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AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

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    AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

    Happy Hump Day all!

    Jumping back and forth between the monthly and daily threads with all you wonderful abbers! Still up at the crack of dawn even though I didn't have to go to work today. The wedding countdown is on - 3 more days until my baby boy becomes a married man. Can't imagine where the years have gone. (sorry - getting sentimental and mushy so I'll stop now).

    So love waking up in the morning with a clear head and logging on to see what everyone is up to. Sober life is so amazing and I will hopefully get it right this time. The more days I rack up, the better I feel and that definitely makes me not want to go back to where I was.

    Hope everyone here has a great AF Wednesday!
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

    AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

    Good morning Jolie and congratulations on the wedding!
    Happy Hump Day everyone!
    Day 6 AF for me. Gonna be a good day.
    Day 1 again 11/5/19
    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

      Morning abbers - thanks Jolie for starting us off. Good luck at the wedding, I'm sure it will be beautiful, if not a little teary eyed!

      Nursie, congrats on day 6! Keep racking them up, it is so worth it.

      So, my anxiety is really bad these past 2 weeks. And not sure why. Just overwhelmed I guess. I tried to explain to my hubby that mornings are really bad for me because while he and my daughter just wake up and slowly get ready, I am up, made coffee, let the dog out, fed the dog and the cat (both of which are friggin whining of course) get the child and the hubby up, feed them breakfast, make lunch for the girl, get her ready to go out the door. I am on high alert from 7am till 8:30 when they leave. And they wonder why sometimes my mood is short and I'm shaky and anxious! Seriously.

      I try to have some calming time once they have left for about an hour. But sometimes it's hard, especially if I have stuff to do. I got my full diagnosis from my therapist on Monday because she had to send it to the insurance company - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Chronic; Panic Disorder: Chronic; Alcohol Dependence, Early Stage Remision and Major Depressive Disorder. I am working on all of these through therapy but some days are harder than others. Anyway, this morning was one of those hard anxiety prone days. I talked to my sister last night and told her that if my anxiety symptoms that I have been having for the past week don't get better that I may not be able to come down. She understands. She is coming up here at the end of November anyway so we'll see what happens.

      Okay, sorry for the sandwich post, just really needed to vent this morning!

      Love you guys - one thing is for sure - AL will not make any of this better so that is not in my future today.

      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

        Hump Day!! Trash Day!!

        Jolie thanks for the start! So mother of the groom in 3 days eh? Weddings have to rank right up there in the top 5 tough AF events. I still get a pang when I think about it. I agonized for a long time (not in the moment, over about a month in advance) over whether to drink at a wedding. It was really about me thinking I was cured after a year AF and dramatic change of circumstances (out of a toxic marriage). I did drink. Very lightly. And it was just a matter of time before once again, I had a glass in my hand in the morning. I'd be over 3 years AF were it not for that. Ah well, coming up on 2 here shortly with a very good lesson in my pocket. Tell us a bit more about the event!

        I too wake up early. In the early morning light so I could beat the trash guys, I was next door at the street with my wheelbarrow ~ the neighbor had a huge limb come down in a storm it it was cut up at the street. What a score! Some green wood for my little fire pit! And I get to use my chainsaw!

        Nursie, great to see you here and CONGRATULATIONS ON 5 AF DAYS!!

        Bean, I hate to see you go. I think you understand the dynamic of the thread being one that can't support moderate drinking. It's too dangerous for some people and that's who the most of us on this thread are. At a party recently someone (who was visibly high) was asking a mutual friend about quitting drinking and she replied had she not stopped she probably would have drank herself to death - in a tone of voice and expression that indicated no exaggeration. I watched the other person try to process this. It's a hard concept to grasp unless you've been there. Comments like sequential drinking without consequence are dangerous to some people. It could be a spark that lights a fire. I know you understand and respect the dynamic and I hope you will not be a stranger. And I do wish you success with your choices.

        Lav, have you ever tried vegan cheese? Do they HAVE that in cow country? Would neighbors picket your house if they knew you had some? :H

        OK, off to see the wizard.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

          X-post uni! :l:l You could use some of LVT's frozen breakfast burritos! Seriously, can you do things like set up the coffee and make daughter lunch and have her get her stuff together for the next day the night before? Put the dog and cat out until family is gone and then feed them? I understand that's small in the big picture but maybe it would help. You're doing a good job working on yourself!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

            Good morning fABbies! Thanks Jolie for kicking things off today! You must be so excited about the wedding. How wonderful that you will be fully clear and present to be a part of this important step in your son's life. :yougo: Can't wait to hear about it and maybe see some pics!

            Nursie - congrats on 6 days AF and :welcome: and :yougo:!!!!! This is a great daily thread for solid AF support.

            P3 - thank you for the suggestion about seeing the dean and possible counseling or other help. I never would have thought of that!! You are such a terrific resource here for figuring out the ins and outs of college life and resources!

            Uni - I am really glad you are just taking things easy considering all you are challenged with in your diagnosis. I'm glad your sister understands!! It sounds like you are just doing so well taking each day as it comes, and doing your best with it. That's all any of us can do I think.

            Greenie - good for you getting the hole taken care of in a way that allows you to keep that distance! Have fun with the chainsaw today!!! Too bad you don't live closer - you could score big in our yard. We have so many trees down - our yard is such a mess since Mr. Doggy has been working on the rental house in all his spare time. I'm amazed I'm not stressing over it. The AF life has been very good for me in ways such as this!

            Det - Kimchee sounds like something I would like. Can you buy it already made to give it a try? Where? Health food store?

            Hello to all fABbies yet to come!

            I was up and at 'em early today. Got my book keeping chores done. Taking a quick break to check in here, and then it's off and running on home work. I've added two one-hour courses that will tie me up on Saturday mornings for 8 weeks. So I need to be very efficient in how I use my time to get everything done and not be cRaZy at the end of it!

            One thing is for sure....,.I've got zero time for AL in my life!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

              Morning Fabbies!

              Oh Jolie... congratulations! Does make you feel a bit weepy, though... when the little ones are all grown up all of a sudden :l
              Hello Nursie! Well done on day 6!
              Uni.. vent away. That's some diagnosis You're doing awesome, though.. one foot in front of the other, hon. Greenie makes a good point.. perhaps preparing some things ahead may ease the early morning stress for you?
              Hello green monster... you're not supposed to burn green wood, silly girl!
              Morning DG.. you amaze me. Bookkeeping chores done, not even a moan, AND you've taken on more courses? I feel a nap coming on, just reading that! :H

              Well, this is day 11, I believe. Energy level still somewhat down but spirits up (no pun intended). Definitely no room for AL today.

              Hope you'll all have an enjoyable Wednesday!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

                Hello friends,

                The universe has spoken for you all today! I was finishing a fairly sandwich worthy post--hit the backspace button and POOF! Into thin air it went!

                So lucky you--I need to get going so I might pop in later if I get a chance.

                Uni--mostly I was commenting on your post--I feel for you. Mornings are not my best time of day and if I'm not careful the whole family can have a crappy start to their day. I try to avoid my hubby in the mornings.:l

                Hi Jolie and :welcome: Nursie!!!

                It has been 3 years since I quit drinking for good. It seems longer than that.

                Have a great sober day all!:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

                  Jolie, Have a great wedding. Your baby boy will be very proud of you.

                  Day 6 Nursie. Almost week one under your belt. :goodjob:

                  Uni, I am so sorry to hear about all your problems. I wish we could help with that anxiety.
                  Sending you loving vibes.

                  Nice warning story about the wedding Greenie. I could see that happening to me VERY easily so I need to hear those kind of stories often. I 'm going to a wedding myself next week though I haven't been off the booze long enough to be wondering whether a few might hurt. It just ain't happening. :thanks:

                  DG you sound full of beans as usual these days. :l

                  Sunshine GG Day 11. Respect. How is it going for you? Do you feel optimistic? I hope so.

                  LVT 3 years. I'm dreamy eyed. Major achievment.

                  I'm doing fine. So far so good.
                  Have a great day all
                  AF since 11 July 2011
                  You can never get enough of what you don't really want


                    AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

                    Well hello Abbers!

                    Was up early myself, went to Curves, came home & fed myself, dog, chickens & cockatiel. The Curves owner (who is selling eggs for me) just asked if I would like to sell some embroidered items at her craft week show the first week of November! Sounds good to me!!!

                    Morning neighbor Jolie - one of these days we have to meet up for lunch or coffee or something!
                    I was in your pre-wedding shoes exactly 5 years ago for my son's Sept 30 wedding. Fun & exhausting all at the same time. I was not AF of course, wishing now I was AF then but.....

                    Hi Nursie, welcome & congrats on your 6 AF days!
                    This old nurse never allowed anyone to call me nursie - used to make me crazy :H

                    Uni, I remember how tough mornings were when the kids were young. I did do as much as possible the night before to take some of the pressure off myself in the AM. Waiting for your sister's visit in November might just be a good idea

                    Greenie - vegan cheese doesn't melt - have you ever noticed that? Makes me wonder what they use to hold it together I'm doing well using almond milk & wish I could get my hands on some cheese........when I have some time I plan to haul my butt to Newark, DE where I occasionally shop in a health food store - they may have almond milk cheese

                    DG - be careful you don't use up all your brain energy in one semester lady :H
                    I'm sure you will do just fine!

                    Hi Sunni - greenie just likes an excuse to use her chain saw :H

                    LVT HAPPY 3 YEAR AF ANNIVERSARY!!

                    You rock lady!!!!! Keep up the great work, it inspires the rest of us!
                    Just passed my 2 1/2 year mark on Monday!

                    Hello to Treya!

                    Time to get some work done!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

                      Hi guys,

                      Thanks for the advice, I think I will try to get some things done the night before. I am going to my family doctor on Friday as well as we keep the lines of communication open between her and my therapist so I need to give her the diagnosis.

                      I went for a walk and went to the grocery store just to pick up a few little items. Put a bit of laundry away and now am feeling like I'm going to veg for a bit and read. I am learning to listen to my body so when it says "whoa, time to veg" I'm listening to it and vegging. Hubby doesn't quite get it but oh well, not my problem.

                      Already decided tonight is meatballs in the crockpot and rice. Got that set up so dinner will be ready when the fam comes home and I don't have to worry about it.

                      Okay, off to have my snooze. Love you guys and I thank you all for your kindness and support! Being AF makes all of this so much easier.
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

                        :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS LVT ON 3YEARS AF!!!:yougo::yougo:

                        Did you find Lav's party thread in General??? I hope so!!!

                        And special congrats to you too Sunny on ELEVEN DAYS AF!!! :yougo: Keep on goin' one day at a time.

                        Hi Treya!

                        Lav - sounds like Curves is turning out to be such a good place in more ways than just exercise!

                        Uni - I'm glad you are figuring out how to take care of yourself! I spent so many years angry - expecting somebody else (i.e. husband) to do that instead of just learning to take care of my own needs with a positive outlook. Did LOTS of drinking over that! You go girl. I was also thinking this morning that I need to get better organized with crock pot stand by recipes. That is such a good way to make cooking relatively easy and still have some decent food on the table. Would you share your crock pot meatball recipe? That sounds good and I still have lots of ground beef in the freezer from last years cow.

                        OK - break over. Back to human development and gender roles and gender identity. Oy.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

                          Thanks all for your comments and support. I completely understand and respect that this AF thread is for people who are....AF!! Or at least trying to be. So I won't be posting unless I seriously commit to the AF path.

                          I know that the 'Mods Odds' aren't good and even if I AM successful at it, I suspect that the constant figuring out when and how much etc might get pretty tedious. However, I am trying to step up and take responsibility for all areas of my life. From now on, that includes drinking in a responsible way.

                          I will continue to read here...I like you guys! Always lots of sage advice and wisdom we can all benefit from whether AF or not.

                          Have a great day all. And LVT - Congratulations on your fantastic achievement!! Hope you will treat yourself to celebrate.



                            AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

                            Poppin in to say hi while on a quick layover in Seattle. I sat next to a Yup'ik elder on the way down who is a healer. We had an amazing conversation. Will share later...

                            Next flight is boarding. Just two more to go....
                            Sober for the Revolution!
                            AF & NF July 23, 2011


                              AF Daily ~ Wed. Sep 28

                              Just lost a post, too

                              It was mainly to say:

                              LVT!!!!!!! :l
                              So happy for you and way to go and wishing you many MANY more AF years!!!
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

