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AF Daily - September 24

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    AF Daily - September 24

    Oops - forgot to put "Saturday" in the title! Hope everyone finds this OK. Just wanted to kick things off for an AF Saturday.

    No matter how busy my day is going to be, I always NEED to take the time to do my little morning routine which I would liken to putting my AF hat on my head. Sobriety is my number 1 priority in life. I found out just how small life becomes for me with AL in it. My life is very BIG now, and I LOVE IT!!! The only way to keep this BIG LIFE that I LOVE is to keep AL out of it. AL is just too big of a risk for me and I'm not willing to take that gamble. That is all.

    May we all use super glue when we put on our AF hats today. Hair be damned.

    One thing is for sure....

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - September 24

    Top of the Saturday ABerooos!

    thank you DoggyGirl, I greaty appreciate your commitment and enthusiasm

    on my way to the show. AF and ready for ninja dog attacks.

    be well my friends
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF Daily - September 24

      Good Mornin’ All –

      Not sure about the rest of the world but it is a gorgeous day here in Hotlanta! But when you wake up and you are not in a alcohol induced haze, every day is gorgeous!

      We have no big plans at all today. Actually we have no little plans either. Mrs. IJM is still asleep. We never made it out to dinner last night. Mrs. IJM didn’t get home until almost 10PM (Freaking 12 hour shifts that turn into 15 hours). I really wish women would time their deliveries so that they have them in the middle of the day and not ever on a holiday. Um, never mind…..

      I had an awesome appointment with the head doc yesterday. It’s sort of like some people go to a chiropractor for an adjustment of the body – it’s nice to get an adjustment of the brain occasionally. I really like this dude. He takes stuff that I have blown up larger than life in my brain and brings them back down to size. Because I am a science person, he explains why I feel the way I do from a physiological standpoint. Not sure why, but that really makes me feel better. Anyway, I’m good for another 3 months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first….

      I’m giving some consideration to trying acupuncture. I’ve been reading a lot about it. I have always hated needles so it doesn’t seem like a natural act for me. Anyone here ever try it?

      Here is the IJM thought of the day… If a bald person works as a chef at a restaurant, do they have to wear a hairnet?



        AF Daily - September 24

        I need a hat to cover up my bed hair this morning DG :H
        I agree with sticking to your little routines in the AM - provides a feeling of comfort & security for the rest of the day

        Have fun kicking ninja dog attacks today Det (if that makes sense)

        I'm just about getting the poison ivy on my neck uder control & now my hands are breaking out & itching like crazy. I seriously HATE POISON IVY!!!

        OK, off to do some stuff! Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday

        Hi IJM! The head shrinking sounds lovely

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - September 24

          Det - I want video of you dealing with ninja dog attacks. I'll view it as my training video.

          IJM - no comment on women and delivery timing! :H I would be interested in hearing about the scientific info your therapist shares. I find it facinating to hear about all the discoveries connecting chemical things in the brain to feelings, moods, impulses, etc. (if that made any sense - I feel like I didn't explain it right!)

          Lav - I missed that you are dealing with poison ivy again!!!! I hope it clears up quickly. I hate that stuff. :b&d:

          OK - I need to stop goofing off and finish my Dual Disorders homework! :b&d:

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - September 24

            Morning all!

            DG, I took a dual disorders course and attended a seminar - it's interesting stuff! I hope you don't find the homework too difficult. I'm actually only 2 courses away from my addictions therapy certificate. I intend to finish that this year.

            IJM - I have done accupuncture. I personally found that it didn't do anything for me but I know others who swear by it. I guess it's a personal thing.

            Today we are just tidying and doing a dump run etc. Tomorrow we are going to close the trailer for the season -

            Have a good AF Day!

            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily - September 24

              Good morning everyone. Thanks to all of you who thought of me yesterday.

              Nothing too crazy happened at Helens memorial luncheon yesterday, her brother could not resist the op to talk a lot about sinners during the blessing, which made Helens sister and a lot of other people in the room very uncomfortable, he did go on and on, and then started up later as well. A few people spoke about Helens many accomplishments. My brother was very good, actually, and let people know the fact that Helen was the first air traffic controller in Canada. I talked about how Helen taught me about caring, and acceptance. I was very saddened by the whole thing. There were some people there who had obviously known Helen for many many years, one very elderly and frail woman could not take anymore of the religeous diatribe and struggled to her feet and hobbled out on her canes with her grandson helping her. This brought the memorial to a close. Helen was from a sect of Doukhabours and there is a lot of dissagreement amongst them regarding the sins of the flesh.

              Anyway I read though everyones posts here the past few days, and I have much to say, but I am kind of drained. Helen was the last of the old parental group for me, and feel kind of cheated by her death. Knowing it was preventable, and that the medical system probably could have done more and possibly saved her... but then my reading tells me that once you have a certain level of cirrhosis of the liver, its not something that can be cured.

              Everyone please have a great AF day. One thing is for sure....


              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily - September 24

                Good Morning Fabber Abbers,

                IJM, Isn't it great to get to the point where you don't feel deprived over not drinking. Rather, you wake up with a clear head ready for the day!! Highly recommend accupuncture. It's very good for the entire system. Fyi, there are points in your ear that are supposed to be good for addiction.

                DG, I read about your dog encounter yesterday. I don't remember if I wrote about the episode our shih tzu last summer. A friend who was caring for her while we were away was walking her and a dog came from across the street and attacked her. She was pretty torn up with stitches in her neck and belly. She was lucky to have survived. We were never able to find the woman who could not control her dog.

                Det, I started carrying pepper spray when I was working the night shift in a hospital in my early 20s. Bought it again when I used to travel alot before I had kids. Had it confiscated at an airport once and did not buy another cannister. You reminded me that I should. I had to use it once when a group of three men were harassing me when I was walking to my car late at night. They were walking very close behind me and making comments. Then one of them came up and put his arm around me. I got him square in the face with the spray. Got the other two as well and then I got in my care very quickly and drove away.

                Kas, I am happy that you are on the other end of the memorial service. :l to you.

                Greenie thanks for the encouragement around yoga. I really hope to teach some day. I will not get certified until February.

                Lav, I missed the news that your daughter is moving!!!. Where is she moving too?

                Hey Uni, I didn't realize you were so close to certificate in addiction counseling. Good for you?

                DG, How long will you be in school for? Hope it is going well.

                P3. I also missed your announcement that you got the PT job. Is this with the assisted living place? Congrats to you!!

                Off to the grocery store.

                AF Since April 20, 2008
                4 Years!!!


                  AF Daily - September 24

                  (((Kas))). Wish I could give you one in person!

                  Lazy day for me as well. The rain will be holding off today but it is gray, very cloudy and extremely humid. I know I should mow the lawn now as it will rain for the next 5 days but I just detest the humidity!!

                  I did end up going to the agility seminar even tho I woke up 2 hours later than I had planned. BUT, I saw a hint of blue sky and when the forecaster said the rain was done for today and today only I had to take advantage. I'm so glad I went. Only 5 of us showed up so parking was excellent as was the individual attention. I learned so much-about handling, what my dog likes and doesn't like and especially about a program to help him understand he doesn't need to be in charge which apparently is what makes him so reactive and dominant. It's called Click to Calm (Click to Calm | Karen Pryor Clickertraining) and it was developed coincidentally enough but the first trainer who ever evaluated DD when I was still fostering him, Emma Parsons. I never knew she created this program or wrote a book!! She never said a word to me about it. It's a national sensation and highly recommended for owners of reactive dogs. Who knew? Anyway this whole morning only cost me the gas to get there and a Dunkin's bagel. What a deal!

                  So, time to make a decison about chores. Blech. I can guarantee it will be an AF day but I can't guarantee it will be a sugar free one.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - September 24

                    Xpost M3!! Yes, the job is with the nursing home part of the 3 tiered community-independent, assisted then full care living. I can't wait!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - September 24


                      I saw a parade this AM! Wearing my bed hair oops I mean AF hat. Parade was part of the local festival. Amusing small town parade. ROTC marchers, firetrucks, sheriff's shiny black hummer, the drug boat for the lake, 2nd graders marching with flags and kazoos, cheerleaders, politicians, queens of this and that (but not the universe), chick-filet cows, dance squads and so on. Ate street vendor food for brekkie, bought a few handcrafted soaps that was that.

                      Det I hope you enjoy the ninja dogs at Tahoe... we'll be expecting piccies!

                      IJM I'm an accupuncture cheerleader. In fact I'll be getting some out on Monday for a swollen knee someting or other. There are addiction points on the ear, but it's not a magic bullet by any means. It is complimentary to your desire and efforts.

                      Uni I know you hate to close the trailer... but you're lucky to have it, right? When do you go to see new baby nephew?

                      Kaz, sounds like the service went alright all in all. What's a Doukhabours sect? I wish you peacefulness as you move through the emotions around the loss of Helen.

                      M3, now that I think about it, this spring my next door neighbor had 2 bad dog encounters in the neighborhood. One involved a police report but I dont' know how it ended. Mental not to GET pepper spray.

                      Lav, not poison ivy again!!!

                      Me too on the chores P3...nasty old chores but nobody else around here is going to do them....

                      Marshy how was the party?

                      Sunny-butt how'd your road trip go?
                      Tally ho~!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - September 24

                        Nasty old chores but nobody else around to do them is why I have PI again greenie - crap!!!!
                        The friggin weeds are out of control again & I feel the need to do some fall clean up outside. There is just no avoiding the stuff

                        I'm making EB's favorite apple bread in addition to other stuff to take for the christening luncheon tomorrow. It's a good way to use up the scrappy looking apples from my trees :H
                        I use a recipe for Harvest Apple Challah from the King Arthur Flour website - it's very good
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - September 24

                          Lavande;1182131 wrote: I'm making EB's favorite apple bread in addition to other stuff to take for the christening luncheon tomorrow.
                          Talk them out of a BBQ? Sunny here with occasional passing shower
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - September 24

                            Hi Dg (scary about the dog. Good job you knew not to run - I think I would have!), Det, IJM, Lav, Uni (well done on getting through your alcohol course under those circumstances), Kaslo (good that there were special moments in the memorial service), mom3, Papmom and Greenie.

                            Quick check in coz I'm shattered and slobbing out in front of the TV. Party last night was great! Everyone had a good time and they really liked the food we made. Having booze in the house was no temptation at all - although GF tipped all the leftovers straight down the sink as soon as everyone left.

                            It's still interesting to me to observe people's drinking. One woman who I think has an alcohol problem got fairly drunk and was staggering a bit when she left. But other than that, a couple of people apart from me weren't drinking alcohol and the others had a couple of glasses of wine over the evening. Makes me realise yet again that it was always me who was getting drunk and maybe assuming that other people were drinking as much as me but they weren't.

                            Anyway, back to some rubbish TV. Have a good day/evening all.
                            AF since December 22nd 2008
                            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                              AF Daily - September 24

                              Very hot here. 30 C degrees yesterday, which I think is at least in the 80's F.

                              To answer your question, Greenie, Canada was a country that encouraged settlement by religeous groups who were being persecuted in thier homelands, or at least were not being encouraged to practice thier own religions or school thier own children. So the Mennonites, Hutterites and Doukhabors came here in the 1800's (including my husbands family, he is Mennonite). Doukhabour were more zealous than others, and there were serious schisms between the Sons of Freedom and the more secular groups. To the extent that they would burn thier own and others houses down. During the WWII and into the 60's people actually had thier kids taken away...Its just a coincidence that we came to live in the part of the country that my fathers second wife originated from.


                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h

