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AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

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    AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

    Good morning Abbers!

    What's going on??
    Totally fogged in this morning - such strange weather

    This self-employed person needs to go make some money so I'll be back later.
    Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

    Hello friends,

    Looks to be another beautiful Indian summer day here. I really need to take a pic of my greenhouse for you all to see. We need to get some plastic on the ends so I can put a little heat in there when it starts freezing.

    Sunday afternoon I made salsa and green chili sauce. It took me all day into the evening and I was exhausted. I like to can, but I get so tired of the mess and getting nothing else done. I wouldn't mind turning it into a business, but I don't think a person could charge enough to make any real money at it. I plan on donating some to a couple of benefit bake sales and will give some for gifts. I invited a friend over and gave him 2 boxes of older hot stuff because he is mexican and likes it hot--unlike my family. He was a little unsure of the date, but I told him if it is sealed and looks and smells ok he should be fine. He also has lots of mexican friends he can give it to that will appreciate it.

    I wish I would have had time to make more pickles when my cucs were fresh, my kids are raving over them this year! Yay!

    Someday soon I have to make the time to start dragging boxes upstairs so hubby can take up some carpet in the basement. The water is still coming in by the gallons. The sump pump kicks on about every 5 minutes. Hopefully once they shut off the water to the big irrigation ditch that solves our problem for this year. If not......

    Yesterday was my hubbys and my 19th wedding anniversary. He bought us a new screen door and a nicer door for our side entry--spent all day Sunday putting it in. He got me a nice card and took me out for supper and took me to see the movie "The Help" which I've been wanting to see. It was the first time in a very, very long time that we've gone out alone together. It was nice. He really is a good guy. It's easy to be nice and have a conversation with him when he's not drinking. I guess I will enjoy those moments when I can.

    We both have colds, all I want to do is sleep. Yesterday I came home from work early and took a nap so I can get over this crud sooner. I do not want to get as sick as I did last winter!!!

    Sorry I didn't give you time to make a sandwich, nor take the time to comment on all the wonderful things you all have going on in your lives. Maybe next time!:h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

      Hi guys!

      LV - that sounds like a nice evening with hubby! Happy anniversary.

      I have been dragging myself lately - and my anxiety has been in high gear which I know is what is draining my energy. I'm not sure what it is, my therapist thinks it may be because I am expected to go to Florida and take care of everyone when I am still learning to take care of myself. That is possible. So now I'm not sure what to do because I know that the last time I went to Florida to take care of my neice it took me about 2 weeks to recover when I returned. It really threw me for a loop since I couldn't do any self care when my focus was on other people. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now.
      Decisions, decisions - and which one is best for me........

      Oh well, friend is coming for coffee this morning and then I'll be having my nap.

      Love and hugs,
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

        Hi peeps

        Haven't been here for a few days because...I'm back on the bloody fence again with whether to be completely AF or not. I would say I am 95% committed to being 98% AF and that won't cut it on the AF threads so I feel that I can't be part of this group right now.

        My goal (once again) is to cut out the really destructive and harmful binge drinking that I do on my own. When I quit at the start of the year for 3 months, I was 100% committed and I shot down any craving as soon as it occurred because I wasn't going to let anything make me stray from the AF path.

        These days, I just don't seem to have that edge. So I think I'm going to have to lurk till I figure out what comes next.

        Thanks again for supporting me on my wobbly path. Although I choose not to be completely AF at this time, I absolutely want to be *mostly* that way most of the time. Just have to figure out what that looks like and whether it's actually achievable/sustainable for me.


          AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

          Hi Bean,
          Glad to hear from you! Whatever you choose to do please take good care of yourself

          LVT, nice you that had a good anniversary ~ just the way it should be
          Sorry you are still dealing with flooding. I guess I should feel very fortunate after two months of record breaking rain here I still have a dry basement!

          Uni - a nap sounds very tempting right about now
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27


            Do what you need to do for you. But please be careful. Binge drinking is very dangerous. Stay safe.
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

              Hi all,

              Lav - we're having an Indian summer! I've pumped up my bike tyres so I can cycle to work tomorrow to make the most of it.

              LVT - how nice to have a special evening out with your husband. Happy anniversary.

              Uni - I hope you can decide what's best for you. Difficult when we're pulled in different directions.

              Bean - hope you decide what your course of action is. It's good that you're thinking through the whole thing anyway.

              I went to my nephew's wedding yesterday in a real live castle (below)! Lovely day but everyone had to wait three hours for food after the ceremony while a million photos were taken. We ended up eating the little heart-shaped chocolates that were put out as table decorations while waiting for the first course! Oh, and I had a glass of champagne poured out for me for the toasts before I realised what the waiter was up to but just handed it over to someone else at the table and toasted them with water instead.

              Have a good day all! Attached files [img]/converted_files/1673435=6420-attachment.jpg[/img]
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

                I love castles Marshy

                Congrats to your nephew & glad you turned down the champagne (I always thought it tasted like a glass of saltwater :H )
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

                  Congrats Marshy! Hi everyone, no time, busier than a one armed paper hanger here.

                  kas, who is writing the blessed paper, yes.

                  Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                  Status: Happy:h


                    AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

                    Morning all...

                    Woke up to the first frost of the season! Thank goodness it was a light one. I haven't mulched anything yet.

                    Marshy, what a beautiful setting for a wedding! You did great on bouncing the champagne. I was at a wedding this summer for my niece and it was my first social 'sobriety test.' It gave me so much confidence about going on without AL! You know, every time we choose to avoid AL, we've broken healthy new ground in our brain pathways. Yea for us!

                    One of the wonderful things about the niece's nuptials is that the formal photos of the wedding party were taken BEFORE the ceremony. Long day for them...but no waiting for the hordes of hungry guests/locusts who got into the reception ASAP.

                    Lav - your grandson is cuter than a button! He has wise eyes.... That BUG on the other hand is quite scary. It looks like it could carry off a small child. Are they big or is it just the photo that makes it look big?

                    Det - sorry to miss you in chat last night....I got home late. I am in awe of the way you wrestled that random craving! Do you think it was just a roadtrip thing?

                    Got a marathon day ahead...gotta finish planting bulbs and transplanting a bunch of other clumps of this and that. Gotta schedule surgery for my ailing hand...AND...I've got to pack!

                    I'm heading off to warmer climes this week...New Mexico. The temps are higher now there than they were here all summer. I have nothing to wear. So I guess I will be dressed warmly and inappropriately. Heck...with my hot flashes it really doesn't matter where I'm at. I can sweat a bucket at 20 below. Problem is at those ambient freezes right away!

                    This is not a trip of my choosing...I'm just going along for the ride. There will be cocktail parties and lotsa AL for 4 or 5 nights in a row. I have been working on specific visualizations to counter any temptations that may present themselves. I am determined to remain AF. I also have a major deadline to meet while I'm away and need every bit of brain power and time to finish successfully.

                    I'm hoping there will be wifi where we're staying so I can pop in and keep up with what's happening.
                    If not...know that I'll be thinking of all you and will be sending positive, strong thoughts your way!
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

                      Hi fABbies!

                      Turnagain - when are you leaving? That sort of travel reminds me of my booze soaked business travel days. Yuk. I hope it's productive and you find ways to escape before things get crazy. And that they have wi fi.

                      Bean, I'm really sorry to read your post. There is nothing I can say that you haven't read a thousand times around here. But seeing as how I have poor impulse control, (:H) here goes with 1001. The odds are not in your favor Bean. They just aren't. It doesn't matter how smart we are, how well educated we, what sort of family we come from, what geography we live in (or move to), etc. etc. There are one in ten of us that AL is looking to take. And if we play we lose and that is all. OK.....I will shut up now. Please be careful out there. I hope you beat the odds. If not, you know where to find us, OK?

                      Uni - if you decide it's not the best time for a trip - please do look after yourself first, OK? It seems lots of people in my neck of the woods have a bit of the blues right now. We actually talked about that a bit at AA this morning and a few folks thought the blues are related to the season change. Is that a possibility?

                      Kas - good for you writing your paper! (Now I need to follow your lead and get after my Human Development term paper!!!)

                      Marshy - WOW what a beautiful castle. I'm mad at you because you didn't let us know in advance about the wedding in the castle in time for us to make our popcorn and find a nice spot behind a sofa to watch the event. :sofa: :H Someday I want to spend a year touring castles all over UK and Europe.

                      LVT - wow if it IS the irrigation system causing the flooding, what will be done about it next year? Yikes! I'm so happy to hear that you and Mr. LVT had a nice "date" for your anniversary. Congratulations on 19 years!!! :day4:

                      Lav - I hope business is chugging along for you. Ours is sputtery. I think people WANT to get back in the groove but there is still a lot of fear out there. I hope the business climate changes soon - or at least next November if it can't before. I really don't give a rip who is President so long as the policies in DC are not stifling everything.

                      Det - good for you making it through the AL siren song. We will kick your ass if you relapse and that is all. :b&d:

                      Shout out to Doglvr, IJM, AFM, and any other fABbies yet to report to HQ for the day.

                      Something very sad happened at school today. One of the young girls in the class - probably 18 or 19 - just starting out in college came down the hall balling her eyes out before class. A good friend of hers from high school OD'd last night and died. This is on the heels of another of her friends dying in a DUI accident over the summer. (the reason she decided to take this class.) My heart was just breaking for her. These substances including AL are all so incredibly dangerous. The risks are just not worth it to me. Not any more. What I did all those years was completely insane. Now that I'm more aware of it, there is just no way I will choose that life again.

                      One thing is for sure...


                      ETA: "you have included 8 images...." : soapbox :
                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

                        I have never seen a real live castle! How cool that must have been Marshy!

                        Bean, at least you have the resources now. I started with MWO wanting to learn to drink in moderation. I think I started here on the Forums in Febr and my last drunk was a bad one in June. I did pretty good at limiting my intake after that, but it just didn't feel right. So that September I decided to quit for good. You'll know what is right for you. Best wishes.:h

                        DG--that is incredibly sad about the young girl in your class. An all too common occurrence I'm afraid. These kids binge drink as well as do some dangerous drugs. Prescription drug abuse is a big problem. It scares me to think my son will be heading off to college and his new found freedom in a couple of years. I keep hoping if we keep educating them and the parents it will help. My 3rd week at college one of the friends I had made died in his sleep one night. It was a very hush hush deal. IDK if he choked on his vomit, or had alcohol poisoning or what. I do know that he was taking pain meds for a bum knee and was drinking whiskey that night. Even though no one talked to any of us about what really happened, I did learn that I never wanted to drink hard alcohol on potent meds. It didn't prevent me from drinking to the point of black outs for many years after however.
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

                          Happy AF hotel greetings fellow ABerooooos!

                          thank you for the well wishes as I battle the AL-soaked travelling salesman lifestyle. Tonight was much better as I was less stressed although VERY disoriented for some reason. for the life of me I couldn't remember which hotel I had stayed at (and where my dirty clothes and toiletries were waiting for me). I eventually had to call the national 800 number and they found me on the database so they could find my hotel. jeeebers! how embarrassing. hopefully I'll get more sleep tonight

                          Doggygirl, how sad and awful to hear about the teen grieving over the death induced by substance abuse. such a ubiquitous and heartless killer this monster that is chemical dependency.

                          LVT, how nice! I've never made pickles before, but i DID just Sunday open my first batch of kimchi (Korean style spicy fermented cabbage) and it came out really good.

                          Turnagain, I conked out early last night I was sooo tired. catch you tonight.
                          I'll try to send you some AF travelling vibes xxxx

                          ok, off to wrap up a few work emails

                          be well everyone
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

                            riddle me this.....

                            when you turn on a tv in a hotel room why is the starting volume like 120 decibels? yikes!
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              AF Daily ~ Tues. Sept 27

                              det, you had to call to find out your hotel??? :H When's was your last vacation... seriously. I think you keep a grueling pace. Good jobbie on dodging the call of the beast! And I really want to know how you made the kim chee! You should see my cat beg for it! :H

                              I didn't sleep much last night - up late, up early. Really busy today but I finished all that I wanted to accomplish at the hole and I feel very satisfied over it. Plus, FH will get back tomorrow instead of the weekend so the timing was good on that. It's important to me to be able to keep my distance.

                              Turn, we'll be at the parties munching popcorn at a table in the corner!

                              Stay on task, kaz!!

                              Marshy wow what a place for a wedding! Auuggghh on the food wait though. I wondered if people were drinking during that time?

                              LVT, that was such a nice anniversary! You sure deserve it!

                              LAv, I'm glad to see you with what seems to be steady work. For several reasons. :l

                              Uni, ride it out - you're doing great with your new tools. I'm sure you'll pick what's right for you.

                              And bean, I'm sure you will too. Maybe it'll work for you and if it doesn't well, it's never too late to say this time for good. Maybe harder, but never too late.

                              Is that everyone today? I can't see page one and I've got to run dive into bed. Oh I made this for dinner - Mollie Katzen Online Quite good!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

