Greenie, that recipe looks delicious - just printed a copy. I'll make that sometime when people are here who can actually eat cheese. Unfortunately I can't anymore

The universe sent me two more customers today - one of them a big one

Uni, take care of yourself first, OK?
DG, such a sad day for that teen, something she'll remember all her life. When my nephew loaded up on beer just a few days after his HS graduation & died it changed all of our lives for sure.
Kas is finally getting her homework done - :yay:
Turnagain, the stink bugs aren't big just super fugly :H
Travel safely & check in when you can!
Det - sounds like you had a real senior moment there friend - scarey, isn't it??
Hope you are resting up tonight!
I watched my grandsons for a while tonight while my DIL went to her karate class.
EB is now going to preschool Tuesday mornings so I asked him: Did you go to school today? He said NO!
OMG - he's just like his Dad! So I rephrased my question: What did you do in school today? He then told me everything he did :H I wish my son & DIL good luck raising two boys :H