be fully back on board tomorrow, and googling the best prices on pepper spray.

      ETA: Actually - Det, do you have a suggested brand / container? What kind did you get for your friends? THANKS!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Friday Sept 23 - Duty Aerosol Sprays, Chemical Munitions, Specialty Impact, Tactical Defense, and Crowd Management - Pepper Sprays, Pepper Mace, Rubber Bullets and Projectiles, Colored Smoke and more less-lethal solutions :: .7% ORANGE BAND ::

        Doggygirl, so long as the canister looks something like this one above.
        it has a hinged safety-top you lift then press the valve underneath with your thumb. I'd recommend one with a 'stream' pattern and not a spray or fog pattern. the streamer is more like a squirtgun which is what you want outdoors where wind is a consideration.

        and when you are out and about have it IN YOUR HAND. pepperspray does nobody any good in their purse or glove compartment. Trying to fiddle for it under stress is not going to be realistic.

        the cheapy little keychain units are essentially useless for a number of reasons.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Daily - Friday Sept 23

          Wow DG-that is much worse than what I thought when you first mentioned it!! I would seriously make a complaint to animal control about this. Even if they do nothing but talk to her to get her story, she'll be put on notice. Do you guys have a leash law in your town? Also, about pepper spray-in MA you have to get a special permit to carry it so check your state laws. Although something in the back of my mind thinks I may have heard that was repealed. Will need to check it out. When I first got Mickey, I was so frightened to walk him, I ordered a zap stick from some company on the net. When it came, it was so unwieldy I knew I would never be able to operate it and hold Mick's leash at the same time. I sent it back.
          Don't worry about being all about DG today. You deserve it and we are happy to accommodate. That was very scary and too close for comfort. :groupluv:
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily - Friday Sept 23

            Det, it said "delivery system: cone" I'm wondering if that means the spray shape, which would be different than stream right? Can you clarify that for me? I never got anything for the woods with little doggie, she says ducking her head and averting her eyes.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Friday Sept 23

              Det, thanks for the link and your suggestions. I shared that with Mr. Doggy and asked him to make the buy for me.

              P3 - good point to find out about legalities. One of the guys here today for dog training will know - I'll ask him. I will consider it an "FYI" - the answer won't stop me.

              Leash laws don't mean squat in this part of town. All kinds of people own breeds of dogs that they have no business owning. It's not the dogs that are the problem - it's the people. :soapbox:

              LOL - there is a very tiny older lady who walks every day in our neighborhood. I always wondered what she has in her hand and now I bet I know. And I bet she is more concered about dogs than people in terms of needing to use it.

              On to find or start a "today" thread!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.

