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September Sanctuary - Week 4

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    September Sanctuary - Week 4

    Good Morning Guys - Last few days of September....

    100 days AF for SD & Sped! :wd::wd::wd: rock on girls!

    Cass & Cyn :yougo: :yougo: :yougo: 9 months AF! I hope you both are very proud.

    Cyn - We look forward to having you back with us when life settles down for you. Cass, like Pamom I think its so wonderful that you got your act together when you did, my years between 30-40 were so centered around alcohol and I cant have them back. Enjoy every wonderful sober second!

    Lav - Sounds like a very full and action packed day was had by all, I hope you had a good nights sleep.

    I saw a photo at the weekend on FB of One2Many, who has been AF for a long time, it was her Daughters christening and she was positively glowing with health. I dont think its just a normal healthy look we get, its more than that, I think there is an inner light that goes on when we get emotionlly sober that shines through and thats why your Dr friends said you looked "real" good......

    I heard Wayne Dyer say recently that for all the hours we say we dont have time to take care of ourselves in life, we'd better be prepared to spend these hours on being sick later in life.

    Jolie - I have these emotional days too when I cry at anything, it could be a song on the radio or seeing a parent look at a small child with love.

    Sped - I chickened out of church. I got back from shopping with my Sisiters at 6.15pm and was suposed to be at church for 7pm, it was torrential rain and snuggling down on the sofa seemed more appealing.

    Have a great monday guys, i definitely have a case of the monday blues today.......
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    September Sanctuary - Week 4

    Cyn-9 months for you too?? CONGRATS! YOU ALSO ROCK!!:happy::applaud::yougo:

    GOTTA run-meeting at 8:30!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      September Sanctuary - Week 4

      Congratulations to SD and Sped - 100 days is awesome:goodjob:

      Cassia and Cyn - 9 months????? WAY TO GO!

      Wonderful to wake up again to a clear-headed Monday morning! Changing my mood to grateful becuase I am grateful for so many things - all of you here at MWO being one of the tops!

      Work day for me today and tomorrow then off the rest of the week in preparation for my sons wedding.

      Papmom - glad to see I'm not the only one up at the crack of dawn! Hope your meeting goes well.

      Chill - wonderful to share the news of one of us MWOers! I think you nailed it - a lot of that beauty comes from inside and feeling good about yourself just seems to make its way to the surface!

      Lav - hope the christening and all the days activities went well. I don't know about you but I am sitting here at my desk SWEATING at 6:30 in the morning. So ready for fall and the cooler temperatures. This humidity has gotta go!

      Have a great Monday eveyrone!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        September Sanctuary - Week 4

        Good morning to all...

        Chill, it is raining here too, and I am struggling with Monday myself. We will get through the day with peace joy and light and love understanding and goodwill. Those are words I am focusing on today from the Daily Word reading. They are so positive and feel good words. Hope you had fun shopping with your sisters, I had to restrain myself from shopping yesterday, I just wanted to buy stuff.

        Cograts to all who are having significant time AF. It really does make a difference.

        I had such a comfy day with my family, football and food. The Bears lost as expected, but I tried to help by feeding them. I am slowly regaining my strength by lots of rest and medicine. I was investigating menopause over the counter supplements and will go to the drugstore today to pick something up. I am SICK of hotflashes continuously. It is making me irritable and uncomfortable all the time. If it does not help I will go to the doctor and I guess take the hormones. I always vowed I wouldn't but cannot go on like this forever. Lav, what did you take before? OK, I'll stop giving everyone an organ recital.

        To all, have a great AF day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          September Sanctuary - Week 4

          Hi everyone

          Seems we have 2 week 4 threads. Myself and Rusty posted on the other one so checking in on this one.

          Cassia and Cyn, well done on your significant AF time and thanks for checking in. We do worry about people when we dont hear from them.

          Star - I will be looking for herbal alternatives. One book I have mentions Black Cohosh and there is a list of other ones which I cannot remember but will look up for you if you are interested.

          Everyone else big hello and have a great AF week.



            September Sanctuary - Week 4

            Morning one & all!

            Had an absolutely crappy night!!!!!!
            Hot flas woke me at 2:15 am followed by intense itching - poison ivy is still spreading despite the expensive tx I'm using.........Just couldn't go back to sleep until 6 am when I flopped on the sofa & snoozed until 9 am - weird

            Jolie, my AC went back on last Thursday - I don't play nice with this humidity at all!!!

            Congrats to the 100 days AF girls, Shelley & SD :yay:

            Congrats to the 9 months AF girls Cassia & cyn :yay:

            We must be doing something right around here - i'm grateful to be part of such a successful bunch of women!

            I hope the Monday blues leave soon for you chill!

            Hi to papmom & rustop!

            Star, I have taken many of the OTC hot flash relief remedies - they gave me little relief.
            I've been on HRT, different types & dosages over the years but as you can see I'm still having problems at night. I know how disrruptive this is to your life - there's nothing funny about it! Seriously, I believe feeling like that for so long contributed to my eventual depression/anxiety situation which led to my attempt to drink it away. I didn't drink much at all before age 42 when all this started - seriously!!!! Don't waste too much time friend - go see your doc & talk it out :l

            OK, I have to go to the other thread to see what Rusty & Rustop had to say!
            I have work waiting for me too!

            Have a good AF Monday everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              September Sanctuary - Week 4

              Here's Will in church yesterday (my DIL's church doesn't get the kids dressed in fancy white outfits for christenings so he wore his khaki shorts & striped polo )

              At my house - hanging out.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                September Sanctuary - Week 4

                Evening guys

                Rustop - sorry for the x post this morning.

                Lav - Wills is an absolute sweetie!

                I'm listening with interest to all this discussion on the menopause as I know it's ahead of me. You guys are my Mentors and its good to hear the different experiences. Lav I have actually heard a few woman say their drinking escalated at this time of their lives. One girl I know didn't drink at all until then and now she copes by drinking a bottle of wine a night! Not ideal :no: I would hope to go down the holistic route and have listened to Christianne Northrup speak about lots of alternatives. I have actually suffered from night sweats since my early 30's and still have them for 2-3 nights a month. They are not fun....:upset:

                Papmom - I hope your heartburn is better. I used to suffer severely from it when I drank and it wonderfully disappeared when I quit.

                I've had a rain cloud over my head all day. It's my wedding anniversary and would have been 17 years. That's not the real issue though but it didn't help. I'm getting much better at dealing with these moods though and can shake them pretty fast. I have these two voices in my head, one is trying to pull me down the route of doom and gloom, telling me I'll never amount to anything, never get out of this hole im in, never have a good life again.
                Meanwhile the other is going :lalala: and telling me not to think about anything important until the other little monster has buggered off! Luckily the 2nd voice is winning!! :bat

                I'm still not feeling 100% and I'm already tucked up in bed..... Tomorrow is another day
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  September Sanctuary - Week 4

                  Chill, plug in some nice meditation CDs to drown out the unwanted voice - that's wqhat I do
                  About the anniversaries - it's tough. I have now sat alone for my 37th & 38th. Realistically, YB has never been real interested in celebrating our anniversaries & it makes sense since I discovered he 'doesn't trust happiness' - WTF?

                  I've read many books on handling menopause naturally - C. Northrup's The Wisdom of Menopause was great but...... My doctor told me that it was going to go on for a very long time because I was only 41 when it started - she wasn't kidding considering I'm going to be 58 in December
                  I hope you & Star are both feeling better soon

                  My newest grandson is very sweet, happy all the time....hope it lasts because his big brother EB is in total miserable mode these days :H
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    September Sanctuary - Week 4

                    Good evening everyone!!!

                    Been kind of a crazy past two days here. Had to take the day off today to take my son down to his doctor appt. It's about 3 hours away. Well after his football game on Saturday (which his dad showed up for) his dad took him back to his place to stay over night. I picked my son up on Sunday and continued on and went to the appt (we stayed with my dad--blah!!! as he lives there). Anyway...when I pick up my son I'm informed he's thrown up twice that morning, my ex is guessing "from something he ate." Well later as I'm driving with my son I find out there were mice at his dad's house (again) HIS bedroom and on the refrigerator!!!! Before my son found them in the cupboards!!!! My ex STILL has no warm water as he won't pay his bill!!! This has been ongoing since last October or November....he has my son sit in the tub and pours warm water that he heats on the stove to take a bath!!!:upset: My ex joked about how dirty his place was when I invited him in (cuz I said my place was messy--Brayden's toys weren't picked up in the living room!!) son was fine the entire time I had him....his appt. was a whole different issue...this was a new doctor--told me my son needed to see a counselor because he was sad...and needed to spend more time with his dad "a male role model"...which I could say nothing because my son was sitting there. He was also "sad" because he wants his dad and I back together again...she talked to my son alone...but not me!!!! Grrrrr!!!!! I'm very frustrated....with the appt and of course spending any amount of time watching my dad throw back copious amounts of AL and then continue to run his mouth I finally just got up and went to bed early...I laid there and listened to him make another drink! UGH!!! 100 days AF and couldn't be happier...although besides you guys here no one else in my "real world" even has a clue. I so bad wanted to tell someone....but like my counselor said...I better learn to get positive confirmation from myself...because it isn't going to come from anywhere else...this comment came from after I told her about my mom's dream.

                    Anyway sorry to ramble...just a lot on my mind I guess. Not sure what to do or if I should do anything...or have a I'm guessing a conversation thats going to lead to a huge fight with my ex. My son should not have to go live in those type of conditions...that's so sickening to me!!! I want to tell him he needs to be a more active part of my sons life but in order for me to let him go with him again he must get running hot water, get rid of the mice and make sure his place is clean and the food is not expired or hasn't been exposed to mice. And...maybe it's because I'm a girl and wasn't raised around guns...but it freaks me out to hear about my ex doing weird crap with my son and guns...some of the stuff, to me doesn't sound safe...I want to address that stuff too!! BUT it will be a HUGE fight and I'm sure he'll yell, scream and hang up on me...he's pretty immature!!! UGH!!!
                    I think I need some tylenol or something....I'll check back in later....sorry for the venting...

                    Lav--Your grandson is a little honey!!! I want another one so bad---but with someone normal!!:H

                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      September Sanctuary - Week 4

                      Hey SD!

                      I'm just sayin......
                      I think I would have my lawyer write a letter to your ex. Threaten him to clean up his place or a call will be made to social services, the health dept., whatever! I just would not send my kid into those conditions - that is not a helathy way for father & son to bond!!!! Besides, it's just causing you a lot of unecessary stress. Hugs to you, I hope you can get it sorted out soon :l
                      You have done so well, congrats again on your 100 AF days! You know something, I have to come here for strength & inspiration too & there's nothing wrong with that. We are friends who understand one another, right??
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        September Sanctuary - Week 4

                        Hey SD-although I'm no mom, when reading your post, the first thing I thought of was social services. How your ex is living is criminal and to have your son living there as well is neglect (on your ex's part). Plus the gun thing is just over the top. Call your lawyer, tell him what happened and see what he recommends. If he pats you on the head and says you're overreacting, fire him and while your at it, fire your doctor and the whole group. How dare she make presumptions and not talk to you??? Grrrrrr is right! You are strong like bull (russian accent here) and you can stand up for you and your son! Go with your gut and don't look back.

                        Lav-hope you get a good nite's sleep! The pics are just too cute!!

                        Chill-I'm sorry you're so sad. Being sick doesn't help does it? Feel better, listen to voice #2 and say the serenity prayer for good measure. Hope you got some good sleep tonite. :l

                        Hey Rusty, Star, Dew, Cyn, Jolie and Rustop!! Hope everyone had a great day!

                        I'm now on a new committee at work. My boss is on it too so immediately I knew I won't be able to have any input (because his opinion is the only one that matters). Should be an interesting waste of time tho.

                        I said good bye to my counselor tonite. I won't have any evenings free to see her anymore and truthfully I don't need her anyway. She never replied to my email that I sent after the whole job debacle even tho she admitted she did receive it. She had encouraged me to let her know what was happening as I only saw her once a month. All I said in the email was I didn't get either job. Didn't go into it. I certainly expected some sort of acknowledgement and I told her that. She had no excuse except she just figured we'd talk about it tonite. Bah. Either I am not fluent in English anymore or other people are really good at doublespeak and no one values what comes out of their mouths these days. Sick of it. From now on I'm getting clarification and not just taking things at face value. Watch out world!! You've pissed off the Papmom and that is NOT good!

                        OK, time to say good nite before I get too riled up :H
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          September Sanctuary - Week 4

                          Wrote a long post and lost it :upset: need to fly now to walk Elle before work,
                          Will check in later, guys we need name suggestions for October.......
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            September Sanctuary - Week 4

                            Good morning to all...

                            Chill, how annoying for your to lose your post. That happens to me every once in a while, especially if I've just written a masterpiece . Hope your day goes well. I too have been fighting feeling blue and know that this time of year just adds to the feeling with the days getting darker and the continued rain. We need to cheer ourselves up!!! I like the idea of lots of sleep, tea, and good books.

                            Papmom, having been in counseling in the past, one time a month is just kind of not enough to work on ongoing issues. It just seem that it is catchup at that point. Don't you feel that coming on this site and talking about stuff is a type of therapy? I do. And, it is ongoing and filled with support. Do what is right for you and what feels comfortable. I loved our comment about your boss and only his opinion counting. It is good to know where you stand or don't stand. I have learned to manage people, and if they are like that, agree with them and then do what I want to do as much as possible.

                            I live in apple orchard country, and tis the season. Right know on TV they showed a lucious apple being dipped in carmel and nuts, ruining it's nutritional value. Yuck. I like apples plan and apple cider. I love apple cider. Anybody else?

                            It is raining here and I woke up with a bit of a headache, going away due to good strong columbian coffee. I know I need to go exercise, but it would sure be nice to just read and hang out. I won't though. I will FORCE myself to go out in the rain and work out, I will be so happy later.

                            Lav, thanks for sharing those pictures, wow, what a beautiful family. You commented that YB doesn't trust happiness. Isn't that an interesting comment. I guess it is a choice, trust happiness and all the good things, or focus on sadness, depression, lack, and trust and choose darkness. Not for me. That is where therapy would help to see that what you focus on grows and it IS a choice. I guess my next question is, what is the payoff to choosing depression. An ongoing pity party I guess. That is so very sad.

                            Names for October...I actually looked in a dictionary....omnipotent, opportunities, optimum, I really ahd to look. I think last year was optimistic. Any and all is fine with me. Have a great day, AF
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              September Sanctuary - Week 4

                              Hey Star-yes you hit the nail on the head. In counseling we didn't really talk about any issues-just played catch up. I'd rather come on here and talk to you guys and not waste a $20 co pay!! I have finally made peace with who my boss is and like you, work around him. Life at the office seems much more tolerable now with my shift in thinking! Boring, but tolerable!

                              Yes, I adore fresh homemade apple cider! I can't wait for my Mckown apples to hit the stores again! I can't get them here from spring through summer and in late summer I can't even get Macs!! I love my apple every other day!

                              Hope everyone who is feeling blue perks up today! It's going to be much cooler but a little cloudy. At least the humidity should lessson.
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

