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AF Daily ~ Sept 25

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    AF Daily ~ Sept 25

    Det - it is disturbing to see distended neck veins on a dog :H :H
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily ~ Sept 25

      My sincerest apologies Kaslo. I don't know you or your step mom and my comment was very insensitive and inappropriate. I am so sorry.
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        AF Daily ~ Sept 25

        Sunnybutt you deffo beat me in the kitchen! I just roasted some cauliflower w/ EVOO and S&P and steamed some asparagus & drizzled with honey mustard vinegarette. And somehow I managed to buy my dad candy bars on a day I'm NOT visiting and 1/2 a bag of snickers is already gone. DAMMIT GREENIE!!! YOU KNOW BETTER!!! that is all.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily ~ Sept 25

          Hey Dudes!

          Another AF weekend slides by. We were less than active this weekend. Did a lot of relaxing but we both enjoyed being together. I don’t know if it’s sobriety or a mid life crisis but me and Mrs. IJM just seem to be closer these days. I guess that she prefers spending more time with someone that isn’t slurring words and passing out! I spent some cash on the reef tank this weekend. I gave Mrs. IJM a strict limit of $50 for some upgrades in fish. But when we got to the fish store she just had to have a bit more. I’m just a softy so what the heck. 4 fish = $175! If you happen to be into reef fish our purchase was:

          1 – Yellow Tang
          1- Orange Spot Goby
          1 – Regal Tang
          1- Niger Trigger

          Also had to get some dry goods for the reef – dry goods and salt water just don’t sound right together! Anyway, everyone is hiding getting used to their new home except the tang. Here is a pic: (hopefully the other $120 will be out of hiding soon!)

          So, I guess I live in a sheltered life here in the deep south. There are some things in the recent posts that just sound foreign to me….

          Closing up the trailer? Is this a camper like trailer that is located someplace other than home?
          Burritos? For breakfast?!?!?!
          A Mudroom? What the heck is that?
          tiered fried green tomatoes? Is that a stack of fried green tomatoes?

          Excuse my lack of worldly knowledge – I don’t get north of the Mason Dixon line too much! :H:H:H:H

          I hope everyone had as relaxing weekend as I did and are geared up for an awesome, AF week.

          Take care all!


            AF Daily ~ Sept 25

            Thank you for the warm welcome...I am looking forward to getting to know all of you more!

            I appreciate the intro, PapMom. I guess you could call me a PugMom! I've got two of those smooshed-faced critters...and a couple of grown two-legged critters. My son, 21, just moved back home to save money while finishing university. I like having him around again....

            I work from home as a writer and filmmaker. I love what I do, but spend most of my time pounding out grant requests. Got a few big funding deadlines coming up. I worried that I wouldn't be able to think creatively without Al and Nic. Well...I'm breathing deep...taking a lot of walks and keeping up the internal pep talks. So's going slow, but it's going well. I'm viewing this as a great brain re-training experience.

            Like so many others...I headed north to Alaska intending to work here for a year - have a lot of fun - make a lot of money and then head back to the Lower 48. It didn't quite work out that way. I'm coming up on nearly 30 years here. I'm now considered a "Sourdough." How one defines that depends on what's in the pocketbook. You're either sour about the long winter but don't have the dough to leave....or you're sour about the winter but are lucky enough to have the dough to vacation some place warm!

            Hawaii sounds sooooooooo good in February. Someday we'll go!
            Sober for the Revolution!
            AF & NF July 23, 2011


              AF Daily ~ Sept 25

              LV thank you, apology accepted. And yes you do know me, I am very easy to know. I also think I know you as well.

              Everyone, I am fine. The last couple of weeks have been really hard on so many fronts, but I have to move on. I also want to stress that I am taking mostly the positive things ahead out of whats happened. I was very proud of my brother, for example, he almost never speaks publically, and yet there he was amongst strangers, really, talking about his fondness for my dads second wife. And glad my OTHER brother didnt show....So yeah, lets not discuss it again. A death in the family is a hard thing to share with people.

              IJM, nice little Hawain yellow tang there!



              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily ~ Sept 25

                (((Kas))) for you anyway.

                Timeagain-great story! What made you stay in AK? Love? Pugs are great dogs too-such personality!!

                IJM-a mudroom is a must in the northeast. Its where you can take your muddy, wet or snowy shoes off, hang your coats, gloves etc up before going into the main part of the house. In my case, it's where I attempt to wipe 12 paws off so that a minimum of sh*t tracks through the kitchen onto my bed which is where they go the MINUTE I open the door :H! Its a very small area, nothing like you see in the home mags (where my bedroom would fit in those spaces!) but it works and I am fortunate to have one.

                Breakfast burritos are the bomb!! Maybe LVT will share the recipe.

                Boss has called a meeting for 8:30. This is historical-he's NEVER had a staff meeting in his whole time here. Orders from above. should be interesting but jeez, 8:30??? Gotta leave in 45 but feeling great. No grogginess since I switched from benedryl/ambien to Calms Forte. Whoo hoo!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!

