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Setember Sanctuary - Week 4

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    Setember Sanctuary - Week 4

    Good morning everyone

    Just thought I would start us off on our last few days of September.

    Will be back later to catch up on week-end news.


    Setember Sanctuary - Week 4

    Good Morning Everyone,

    Rustop-thank you for getting us started this week. I hope you had an enjoyable walk this morning. A great way to start the day!

    My thinking has changed so much now that I have had some AF time under my belt. Several years ago, when my drinking was beginning to escalate, just the dread of going on a trip where I would be with a client that I wasn't crazy about, (at that time, it was a trip to England) I would have gone out on a major binge to try and forget the fact that I was so reluctant to go. So, I would wake up with a horrible hangover....and not only was I still going on the trip, but I would be going with shame and self-loathing. This is how I felt on Saturday..dreading this trip. But I did not drink this time...and I just worked through it, and told myself...this too shall pass and you know what? This trip hasn't turned out to be bad at all. It took me a long time to change my thinking, but I did it.

    Just a thought for the day. AF4ME.

    Have a great AF Monday, everyone!


      Setember Sanctuary - Week 4

      Just posted on the other thread but wanted to say :goodjob: Rusty!
      Changing our thinking is the biggest part of the battle I think!
      Enjoy yourself.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

