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AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

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    AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

    Greenie, that recipe looks delicious - just printed a copy. I'll make that sometime when people are here who can actually eat cheese. Unfortunately I can't anymore
    The universe sent me two more customers today - one of them a big one

    Uni, take care of yourself first, OK?

    DG, such a sad day for that teen, something she'll remember all her life. When my nephew loaded up on beer just a few days after his HS graduation & died it changed all of our lives for sure.

    Kas is finally getting her homework done - :yay:

    Turnagain, the stink bugs aren't big just super fugly :H
    Travel safely & check in when you can!

    Det - sounds like you had a real senior moment there friend - scarey, isn't it??
    Hope you are resting up tonight!

    I watched my grandsons for a while tonight while my DIL went to her karate class.
    EB is now going to preschool Tuesday mornings so I asked him: Did you go to school today? He said NO!
    OMG - he's just like his Dad! So I rephrased my question: What did you do in school today? He then told me everything he did :H I wish my son & DIL good luck raising two boys :H
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

      Oh Det-how scary for you!! I love my SlideNotes app on my phone. I put all important info there like the hotels I stay in for agility, directions (if I'm not using GPS), phone conversations etc. It's a life saver!! You could also take a pic with your phone of the front of your hotel when you arrive. Not suggesting this will ever ever happen again-but just saying, ya know???
      Fermented cabbage? Really? Isn't regular cabbage bad enough? :H

      Kas-great job on the paper.

      DG-What a horrible start to the school day for everyone. If there is any question that this young woman is having a really bad time dealing, the Dean of Students can usually help out by at least getting her some on campus emergency counseling help. This info is in case you hear or see something and can reach out.

      Bean-good luck. I truly hope we aren't lighting a candle for you in the near future.

      Uni-If you aren't up to this trip, postpone it until you can deal. Your health is top priority here. Your sister will survive without you for now.

      Greenie-good on you for getting the hole straightened out! Now come to my house please!!

      Turn-safe travels-hope you find out vacationing AF is the bomb!!

      LVT-Happy Anniversary!! So glad you were able to enjoy some hubby time!!

      Marshy-awesome castle!! You did good with the champagne thing-I'll remember that on the 9th when the toast comes around.

      Lav-your EB is too funny!

      did IJM stop by today? Who else are we missing?

      Gotta be up bright and early tomorrow for my Orientation at the Nursing Home. Better hit the sack now. G'nite all!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!

