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AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

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    AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29


    Wow I can't believe October is almost here!!!

    Det - I think I will get some kimchee at the health store just to see if I like it, which I think I will. Then try to make some. I book marked your recipe...thank you. This stuff is in our brains Det. Give yourself more time to heal. I swear those rough days will continue to get fewer and farther. :l

    Turnagain, I am heartbroken that you have presents for Det from the Waffle house but none for me. :upset: NOT FAIR!!!

    Today is chairing the early AA meeting, then off to school. Still a few more pickups at the CSA before the season is done. I have GOT to get busy reading and working on my term paper. So easy to goof off and I don't want to find myself behind! So...a busy day here. One thing is for sure....there is no time or energy to spare for AL today!

    Hi to everyone to checks in!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

    Morning DG and all!

    Glad to see you up bright and early!

    Crazy busy day for me today. Trying to practice my speech for the rehearsal dinner and not cry:upset:

    This may be my last post before the wedding so here's how I'm feeling.

    I've felt so wonderful these past 2 weeks without AL running thru my veins - now there will be plenty of drink not only at the rehearsal dinner but at the wedding. I've been on the wire - should I just have that one glass of wine and that's it? After a lot of cold hard deep-thinking on the issue, I am planning NOT to have any alcohol as I want to be clear-headed and remember my sons wedding - ALL OF IT! I realize I can't make this decision the day of or right before - I need to make it now and let my brain process the fact that AL will in no way make this wedding more enjoyable - just the opposite.

    That being said, I hope all you guys have a wonderful weekend and I'll probably check back in Sunday night to let you all know how it went!

    On a side note, we are having an outdoor reception under a tent and the weatherman is not predicting only temps in the 50's

    I'm seriously re-thinking all my snide comments about this humidity and heat and how it's been driving me nuts!

    Just praying for no rain -

    Jeez - I'm so wound up I think I better stop at 2 cups of coffee today. Got a list of things to do a mile long.


    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


      AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

      That "just one" thinking is a sneaky thought. In my case, a big fat lie. I sat down one day and really thought about how many times in my 30+ years of drinking that I actually had ONE drink, and one drink only.

      It was sheer torture just to try!! There were many occassions in my professional career where at a lunch or something ONE glass of wine would be served. It took everything I had not to be sneaking to the bar for seconds, and there were many times I did that when I thought I could get away with it. If I had to suffer through with ONLY one at the lunch, you can bet I was making a bee line to a nearby bar or home to do some REAL drinking shortly after.

      I honestly can't remember any occassions where on a given day, I had one drink and stopped.

      What this reflection taught me is that no, I do NOT want "one drink." I have never wanted "one drink." The "one drink" thought is really just a "first drink" thought in disguise. And guess what happens after the first one?

      Jolie, you will never regret your decision to stay sober for your son's wedding. Even if it's hard. :l Have fun with your list today!!!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

        Good morning Abbers!

        DG, get that homework done young lady :H
        I admire your steadfastness in everything you do!!!

        Jolie, the weather folks have promised a cool but dry weekend
        Is your reception going to be anywhere near water? It may feel even cooler there!
        Skip the AL & enjoy your son's wedding day clear headed & guilt free! Can't wait to hear all about it

        I hear my fax ringing in my shop so I guess I should get in there & see what's going on. Somedays I would like to have an assistant to handle that stuff :H I fall into lazy mode at times - oh well, only human I guess!

        Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

          Good morning FABiies!

          I'll cross my fingers/eyes for good weather for you, Jolie! Have a fabulous time and tell us all about it after

          DG, you're so right... I don't want just one, either. Never did.

          Lav, I hear ya on the assistant. Sometimes, I wish I had one, too.

          I will also have to scoot and get some (paying) work done... however, I also have my neighbour coming shortly to put in more posts for me, etc.. so, I'm not sure how much work I'll actually get done today. *sigh*

          Oh.. Lav.. you somewhere asked if the barn was nearing completion.. errrmm... well, no, not quite yet! :H But we are getting there.

          Ok, off I waddle. Greenie, Uni, and all to come.. have a great day!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

            Hello friends,

            Thank you all so much for the happy anniversary wishes yesterday. It kind of snuck up on me and doesn't feel like a big deal anymore, but I know it is. #1 son had his 2 best buddies over when I got home from work yesterday and we were talking about another friend of theirs who smokes. My son piped up about how strong I am because I quit smoking and drinking. It does feel good to know they are proud of me for that.
            Hubby also commended me for all the things I do for the boys. Like waiting up for my son and keeping an eye on what he is up to as much as I can. I told him I was so glad I quit drinking when I did. So many pros and pretty much zero cons to quitting! AND--I couldn't have done it without the support of my MWO friends. Thank you. :h

            Uni! I love simple recipes! Thanks for sharing. And way to go on dealing with your anxiety in such a positive way! I could learn from you! I had one of those mornings again today with that #1 teenager of mine. It is such a struggle this year getting him up and going in the mornings. He says he is sleeping at night, but I am going to discuss this with his doctor. Today, once he was up, he showered and wandered around with a towel around his waist looking for a shirt he hasn't seen for 3 weeks, like it's just going to appear out of nowhere. Then he decided on a different one that was on the bottom of a pile of clean laundry yet to put away--so you know what that looks like now. I finally had enough and lectured him in the tone he loves so very much so he tunes it out anyway. I swear sometimes I think I could light a fire under his butt and he would not move any faster! Until he gets in his car which we just had to replace the brakes on because of the way he drives. Gotta love em!

            Lav--I will be your assistant! As long as I don't have to answer the phone or deal with the public. I'm in the middle of an extremely frustrating project at the cemetery right now. Three years ago a very generous person donated 50 large pine trees ($200 apiece) and had his help plant them. I don't know that much about planting trees, but it doesn't seem right to me that they planted them with the nylon twine wrapped around the burlap which was around the root ball. So now I am trimming the bottom branches, pulling the weeds and digging down far enough to cut the twine which is now growing into the trunk of these trees. It would eventually kill these trees won't it?

            Jolie--enjoy the wedding! I don't know about you, but if I could drink "JUST ONE" I wouldn't be here right now. Don't take any chances. You'll be glad you stayed 100% clear headed and sober for this day! Congratulations!

            I'm debating on what to do about the race for the cure. The gal I usually go with decided not to go. I have 6 boys that may want to go, but I hate driving in Denver. What to do?

            It is cooler here today. 93 yesterday. Have a great sober day all!:h

            I gave myself the morning off to take care of some stuff around the house so I better get with it.
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

              Good morning everyone, such a beautiful day here in Kaslo land. The sun is about to come up. Blue skys.

              Greenie, Lav, Sunni (nice barn) have a great day!

              I havent much time for a long post,,,,,but I winced when I read about those trees LV, they will eventually start to do very poorly unless the mesh they are planted in falls apart, and it wont completely. Unless they slashed the mesh in several places and ripped the bottoms open, but that is very unlikely. Its more likely they planted the trees without removing the bags, which is just dumb. Your benefactors workers dont know how to plant trees. Pines are incredibly strong and the roots may break through in places, but it really puts them at a disadvantage. A lot of them are going to get a bit yellow, stunted then die. At this point, it would be tedious, but they really should be loosened in the soil with a shovel around the root ball in about four places, pulled up, have the bags removed completely, then replaced and add the lose soil from the removal back into the holes, tamped down, and then water, water water...They should be with the root collar level with the ground and sitting with the stem completely vertical. I hope this helps. can you call the guy and tell them this, or are you going to get stuck with saving 200 pine trees from a certain death?

              Have in said all that I wish I could plant some trees today, but I do not have time. Gotta fly here. Love you all.

              Uni be strong. Buck up, girl. Look at all your achievements and how youve been able to spend an entire summer on vacation! Accentuate the positive! Eliminate the negative! Dont wait for mister in between! (its from a song....)

              Peace out.

              love kas

              Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
              Status: Happy:h


                AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                Sunni - the barn is looking good
                I should gather up a handful of Amish men & ship them to you - they would have the job done in no time. I watched them work on some things are here

                LVT, sad about those pines. You have to wonder why someone would plant them without cutting the twine on the rootball ~ laziness??
                I don't like dealing with peopl eon the phone either - I don't think anyone does :H

                Kas, send me some of your blue sky & sunshine - it's been miserable here for so long.

                OK, back to work for me.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                  Hello abbers!

                  Hot, hot, hot here! The weather was terrible all summer and now we get a heatwave

                  Kaslo, I have a biology question: would turtles be harmed by eating cheese? I might tell you why I'm asking later.

                  GG - your barn is bigger than my house :H

                  LVT - congratulations on three years! :yougo::yougo::yougo:

                  Jolie - have a lovely time at the wedding.

                  Got to run. Hi to DG, Lav, Greenie, Pap, Det, Turnagain and all to come.
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                    Good morning all....

                    It feels good to say this when it is actually STILL morning for many of you! It's wonderful to be in this time zone. We got to Albuquerque late last night after a loooong day of travel.

                    With 3 flights and 2 layovers, I was planning to get quite a bit of work done on a grant application that is due Monday. I had just powered up the laptop on the ANC-SEA leg of the trip when the sweet, little elderly lady next to me began chatting. I little bolt of panic shot through my brain. I hoped I would be able to politely end the convo quickly so I could work!

                    Rita told me she was on the way to a Native College in Bellingham, WA to help plant some seeds. I asked what she was planting. She said, "Human BEANS!" She is one of the 13 Grandmothers. If you've never heard of these remarkable women here is a link: International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers

                    Rita said when she saw me coming on the plane she had hoped I would be sitting by her. She is a traditional healer and she noticed my right hand was in a brace. She asked if she could 'work' on it. I could feel this amazing energy when she touched my an electric tingle. She spent 20 minutes or so finding the hotspots. My thumb had been nearly completely pulled in across my palm when she started. When she finished, I could hold my thumb out and almost make a completely flat palm. I have been in PT for nearly a year for this!

                    Rita said I had a lightness about me - that I had let go of something that had been hurting me and holding me back. She said I needed to share that power - that words and deeds can heal others.


                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                      Hello All,

                      Wow Turnagain, How incredibly awesome that you got to meet with one of the 13 indigenous grandmothers. I have read about them. Look at the beauty and wisdom in her face, her eyes. I am so incredibly moved by you interaction with her. Nothing else to say....

                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!


                        AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                          hidy ho ABerooos!

                          wow Turnagain what a cool experience. I'm still looking for my Wafflehouse picture tho.....

                          LVT, how wonderful, thank you for sharing that

                          Doggygirl, thank you for the wisdom. I guess I'm frustrated because I've been doing this for a while and I assume I should be 'perfect' by now or something (har!) before my last binge/setback I had almost 3 years of sobriety. ugh! I think the difference is I'm thinking about it more now which is good. NOT thinking about it, and not taking my sobriety seriously is I think what led to that binge. so perhaps I'm doing better now, but it just feels different because my state of mind is different and instead of trying to distance myself from the subject of AL I'm taking it more seriously so it's on my mind more.

                          hmmmm. now I'm getting hungry.

                          Jolie, the only thing that 'just one' has ever done for a wedding can be witnessed by watching any of those tv blooper shows which have scene after scene of ruined weddings as drunken morons knock over cakes, fall off stages, fall into swimming pools, catch themselves on fire etc etc. you DONT want to be on TV under those circumstances!!! hang in there

                          ok, must get some work done. so glad to be home

                          be well friends
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                            Turnagain - WOW - what an amazing gift from the universe!!!! I'm so glad you shared that experience with us here - along with her picture.

                            Det - In the beginning I just could NOT believe or understand the whole notion of putting sobriety first forever, etc. I too learned the hard way that it's a gift I can't afford to take for granted. If I have to take a little time every morning for the rest of my life to cetner myself as a sober person for the day, so be it. It's worth it.

                            Sunny, that's an AWESOME barn. Will you have an indoor riding area inside there?

                            Lav, I hope it was an AMAZING big order coming on your fax machine!!!

                            LVT - I hope you are able to save the trees. :upset: How cool that your son recognized your efforts to stop smoking and drinking. That must have been a really good moment for you!

                            I'm thinking I must have missed a Uni message yesterday maybe? need to go check. Uni, I hope all is well today - I know you've been having a bit of a rough go lately. :l

                            Class today was awesome. We are currently discussing client confidentiality and the laws surrounding that, and also LOTS of examples of tricky situations that our teacher has experienced over his many years as a counselor. It's just invaluable having teachers with so much experience in the field.

                            Well, I need to get crackin. See you fABbies later! One thing is STILL for sure...


                            Hi Greenie, Marshy, M3, Kas and all yet to come!
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                              Oh - I wanted to tell you guys that I thought of you all here durring class today. The teacher was talking about "timing" and talking about sensitive things with a client. He often uses simple examples we can all relate to. In talking about timing as it pertains to the status of the relationship, here was his example.

                              "Let's say it was the first day of our class. I don't know you and you don't know me. One of you says to me Mr. ______, that is really a bad shirt. You shouldn't wear that any more. I would say to myself WHAAAAT??? What a jerk! On the other hand, now that we all know each other a little better, if one of you told me about my bad shirt and suggest I don't wear it any more, I might consider that maybe my shirt really IS bad."

                              Anyway.... I thought of how things roll sometimes here at MWO. Even if people lurk a thread a lot, that is different than being active on a thread and actually having relationships with the people who post on it. If Greenie said to me "you were a little out of line with what you said IMO" I am going to respect and consider that, because I've known and interacted regularly with Greenie for a long time. But if someone who never posts with us commented about something I said's like WHAAAAAT?????

                              Anyway, what I am taking from the recent board flare ups is that I need not sit in judgement of what other people say and do. If I'm bored and need something to work on, all I have to do is look in the mirror. There is plenty of imperfect stuff to focus on right here at home.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

