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AF Daily Monday 26th

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    AF Daily Monday 26th

    Morning abbers!

    I'm up and getting my coffee fix into me. Feeling anxious this morning but not sure why?

    I'll be back, gotta get the girl off to school!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    AF Daily Monday 26th

    Good morning Uni! Quick pop in for me too. Couldn't sleep in the middle of the night last night with images of Friday Dog in my head. Finally fell asleep at some point and then over slept. Don't know if sleep finally came due to tiredness or use of AA tools over the head image. :H Either way I guess I'll take it.

    P3 - Curious about that staff meeting??? I'm sending karma that it's an across the board announcement of raises.

    Turnagain - your work sounds really interesting. What kind of writing and films do you work on? Sourdough. :H

    M3 - I realized in the middle of the night that I never responded to your post the other day about your dog attack experience. I do remember that!! Scary stuff.

    Greenie - I am the same dang way with sweets. I just can't have them in the house. So how they find there way here sometimes is a mystery. (well, no it's not :H)

    Sunny - I will come to your house for dinner any time!

    IJM - pretty fish. I like the way you shop too. I should have had you with me at the mall yesterday so I could go over my allowance. Me and Mr. Doggy's relationship improved immensely once the substances were all removed. At our age it's not like teenage fireworks, but it's a much deeper thing and more real and honest without all the baggage (hiding, sneaking, paranoia, wrong priorities, self centeredness, the list goes on) that comes with substance abuse/dependence.

    Kas - I hope you are starting to feel some peace of mind. :l

    Lav - When do we get to see pics????

    Hello to all other fabbies. This weeks assignment for dual disorders should be posted any minute!

    One thing is for AL is crossin' these lips today! Too much LIVIN' to do!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Monday 26th

      Good Morning Fabbies!

      Right with ya on the coffee fix, Uni! Hope you're feeling better after the school run!

      DG- hope the assignment isn't too bad/hard. Either way, you'll nail it!

      Turnagain - Would also love to hear what kind of writing/films you do!

      Greenie - Ditto on the choccie bars! I admire your restraint (only half the bag? Wow!). I used to have to buy halloween candy 3x. The first 2x I ate it all :H

      IJM - Phew.. didn't realize it was that expensive of a hobby *gulp* Very purdy, though! As for the 'northern vocabulary'... PapMom already explained the mud room very well.. yep, trailer is a camper home away from home, usually parked near water, etc.... somewhere to hang out on the weekends, and nope, I just slapped some normal ripe tomatoes on the fish.. although I LOVE green fried tomatoes! Hope that clears it up! :H

      Hello to Lav, Kas, and whoever else I missed! I'm running a bit late today (slept in, big time)... so off I go Have a great day, everyone!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        AF Daily Monday 26th

        Good morning Abbers!

        Lav had one crappy, sleepless & itchy night! Crap!!!
        Hot flash woke me at 2:15 am then I couldn't get back to sleep because the poison ivy had me itching & I had already taken 50 mg of Benadryl
        Finally dropped off at 6 am & slept til 9 am.

        I have to get to work then I will make another attempt to get some pics up.
        Have a good day one & all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily Monday 26th

          Hi Fabbies,
          Just a quick hello before I unpack and try to get used to this cooler British air. I'm missing the temperatures in Tuscany. Where did September go? It's the 26th already?
          AF since 11 July 2011
          You can never get enough of what you don't really want


            AF Daily Monday 26th

            Hey Fabsters, Hi to Treya, Uni, DG, Greenie Lav and all others to come. Gotta get down to my office chop chop here. Did you know the Romans supposedly salted Carthage after they sacked it? 146 BC.

            One thing is for sure....


            Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
            Status: Happy:h


              AF Daily Monday 26th

              Kas-Why??? Did it make everything and everybody shrivel up so it would be easier to bury them? Sorry, first thing that came to mind.
              Love this-IJM's thought of the day and Kas's trivia of the day!!

              Welcome back home Treya!!

              DG-sorry you didn't sleep-you too Lav. I know the feeling all to well. Last nite was fine thank god. Woke up a couple of times but went right back. 5:30 still came to soon! No, we didn't get across the boards raises, we got across the boards more work to do of course!!

              IJM-that yellow fish is GORGEOUS!! Can't wait to see more pics! I know I asked you this before so please forgive me-are saltwater fishies hardier than tropical fresh water fishies?
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily Monday 26th

                Guess we should start a live chatline for the sleepless here :H

                Yesterday's pictures are not so great........
                They don't dress the babies in fancy white outfits for christenings at my DIL's church so Will was just in his khaki shorts & striped polo

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily Monday 26th

                  Good morning all...

                  I'm getting a later start on the day than usual so I'm doing a read-n-run! We're heading out of town early Wednesday for a week.

                  Today, I've got to finish LAST year's taxes and planting the rest of the tulips - besides the stack of Monday's Must-DOs.

                  I don't know how I did this when I was drinking!


                  oh...right....I didn't!
                  Sober for the Revolution!
                  AF & NF July 23, 2011


                    AF Daily Monday 26th

                    Did I mention the BMSBs are back??????
                    They are all in the process of 'moving in' for the winter even though it's 80 degrees outside

                    Hey Turnagain!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily Monday 26th

                      BMSB? ____ _____ stink bug. Big mother? brown mutant? bung monger? do tell!

                      Nice looking fam Lav!

                      P3 my guess would be to destroy/prevent vegetation.

                      IJM, wow. I have a new idea for a job. Move to an island and scuba to sell tropical fish.

                      Sourdough ~ :H Turnagain, it took me weeks to dig out of the paperwork hole, but it can be done! I vowed to never let that happen again. I learned about a year and a half later that that means never drink again. Duh. Now I get it.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily Monday 26th

                        :yuk: Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs :yuk:

                        I still don't know how so many of them manage to get inside
                        One thing I know for sure is that they don't come in here & reproduce - thank goodness for that :H Everytime I find one I flush it or run it down the drain. If you injure them first then they release their stink:yuk:
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily Monday 26th

                          Ah biology... yes what a retched little bug that one is. Dumb as a sack of hammers, too. Love the not-smiley on your post Lav. Nice looking family pix too. Thank goodness they didnt dress the little guy in a lace gown and bonnet. I like the more manly look of striped jersey... hes very cute.

                          Yes P3, Greenie is quite correct, they wanted to destroy the potential for crops, but the Romans that built a Roman city on the ruins of Carthage after 146 BC had no problem raising crops after some period of time. Its one of the few long term studies I have to refer to, lol! However, its not certain the Romans actually did salt Carthage. Salt was expensive then, and Romans were only thorough in regards to actual bloodshed. They killed everyone in sight, apparently. Despite the Carthegenians making a strong defense of the city for 3 years. There was a lot of burning of prisoners of war, and tossing of oneself into the flames in protest. Not comparable to waterboarding, courts martial and judicial enquiries, but there are some similarities. It just illustrates how far I am willing to go off topic on a particular toxicology question, when it is as dull as ditch water.

                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            AF Daily Monday 26th

                            According to my alma mater's website (Penn State) the stink bug traveled from Asia to Allentown, Pennsylvania (in the foothills of the Pocono Mtns). I have a few fruit trees & they leave brown spots on the apples & peaches :yuk: I have no idea what else they've been feasting on out there.
                            I'm glad my grandson wasn't dressed up either on Sunday.......those days are pretty much over I think. Are you still working on your paper????
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily Monday 26th

                              Hi fABbies! Quick evening check in before I shower up and hit the sack. I have an early start tomorrow picking up new sponsee for AA meeting, then after that off to class. Got my dual disorders homework for the week almost done today - major accomplishment and brain burner!!

                              Lav - gorgeous pics! You really do have a beautiful family. Which makes it easy to say that stink bugs are definitely not your family! :egad:

                              Turnagain, your posted reminded me exactly how insane and highly unproductive things got in the last years of my drinking. I remember a Christmas time where Mr. D and I were to host the family get together for his side of the family. I kept telling myself day after day "I'll have one drink and then start cleaning." Well, I had been saying that for years. I sat down and balled the day before the party - the house was a wreck. I think we ended up making up some excuse and moving it at the last minute to another sibs house. Ugh. Not proud of those moments that's for sure. I'm glad I don't live like that any more.

                              So Kas. IS your paper done?????

                              Treya - welcome "home!"

                              P3 - sorry to hear it was NOT a big raise - just more work. :upset:

                              Where are all the other fabbies today? Is Det on the road or still ____________ with Dx?

                              Did IJM get eaten by the tropical fish?

                              Did Grandma get runover by a reindeer?

                              Oh wait...

                              Well, one thing is for sure. I'm chalkin' up another AF day for the record books. See you fABbies later.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

