I just read a little at the end of last week's thread about speaker meetings. Regardless of how different my story seems, I can always see some commonality. We also talked a little about bottoms at last night's BB meeting. We read the whole BB, including all the stories in the back. Some of the people who have written those stories had very low bottoms. This point about high/low bottoms was discussed. Our bottoms are as low as we can stand individually. Mine included many drunken episodes, including the last one which landed me in the hospital. However, it was really the soul-sickness that was getting to me: the lying, the pretending, the hiding, etc.
My regular meetings are going through change. Many of the original people I came in with have either gone out again or have switched meetings. I must admit that when someone goes out & drinks again, it makes me nervous. I fear for the life & integrity of the meeting. I know that everyone is doing what he/she is supposed to be doing in order to go forward, but I really liked the status quo. I think the lesson for me is that the only thing that doesn't change is change itself. Change is inevitable.
I think I have to start branching out & going to different meetings in order to get a feel for what's happening in other parts of our AA community. I'd love to hear from others about this topic:
-meetings that have lost their life a little.
-meetings that have changed.
-feelings of staleness.
-feelings of criticalness.
I know there is something I can be doing differently. Of course, I'm still going to meetings, as I know that wo/them, I would drink again.
I'm meeting w/my sponsor on Wed. to start the 4th step. I'll discuss this w/her.
Hope all is well. We're anticipating our trip to Italy the first 2 weeks of Nov.