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September Sanctuary - Week 4

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    September Sanctuary - Week 4


    Pap3-I admire you so much for being able to work with the elderly...I just don't think I would be able to do it...I'm not sure what it is or why but it just makes me very uncomfortable, or sad or scared??? I'm not sure exactly??? I've always felt bad about feeling that way. I'm glad you were there for that lady stuck in the restroom...I'm sure she felt scared.

    Chill--London!!! How awesome! I hope you have an amazing time!!! If you get a chance you should take a pix or two!! I bet it's pretty there!! And Chill--the nearest doc is 3 hours sad is that!?!? Good 'ol SD!!! I live in the armpit of the world, I swear!!:H

    Star--I didn't think you downplayed therapy at all!! You are totally right about finding the right therapist and having to put time and effort into working on your issues...they AREN'T magicians. I think being a counselor myself, I just see some that give the profession a bad name...but I suppose that is to be said with any profession...lawyers, doctors, teachers....whatever...there are a few bad apples in every bunch.

    Rusty--Just a few more days and you'll be home!! Yea...your own bed (for a couple nights!!) Your doing great with your client!!!

    Well I need to head to was pretty emotional today at school....couple abuse cases today. One my principal thought she should go ahead and handle knowing nothing about the family or prior history...and totally F'd up!!!!! She is seriously a control freak...the teacher was so pissed...and all I could do was apologize for being in a class when she was looking for me and "had" to seek the advice of our principal. UGH!! The second case is a total bunch of crap!!! I'm calling out Social Services on their lack of protecting one of our kids...I have a meeting set up with SS, the police Capt, States Attorney, and another counselor that has the sibling of our student. I'm pissed! We'll see how that goes--it was the Capt. that said he wanted the meeting after he heard my concerns! So...I'm off to dreamland!!!
    Hi to all!!!
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      September Sanctuary - Week 4

      Good Morning

      Papmom - you are an amazing lady and I think it's wonderful you are doing this job, I really hope it gives you great satisfaction as you deserve it.

      SD - you do a fabulous job too and I hope you slept well after your emotional day. I won't be seeing any of London this weekend. I couldn't take any time off work so I leave 5pm Friday and get to London around 11pm, the course is all day sat/sun then I leave straight away and get home after midnight Sunday. Tiring but worth it!

      Lav - I was going to suggest YB chicken sat but actually maybe you should send him over instead
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        September Sanctuary - Week 4

        Whew, so glad it is Thursday. By the way it is STILL RAINING!!

        Lav, wonders never cease to happen, I hope he is starting to make changes. You sound so pleased with your Curves routine.

        SD, lots to handle at your school, that professional distance is difficult to acquire. I wonder how these poor kids manage to get to school with all the chaos at home. So good they have you there to stand in their corner and advocate.

        Chill, how interesting, and what an opportunity. That is the fun part of being single, you can just go. No on to check in with or manage. Except Elle of course.

        Just work today out to dinner with an old neighbor who is working in the area. That will be fun and I am looking forward to it.

        To all, have a productive day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          September Sanctuary - Week 4

          Still raining here too Star - how depressing.......

          I have no real idea of what is going on inside the head of YB. I am in observation mode & noticing that he seems to be pushing himself to be more personable with me, the kids & grandkids. It really does look like a huge struggle for him but at least he's making an effort. Who knows??

          SD, your job sounds just as emotionally tiring as nursing was for me. I left after 27 years because I was emotionally depleted myself. That is when my drinking career began - looking back now it all seems kind of pathetic I'm just grateful all that is over with now & I'm still here to talk about it

          OK, time to get some work done. This granny is dragging today

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            September Sanctuary - Week 4

            I can honestly say today was the first day that the thought of going to the store to buy a bottle (or two) of wine crossed my mind!!!! My head is pounding, I've been bawling on and off since I've been home from school....I finally got out of bed and ordered pizza for my son!! This can't be another year like last year!!:upset: All I thought as I drove past the store is this F'n job and that F'n teacher and stupid F'n Social Services aren't worth me screwing up what I've worked so hard to do!!

            The Social Service thing is ongoing from yesterday..they are worthless...but today this teacher was so TOTALLY cruel to a child--in the middle of my teaching a lesson--(it's such a long story)--bottom line the child had done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! NOTHING!!!! And she snapped her fingers, yelled his name from across the room and demanded he leave the classroom to go to timeout (humiliating him in front of all his classmates)--he looked at me and I had no idea what was going on (he was standing right beside me)she comes pushing through the kids to yell at him to leave and he starts crying and says no--she leaves to go get the principal...he looks at me crying asking if he has to go...I whisper for him to please just do what she says and I'll go talk to her and find out what happened...he does it...she tells me he was interrupting me (he wasn't) and then she says he wasn't following the plan (we were all playing a game in a big circle)...I yell at her and the principal that I thought what they were doing was absolute bullshit!!! He didn't deserve to be in the little timeout room...he did NOTHING wrong!!!! The principal says I can see you are clearly can go back to class we'll handle it from here...I say your damn right I'm upset...this is bullshit!!! And I walk away!! My intern was in there as well and saw the whole thing...we are both documenting and if I have to I will make a formal complaint to the superintendent on both of them for what they did to that student.
            I don't understand why people "WANT" to work with children if they don't enjoy doing so or can't handle it.
            Have to go help my son with spelling...tomorrow has to be better right??? I got an email at the end of the day to come to the office sometime tomorrow to meet/talk.
            PS--sorry all I did was vent....
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              September Sanctuary - Week 4

              (((SD))) Sounds like you are really on the edge. We'll be here for you when you're done with your meeting tomorrow. Wish I had better words and thoughts for you. Thank god you are in the kids' corners. Sounds like no one else is. Try to rest tonite and find some peace. :l:h

              Star-hope your dinner was very nice.

              Lav and Jolie-still raining here as well. There was a gorgeous rainbow around 6pm tho. Double one too! then it clouded up and got all wet again but at least the humidity is gone. Now it's cold and windy.

              Scientists developing "stay-sober pill" - Telegraph
              This was on World News Tonight. Any comments?
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                September Sanctuary - Week 4

                Sorry your day was so shitty! Honestly, I believe a lot of people are in the wrong professions.......
                I worked with nurses who couldn't have cared less about what they were doing. YB worked with other PO's who were just plain crazy & quick to beat the crap out of people
                Just keep your focus girl, you know what's right & what's wrong
                And as hard as it is - try to leave it at the 'offoce'. Your home time is for you & for Brayden.

                papmom, the rain has stopped & the humidity has dropped. I have the windows open for the forst time in I don;t know how long
                I wonder about the wisdom of scientists developing the 'sober pill'. Seems kind of counter productive, doesn't it? I wonder who funded that research - Budweiser??
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  September Sanctuary - Week 4

                  Good morning guys

                  It's Friday and the last day in the sanctuary....

                  SD - what a bebacle! Thank God for you for sticking up for the boy and great job on driving past the liquor store. It's such a sad state of affairs when you have teachers yelling at kids. Are they not trained to stay calm? Talking of calm, I'm sending you all my good vibes so you can stay calm at the meeting today, don't reduce yourself to their level. Try to peacefully explain what you witnessed.

                  We have a yeller in our office. The manager screeches at the other girls (luckily not yet at me). Telling them off and complaining about them not doing their jobs right. It's painful to watch, everything she says would be far more effective if said in a calm reasonable manner. Also if you are going to pick on every little thing someone does wrong, I believe you should also tell them when they get it right. To me it's such an obvious criteria for being a good manager, being able to manage people. :huh:

                  Papmom - that sounds like the craziest pill I ever heard off! Actually I remember hearing of that research back in my 20's and thinking it would be great. (oh dear, thank God I didn't kill all my brain cells :H) So this will mean we take some drug that does God knows what to our brains so that we can drink ridiculous amounts of alcohol, doing God knows what to our bodies.....hmmm am I missing something here because I'm wondering 'why'.

                  I have a crazy busy day ahead then i have 6 hours on trains planes and automobiles to get me to London in time for the course tomorrow. I'm very excited about it and about seeing Starty again
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    September Sanctuary - Week 4

                    Good morning friends!

                    Chill, wishing you safe travels & say Hi to Starty for us

                    I'm still thinking about that 'sober pill'.........
                    Have these scientists not given a thought about what AL is doing to the rest of our internal organs such as our livers? Crazy stuff, really.

                    I have a busy morning ahead so I'll get going. A trip to the dentist, to Curves then back home to my shop. Got a good embroidery job yesterday, I'm thankful

                    Wishing everwyone a great AF Friday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      September Sanctuary - Week 4

                      Really rainy and cold here, yikes!!

                      I have to go back to the doctor as my eye issues are still bothering me, what a pain.

                      I was reading the AF daily and looking at the site about the 13 Grandmothers, how interesting. If you get a chance, you might like it.

                      I think I will stay home this weekend and get things done, and keep trying to heal. Maybe rest and more rest is the answer.

                      SD, it is so hard to believe that a teacher is so abusive, but I know from talkng to kids that it happens everday. I know two young men who are struggling to stay in school and are being persecuted by school administrators, it is such bullsh##. Unfortunately, when women get emotional on the job or even as mothers calling the school, the view is often irrational, hysterical, a bitch, etc. Yet, the reality is that you care and are fighting for right. I know that with my son, some horrible things happened and I found that calmly confronting, asking for details, and being insistent helped in some situations. Others, nothing changed or helped. I realize you are school staff, and I for one say keep on doing the great job youare doing and please take care of yourself.

                      Chill, what an exciting weekend, have a great interesting time.

                      Jolie, the wedding will be wonderful AF, with no regrets or remorse, the only way to go.

                      To all, have a great AF day.:_
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        September Sanctuary - Week 4

                        Good morning - just a quick check-in - what a week everyone has had!

                        SD - hang onto your 100 days, nothing is worth walking away from that...I am so sorry for all the idiocy you are having to deal with, good luck.

                        Star you are writing such wisdom - hope you feel better with rest this weekend.

                        Chill - reading back, I was so sorry to hear of all the upheaval of your trip, coming home, the money issues. Seriously, your ex has to step up and do the right thing. Didn't he say he 'would always be there for you'?....hmmm.... I am so excited to hear about your NLP weekend. I read 'Frogs into Princes' in the 80s, I had no idea that the creators were still out there teaching...can't wait to hear more. You are so remarkable; you keep at it and are always seeking and practicing. Thank you for your example.

                        PapMom - congrats on the job - I love Elders, I think you will find it really rewarding work.

                        Sorry not to address everyone (Jolie hope the wedding is wonderful, Lav hello, Rusty travel safely) must run and get at my apparently endless to do/packing list. I hope I have the fortitude to do this for another week, I'm getting to the point where I'm having trouble caring whether anything gets done or not. Still, the movers are coming one week from today...

                        Take care all, and have a good AF Friday --
                        to the light


                          September Sanctuary - Week 4

                          cyn - you are going to need a one year long vacation after all is said & done! Take good care of yourself

                          Star - my ADHD son had his own private chair in the principal's office in elementary school - no kidding :H
                          The teachers couldn't stand my son but the principal did understand him & liked him. He told me repeatedly that it did Matt a lot of good to just come in & sit for a while (and get away from the bitchy teachers). I really appreciated that guy ~ he was on our side

                          Well, the day started out perfect but the sun has gone & the clouds have moved back in - oh well, it was nice while it lasted!

                          Jolie, hope tomorrow's weather holds up for you - will be thinking of you neighbor

                          Hello to Dewdrop - not sure when you dropped in last.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

