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AF Daily - September 24

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    AF Daily - September 24

    Hello and happy Saturday!

    Road trip went ok, cleaning house today and am in urgent need of nap NOW :H
    Will return after and report more Kaslo, I'm so glad the memorial is behind you :l
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      AF Daily - September 24

      Very interesting info Kas. Where are the Doukhabors originally from? doesn't quite sound German....

      Marshy-so glad your party went well but then we knew that because we were all there :H !

      Mowing won and I'm very glad I did it even tho it was hotter than hell and it will take hours for my face to return to normal color (I had my AF Hat on too). If I'm lucky, I won't need to mow until after Columbus Day weekend. I just didn't have the umph in me to rake up all the crap left behind so I think my white dogs will be green when I let them out in a few :H.
      I just finished with a nice cold shower because Dad's taking me out to dinner in about an hour-whoo hoo!!

      DG-have you seen my sis in your travels today?

      tomorrow will be house cleaning day. Yippee. How cool that I won't be spending the whole day in bed nursing a hangover. God I never want to suffer from one of those again!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily - September 24

        xpost Sunni! Glad you made it back safe and sound. Sweet dreams!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - September 24

          I can't *f*ing believe it. ANOTHER dog chased me in the street today. Totally different part of the neighborhood. Mr. Doggy is ordering the spray and I will NOT be walking around where I live until I have it. That is all.


          The pitbull today was a sissy compared to the bulldog yesterday. Makes me even more grateful that I somehow got through it without damage.

          A hot bath is in order....

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - September 24

            Doggygirl;1182157 wrote: I can't *f*ing believe it. ANOTHER dog chased me in the street today. Totally different part of the neighborhood. Mr. Doggy is ordering the spray and I will NOT be walking around where I live until I have it. That is all.


            The pitbull today was a sissy compared to the bulldog yesterday. Makes me even more grateful that I somehow got through it without damage.

            A hot bath is in order....

            Ya need to take those doggie cookies out of your pockets before going for a walk. just sayin'....
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - September 24

              Hello friends.

              Geez DG!!!! You don't have a T-bone steak in yer back pocket do ya??? I don't understand why anyone would keep a dog like that around. Apparently they have good liability insurance! Pepper spray sounds like a good idea.

              Everyone around here is completely exhausted! I haven't looked at my calendar yet, but I'm pretty sure things should calm down after we get through this weekend. It was Homecoming week and for some reason us parents are in charge of this rather than the school. Not a huge deal, we have so many fun and willing for a few that seem to like to cause problems. It's just that we end up baking cookies for this and dessert for that and sloppy joes for the dance and I had newspaper articles to write, music cd's to make, parade decorations to do...........Besides the kids being out late 3 nights this week so none of us get enough sleep. My house is a disaster area! My hubby just pitched a full blown fit because #1 son has misplaced one of his shoes he borrowed. This morning we were up at 5 am to get everyone out and about for #2 son's football game in a town 2.5 hours away. I was just in the middle of a good nap when the rouse over the shoe occurred.

              I still have to go to the store and get ingredients for 3 dozen breakfast burritos for my Sunday school kiddos tomorrow. I also have to make salsa real soon. And get this, one of the teachers at school still wants me to volunteer to be a mentor! I hate that she asked me again, after I said yes, then no I simply didn't have time. Now the guilt is building.

              Yesterday was a pretty terrible day. I was blue anyway over my son's latest situation at school (the menopause symptom of the day was weeping) and then we heard on the news that they had found the little girl that had gone missing Wednesday and her stepfather had murdered her. It just makes me sick to think what she went through. I honestly cannot imagine what is wrong with someone that can do something like that. He said he dropped her off at school--I had a strong suspicion it was him, because NO ONE else saw her. A rancher found her body (what was left of it) in a field on his property. It is so hard to believe this kind of thing can even happen around here. But it has before. Sickening!

              But it was fun watching my #2 son play football today. The QB on the team broke his wrist yesterday so my son was put in his position. He did it some last year, but hadn't practiced there at all this year. He did quite well and felt good about stepping up and doing what needed to be done.

              Kas--I'm glad Helen's service was nice. There is a church here that uses funerals and weddings as a good time to preach a sermon on sin to the community. I dislike that. I hope no one noticed us in the last pew munching popcorn.

              I'm also glad your party went well too Marshy. Sounds like your xngf is a pretty special person!

              Well, I better get these sloppy joes put together and head into town so I can get back in time to make yet another mess in my kitchen.

              I shudder when I try to imagine doing all these things while still drinking. EEE GAD!!!
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - September 24

                The theme for our Homecoming was New Beginnings. I came across this song while I was making a CD for the parade. It reminds me of us here at MWO too.

      [/video]]New Beginnings - Luminate (Lyrics on screen) - YouTube
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - September 24

                  I'm peeping up after lurking for a couple months around the AF Daily. All of you had a lot to do with helping me finally make the decision to abstain instead of mod. I was worried that life would be boring without AL and folks here are proof that life is pretty darned interesting and exciting without toxic lubrication! I am grateful....I stickin' with all of you now!

                  I have a pepper spray story to share. A few years ago, a friend, who is a Fish and Game biologist, was doing field work near a remote brown bear viewing area up here. Early one evening, she and the others at the site were startled to hear incomprehensible screaming and shrieking coming from the nearby campground.

                  They grabbed their bear guns and took off fully expecting to find some sort of bloody bear attack in progress. When they got to the campsite they saw 5 Japanese men running around in circles, rubbing their eyes and howling in pain. It seems their ability to fully understand written English was rather limited. Apparently they had been preparing to go for a hike and after giving themselves a good once over with the mosquito repellent, they decided to give themselves a generous dousing of Bear Spray.

                  Oops. OW!
                  Sober for the Revolution!
                  AF & NF July 23, 2011


                    AF Daily - September 24

                    Welcome, turnagain! Great to have you here & congratulations on your progress. Funny story too (Kaslo will appreciate it). And yes, there is SO many more enriching things to do than spend your time drinking or thinking about drinking. Amazing, really!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - September 24

                      Hi everyone,

                      Thanks again, feeling better. Welcome Turnaround, this is a great place. That IS a funny story.

                      IJM, BEAUTIFUL dog, do you have any pictures to post.... I would sure like to see some pix of peoples dogs on here. Im getting serious dog germs from this site. Uni, sorry your summer is over. Pap3 please explain agility class. This is something I could use, I think. Alway ass over teakettle here. Lav where is your daughter moving too? Well, more importantly, how far away? Marshy SO glad you enjoyed the party. I refuse to let AL trash my social life. People can always bring booze here, just like GF, Mr Kaslo tips it aftewards. Sunny, THANKS. Pix of your hoss too. Just the one? Mine was a range horse, half breed but went on to win at barrel racing after I sold her. I miss her still, and that was 1973.

                      DG, TWO dogs? Not good. About capsicum spray. I hope Det reads this and finds it acceptable. We have to use this substance quite a bit. Make sure you hold your fire till the animal is very close, do not release the spray as the animal is charging, because it has a huge amount of drift, and a little of it goes a long way. The use of a stream vs a spray discharge I would debate. Stream is great, if you are a good aim. Often aiming when you are being charged is not the best, as I can attest to from experience. The spray is better for total protection, but it really does get up in your face too, almost always, and not many people talk about that part. This is because not many people actually end up using the damned stuff. We use pepper spray as a weapon against bear attacks in the field. (nothing beats a shotgun, though). I have actually had a serious discharge to the face. I put my feet up on my pack while I was lying on the ground working on my soil pit, and I didnt know the release on my spray was open at the time, that was a couple of years ago....also got a slower, smaller release out of the back of a pack of someone in front of me, many years ago. Both unintended, obvi. It is EXTREMELY PAINFUL, but not for ever thank goodness. It makes it so if you open your eyes with the spray in them, they sting like the love of Jesus, but if you keep them closed not so bad. I had to be lead from the bush site by the arm, to the road, then it took me an hour of flushing with water in the Chetwynd Regional hospital to get so I could actually see. Its very effective but you do want to disable the dog when he is right at you, and not from 25 feet away, because if the animal is that far away the spray back can blind YOU before it blinds the dog. People had started using pepper spray in home invasions, but enough of the bastards got a shot to thier own face as they attempted to stun the victim, and a blinded victim know how to find thier phones a lot easier than a blinded assailant. So its not being used as much.

                      LV here is a story for you

                      Video: Miracle Birth

                      A woman who didnt realize she was (still) pregnant until she collapsed on the West Coast Trail, and now is the mom of a cute healthy infant daughter named Fern. She had lost a baby to a miscarriage, and remarked on how she was a bit scathing about people on reality tv who didnt know they were pregnant, then discovered during a precipitous labour that the miscarriage was one of two twins... kind of a nice happy story for a change.

                      The Doukhabors are Russian. (Whereas Mennonites can be Russian, Dutch, German, etc and mostly speak low German). Russian is taught in my daughters elementary school here.

                      I think people who take over funerals to preach about sin are taking advantage of defenseless sad people, and its not fair or nice. Its also an insult to the person who died. Just like people who stage protests outside funerals to preach against being gay. Give it a rest. By the way the memorial was in a Chinese restaurant, Helen was agnostic. Her brother Peter got some black looks, but the thing about most sects is transgressions are forgiven. We are famous in this part of the world for polygamous marraiges too. NOT forgiven, that.

                      But I could hear you guys with the popcorn, yeah. So Thanks.

                      Here is a pix of the Grandby River near Helens house


                      Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                      Status: Happy:h


                        AF Daily - September 24

                        Hi Turnagain and :welcome:!! I think you are going to fit in just great here! Way to introduce yourself with a funny story!! We'd love to get to know you better so please feel free to tell us your story if you feel comfortable.

                        I am 55, single, mom to 3 papillons and 2 kitties. I work in public higher ed, I'm addicted to dog agility (and sugar unfortunately) and have been sober for 16 almost 17 months. My rock bottom came the day I went into work completely hungover, no voice and could only stay long enough for a meeting. That night I finished the large bottle of wine and couldn't go into work the next day. That next morning I found MWO by way of a google ad and have never looked back. It wasn't easy but with the help of the book, joining the Newbie's Nest in the Just Starting Out section and buying all the suppliments I could find the next day, I managed to start my journey. I had 2 one night relapses a month apart in the first 2 months I began and after the second relapse it stuck. My life has not miraculously changed for the better-in fact I would say I am probably going through one of the worst years I've ever lived through but I am still here and I am learning everyday how to deal with adversity AF. The one great thing that has been a direct result of being AF is my health. 3 months after going AF I found out I was borderline diabetic and possibly had kidney disease. Those 2 things have completely reversed a year later and that by itself has made all the hard work and angst worthwhile.
                        I hope you will stick with us for a long time. If you've been lurking you already know how serious we are about living life completely AF. It's expected that most of us will have a few false starts at the beginning and sometimes there will be major relapses after a long time being AF. We will be there to hold you up and get you back on track. Sometimes we have to give out a few :b&d:but its for your own good. don't be afraid to share and to ask any questions you have. We would love to hear more about your life in AK and any pics you have please share!!

                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - September 24

                          YAY Turnagain, glad you are here
                          We are serious about sobriety but have tons of fun too!

                          DG, you definitely are sending out doggy careful!

                          LVT, that was a very sad story about the little girl, sorry. I hope they fry the bastard!
                          Your son did a great job stepping into the QBs shoes, good for him
                          I stopped all the excessive menopause weeping when I went on HRT - something to consider some day

                          Greenie, glad you found some good entertainment!

                          Marshy, your party was a success, good for you!

                          I just took the Apple Challah out of the oven & it smells delicious. Tomorrow's BBQ is still on ~ my fearless son will stand outside in a hurricane to cook if he has to :H That's just the way he is......

                          Must go wash out the hair color before it gets overdone
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily - September 24

                            Thanks Kas for the info on the Doukhabors and for the stories and info on pepper spray. Huge food for thought. Maybe carrying a big stick would be safer for us walkers!!

                            Hey Lav!! I can smell that bread all the way here! Hope the rain hold off for your after christening party.

                            LvT-your #2 son should be very proud of himself as I know you are. That was not an easy thing to do!! I can't believe all the things the parents have to do to make homecoming happen!! What if you refused to do it? would the school just say "oh well, no homecoming this year". Really they would? Hope you get some rest tomorrow!

                            Greenie-I LOVE small town parades!! Especially when my adorable neph is riding in the fire engine!!

                            Dinner was yummy and I was able to bring half home for tomorrow's dinner. Nice conversation with dad too. Helped me decide about the Paphut. I'll keep it through the winter and continue to work on it doing sweat equity and then next Spring put it up for sale. I'm also going to do as much work on my car as I can and keep on the look out for a super lightweight camper it can realistically tow. Hopefully with AC!! he's happy about my refi and my new job although probably a tad concerned with the amount of hours I'll be putting in. I think the paycheck each week will be worth it. he may be able to get one more sail in next weekend before the boat comes out of the water. He's got a lot of electrical and mechanical work planned for it over the winter and by the time it goes back in it should be a very nice boat.

                            I'm physically and mentally exhausted (my mower hates long wet grass!) so will say goodnite. See you all in the morning!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily - September 24

                              pap3, great intro. I have had to sort of gather peoples story together, so this was nice thanks.

                              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                              Status: Happy:h


                                AF Daily - September 24

                                Mom3 fantastic self defense story. that must have been quite a fright.

                                Kas, it's true that the different OC spray patterns have their pluses and minuses. I'd recommend getting one or more 'live' units and at least one inert unit to train/practice with. The larger professional units orient much better in the hand than the annoying little cannisters which can be accidentally pointed the wrong way (oops).

                                ok, quick pic of 'secret agent dog'

                                international K9 of intrigue. Oh behaaaaave.

                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

