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AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

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    AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

    this is what happens when I'm left unattended in an Asian grocery market:

    kung fu chicken! look out!

    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

      Det :H:H:H
      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

        Det - you're scaring me :H :H

        Turnagain, how awesome you got to meet Rita! I have read about the 13 grandmothers - so much collective wisdom

        DG, if I have BO - will you tell me??
        I will take your opinion without insult - afterall we have known each other for quite a while

        Hi M3, greenie, Marshy, LVT & everyone!
        I am finishing up some work tonight - EB was here ALL afternoon & there is no way I can do any of this withhim here although he did talk me into stitching up a cookie monster cap for him. Smart kid!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

          Lav. I've been meaning to talk to you............


          How did YOU know I have an IEBOD? (Internet Enabled Body Oder Detector)
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

            Another long, but good day...

            Sun...I love the barn. It's nicer than a lot of homes I've seen. Beautiful design.

            Jolie...girl, being in FULL control is so incredible. Not drinking at my niece's wedding last summer made me feel like SHE-RA Master of Myself! My only regret - why did I wait so long to just boot Al out of my life for good?

            Grandma (Auka) Rita is going to be all of our friends here....She lives in Anchorage now and gave me her number so we can hang out. She's gone for most of October...heading to Brazil with the other grandmas. What a life! I can't wait to get to know her more...what a gift to share. I know she will be proud of all of us here. We are strong, brave people.

            Det...I have not forgotten you. We ate at the Waffle house this morning and while I did not order that Pecan waffle I was salivating about last night in chat, I did make sure my husband shared bites of his.

            For the rest of you who are wondering about this Waffle stuff...long story short - a bunch of us were chatting last night and I mentioned my motel was across from a WH which triggered a series of crazy jokes! I went out and took photos ...just because I could.

            So...Det, here is Waffle House Waitress Vicky with a message just for you. You can see the other Waffle House moments on my photobucket album. DoggyG, I took photos of our breakfast for you!

            There's also a picture of a VERY strange mushroom for any of you plant people who might know WTH is with that fungi.

            Pictures by Turnagaintoo - Photobucket
            Sober for the Revolution!
            AF & NF July 23, 2011


              AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

              To funny DG and Lav!!

              Det-wow. that is all.

              Sunni-the barn looks awesome! Can't wait to see the finished product!!

              Turn-wow that is some story about the 13 grandmothers and you got to sit next to one of them on the plane! I can only imagine how awesome that must have been and she was so right on about you too!! Wow!

              Not much to share today except that I picked up that microwave from the freecycler and it is absolutely pristine!! That rarely happens but i am so grateful I will not be spending hours cleaning it. This one is a keeper and won't be going with the paphut when I sell it!!

              Tomorrow nite is my first nite on the new job but first I will be dropping my car off to have the exhaust system fixed, the transmission tightened (praying that's all that needs to be done) and an oil change. Oh the $$$$$! :upset: But I am grateful this is a 3 paycheck month, my dad is available to switch cars with me until Saturday and they were able to fit me in so this could be done before I go to the Cape next weekend. This isn't the end of the list by any means but a good chunk has been done so..... once I sell the paphut next spring I should be able to look for a much lighter camper and feel confident my papmobile can tow it. There's always a solution isn't there! Just got to take the negativity goggles off every once in a while!!

              From World News Tonight:
              Scientists developing "stay-sober pill" - Telegraph
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                Hi everyone again.... just quickly going to answer Marshys Q. And oooh and aaah over the photos. Det you are definetely cuter without the chicken eye, I think.

                Turtles are hugely tolerant of a lot of different foods, they eat a lot of insects, vegetation, roots, seeds, eggs, they will eat carrion and are one of the few larger animals that are actually coprophagic (i.e. they will eat dung). Cheese wouldnt be my first choice, but because they can process a lot of different fats it they accidentally got into the cheese unless they ate the whole brick they will be ok. I imagine there is a story behind this....

                Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                Status: Happy:h


                  AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                  Turnagain you totally made my day! my week even. XXXXX!

                  wow. I've been immortalized at Waffle House

                  I'm just a little ova clempt. escuse me......
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                    Turnagain--you definitely win the prize for the best posts for the day. Awesome about your new friend! I am envious! And the photo at the waffle house---way too funny!!:H:H

                    Det--I am worried about you too. ARTIFICIAL CHICKEN????? you cannot be serious! Bleh, bleh bleh bleh pooowie!!

                    Thanks Kaslo on the tree advice. I am really sad about your prediction. These trees are already 8 feet tall and it's all I can do now to get the lower branches trimmed, dig down to where the twine is wrapped around the trunk and cut as much of it off as I can see. I will discuss the concerns with the higher ups and see what they say. I am amazed we have only lost 2 out of 50 trees in 3 years. They are on a drip system so maybe that will help the burlap decompose? I am really feeling my age right now. I can only manage to work on 7 trees a day. (Could be I'm a little out of shape)

                    I've decided to sleep in for the cure this year. Now I will stop being sad about what I will be missing and start looking forward to getting some more fall projects done.
                    Oh, and I will still get a t-shirt.
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                      Det - you should be feeling very special right about now
                      Turnagain - don't spoil him - we won;t know what to do with him :H :H

                      DG - all I can say is when you are this big & this blue BO is just gonna happen :H
                      I've been thinking about switching to my crazy chicken picture for a while now - maybe I will

                      My daughter taught her turtle to eat popcorn when she was in college. Then the RA found out that she had 'Pierre' in her dorm room & he was sent hom. I didn't feed him popcorn
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                        Turn-that story and those pics were da bomb!! Did you see the tats on that waitress? I said tats guys not .....

                        That mushroom looked downright scary!! yech!

                        Turn-do you and your dad sail? I'm my dad's first mate when I get a chance to sail with him. I have to say that although Narragansett Bay can be gorgeous, it can't compete with Resurrection Bay!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                          LV if they have gone for two years and youve only lost two, it MAY be that they did actually slice the bottoms out of the bags. Can you just pull one at random somewhere, and see if they did that? If so there is a good chance they did all like that, and although its not optimal, pines are tough as nails so they may do ok. No doubt your drip irrigation is helping. here is the deal. Tree roots take up nutrients and water though the very fine root hairs, and if they are encapsulated in a bag like that sooner or later they run out of soil and its like a plant that needs to be repotted. But....maybe they shredded the bags a bit, and that will save you having to replant. If you take the choking twine off with clippers and open the tops of the bags as much as possible thats going to help as well. Another thing is if the bag is a loose burlap and you water the dickens out of them the burlap WILL rot and the roots will get through. The fact that they are that big and been on site for 2 years is an indication that they might be ok. So I would pull one or two to see how the root is doing, it can be done now in the fall. Its not as bad as I thought. If you want to post a pix or two of them I can tell you more too, root binding will make the crowns thin, and a bit chlorotic. I can usually tell from a photo.

                          Plant pathologically yours, :H


                          Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                          Status: Happy:h


                            AF Daily - Thursday Sept 29

                            My dogs are coprophagic and that is all. :yuck:

                            P3 - I scanned that article - does it mention what the "pill" is? I tend to agree with the first commenter right off the top. AL is still toxic, right? And the bottom line for me - why drink if it's not gonna make me drunk? Water will do that thank you very much. Still...would be interested to know what the pill is - if it's something we've already heard about or something new.

                            Det - Immortablized at the Waffle House. Will you still speak to the rest of us unfamous people? :H

                            Turnagain - I need to go salivate over the rest of your pics.

                            On to today...

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.

