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AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

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    AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

    Hello abbers!

    Another hot day in store, up to 29C/84F in London today.

    Kaslo - re the turtles: when were in Greece this summer there was a river behind the beachfront which was designated as a protected wildlife area and a channel had been cut from it that stopped about 20 feet away from the sea that was chock-a-block with turtles. Maybe the channel was cut so they could reach the sea? Can turtles live in freshwater and seawater? Anyway, on the way back from the beach in the evening we sometimes walked back along the river and fed the turtles with any leftover bread we had from lunch. One day we had some cheese left and threw that into the river for them. They dived on it and I only later that I thought maybe cheese wasn't so good for them. It hasn't been keeping me awake at night :H but something reminded me of it the other day so I thought I'd pick your brains about it.

    A not very good pic of the turtles:

    DG - totally agree with your comments yesterday. Now, about that shirt you're wearing... :H

    Turnagain - what an amazing experience!

    Me & GF are off to Amsterdam for the weekend tomorrow. Very excited! I've never been and have always wanted to. It's only a 45-minute flight so I'm not quite sure why I haven't been before. (Except I was due to go once several years ago when I was still drinking and unfortunately my terrible choices around drinking meant that I ended up not going ) So, finally going! Two things on my agenda: Van Gogh museum and maybe a *funny* cake in a coffee shop.

    Have a peaceful day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

    Hi fABbies! Thanks Marshy for kicking things off today. Have fun in Amsterdam!!! Be really careful with the "funny" stuff there, OK? How big are those turtles? There sure are a lot of 'em!

    Cloudy and cold today. For as hot as it was this summer, we sure transitioned in a very fast way to fall temps / weather. No "indian summer" yet!

    One thing is for sure....there will be no AL for this girl today.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

      Good morning Abbers!

      Finally, sunny, dry & Cool this morning
      It's about damn time :H

      Marshy, have fun in Amsterdam, have been there once. It was pretty tame - I was with my SIL & her older sister. They were both born there & know what to avoid. The flower markets are gorgeous

      Hey DG, hope you enjoyed your nicer weather too

      I'm starting the day off with my 6 month dental cleanning, then straight to Curves then straight home to get my blank shirt order in with my wholesaler. Got a good job yesterday :yay:

      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!

      PS: Turnagain ~ about that mushroom pic - eek!!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

        hey ho and tally ho, marshy! Have fun on your trip. I'll be in the coffee shop munching funny popcorn. I know what you mean about the cheese. I recall feeling sort of guilty after an underwater cheeze whiz thing. FH was not amused about the fish feeding frenzy it his hair. Is that the turtles swarming the cheese?

        DG I understood your point about the timing. You know.... remember when you cut your hair? :H:H

        By the way, try putting a blob of yogurt in your dogs' food. I tried it on one of my dogs and it worked. He liked frozen poo too. I called them poopsicles. :H

        I can't remember yesterday's thread but kaz you knowledge of plant stuff really amazes me!

        New shower drain isn't draining and tile guy seems to have grouted the cover to the floor. Waiting on him to call back. Feck.

        Well, one thing's for sure!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

          Hi all! Just to let you know I am doing OK. Thanks DG for your PM!! xoxo

          I am preparing for a move mid October. To a much more affordable home, which is better fit for the upcoming winter months.

          But, I am still AL free...... even with some current stressors. My mom has been giving me grief yet again, and she really needs to get help. But I have decided that I won't let her affect me anymore. She isn't worth sending me over the deep end and for me to head to alcohol.

          I am feeling pretty good. Almost 1 month post op and had one chemo treatment, which made me feel a bit on the tired side. Still have my hair though.

          I am remaining positive. Have good friends, thank God! Have had a couple of 'poor me' moments but they do not last more than a day or two. SO all is good in my world.

          I hope you all have a great weekend!! I am going to be doing some 'dump' and 'donation' runs this weekend, get some boxes and start packing. I like being busy!! Work at the SPCA is going great too!



            AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

            Good morning FABulous ones!

            Thank you so much for yesterday's comments on the barn! It's been our LIFE for more than a year. Ever since Mr. Wonderful had his heart set on a Timberframe construction (and then had to set out learning how to do it). It won't be 'all done' by this winter but it'll be closed in and functional for the horses to get out of the weather. Hopefully tonight, we're getting the hydro working... our neighbours must just LOVE us for running the generator until midnight

            Turnagain... never had a chance to respond yesterday... how did you get to meet with the grandmother? Absolutely amazing!

            I'll have a busy few days ahead and then some after that :H My SIL is coming next week (it'll be the anniversary of Tom's suicide.. not sure you remember) and our Thanksgiving here. She's so dreading that day and I'm really happy she decided to come spend it here with us. So, I better whip my house into some sort of welcoming shape.

            VERY fall-ish here today.. the wind is howling.. and oh yeah... more rain, too. :upset: I want summer baaaa-aaaack!

            Ok, off I go. Have a wonderful day, ladies! One thing is for sure....
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

              Morning abbers!

              Quick check in for me today. I'm tired (shocking I know). I had a brutal headache yesterday so went to bed and was dead asleep at 7:30pm! I'm up and moving now, just did some banking (bleak) and am going to paint the rest of the upstairs hallway that has been sitting there waiting to be finished for a year! That will make hubby happy as he is worried about my low energy levels and has a hard time understanding anxiety and depression and how it affects ones body. Then a little bit of laundry and possibly a nap this afternoon.

              But at least I will feel like I have accomplished something!

              Love and hugs,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

                Morning all...checking in now because I may not be around later....

                Made it through another cocktail party last night no sweat. It's such a revelation to be present and engaged each waking moment.

                I am feeling trigger pains though....for the smokes. I've been putting off a big writing project because I have always associated writing/thinking with lotsa smoking. Today is it. Can't wait any longer.
                I took a brisk breathing deep...brewing a nice cup of tea. I have a beautiful patio to work on here at Las Posada - where my hubby's conference is taking place. The weather is just right....and if the crazy lawyer standing outside my little pueblo would just hang up his damn cell and stop worrying about what he can't change back at would be perfect.'s another one! Why do people talk louder on cells? Why do they pace? WHY?

                Geez...I'm a grumpy one without nicotine! Breathe.....

                Marshy...I can't wait to hear about Amsterdam...Holland is on my bucket list. I hope you can post some pics if possible?

                Lav...what can I are a brave woman facing the dentist first thing in the morning! I am voting to see your crazed chicken avatar...not that I mind your cute, blue thang with the sweet smile.

                Green...I'm going to try giving pooches yogurt...sounds like a good thing. Poopsicles...well...probably not...I will have plenty of treats to export soon if you're interested!

       are doing a great job to keep AL from being a part of dealing with all the stressors you've got going. It's neat that you are working with the SPCA. When I got sober, I used some of the money I saved from not drinking to support my local SPCA. I scheduled ongoing monthly donations to help assure that my money will do good and will no longer be available to harm me.

                DoggyG...I've been meaning to tell you...I am fascinated with what you are doing and learning...and love hearing every detail. I can't wait to learn more!

       southern sounds like you may get winter before we will up north....we'll see. You asked about Grandma Rita. We sat by each other on a flight from Anchorage to Seattle earlier this week. She is really connected to the universe. I can't wait to spend more time with her. I felt still and calm and timeless in her presence.

                Hope all goes well for all of you and those who stop by through their's just fabulous to feel again...and feel so good about it!
                Sober for the Revolution!
                AF & NF July 23, 2011


                  AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

                  Doggygirl;1185173 wrote: Be really careful with the "funny" stuff there, OK?
                  Yeah, I'll probably stick to the tame stuff like Lav, flower markets, cheese shops, canal boats. We're only there for two nights and I don't want to waste time monged out. (It's been a good 15 years since I had any weed so it would probably flatten me.) Unless Greenie tempts me with some of her popcorn...

                  Turnagain - there was a quit smoking thread somewhere on here a while back which was popular, I think. Maybe you could revive it?

                  AFM - glad to hear you're doing well.

                  Right, off to pack my trunk. See you all next week!
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

                    Hi all Fabineros and Fabinis... what a smorgasboard of things going on!

                    AFM you are TOTALLY amazing, and can I just tell your mom to ease up? There. Done.

                    Marshy the turtles look like a very large population and probably pretty tame by the looks of things. That swarming thing is an indication they are habituated and not likely to ever be not, so you feeding them ANYthing makes thier day better.

                    Sunni, LOVE the barn, again gotta say it.

                    Also, on a much darker note... The date of a suicide sticks with the survivors for a long time, I can attest to that. Its really hard for about the first decade, then I think it gets better but everyone is different. I wish I could help more with that particular black hole, but I have to say one thing that always used to bug me about it was how blithe total strangers are about it. One actually corrected my grammar once, when I told him what happened. I was totally shocked. Maybe its better now and it doesnt have this stigmatism, but it is not a usual death, and its really hard on the family for sure. I dont think my family has ever really dealt with it actually. Good luck anyway, Sunni.

                    Uni, you sound like you are really trying hard, I feel for you.

                    Turnagain, TOO funny about the lawyer on the cellphone! My daughter does the same thing. Yells into her fone and strides back and forth like Luke Skywalker on the space deck.

                    Greenie, I had better know that stuff, Im just sayin. RE shower guy. That HAS to be annoying as hell.

                    Lav, congrats on a new job in the door. I got one the other day too. I love the beginnings of contracts. Its the ends of them I am not so crazy about.

                    DG, last but not least, hope you are enjoying school.

                    As for moi, my brother, the older one flew in yesterday, in his Aerostar, and came for tea, then flew out again. He actually came to apologize for things he had said many years ago. Which was strange. AND he brought two bottles of wine, which I put up in the liquor cabinet above the microwave where I do not go. Because I am too short. And I dont want to. Will possibly give them to the neighbour. Mr. Kaslo tells me he doesnt miss wine (he only drinks a beer once day or less). BIG NEWS Mr. Kaslo and I are going to meet with younger daughter in a nice resort in Westbank on Okanagan lake for Thanks giving.... its pretty gorgeous. Been saving up for this one. Only three days but we are going to take the kayaks and spend some time with our youngest. Older daughter and gks going to the biodads this year.

                    Lake Resort, BC | The Cove Lakeside Resort, British Columbia


                    Stopped the madness: February 14, 2011
                    Status: Happy:h


                      AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

                      Aloha Friday ABeroooos!

                      zooming here.

                      do it AF!

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

                        Hello again everyone!

                        My nice sunny day turned cloudy - figures!
                        I made it a good day though
                        Got my teeth cleaned then had a quick chat with the dentist. I walked out with an Rx for a Medrol pack for my poison ivy :H He asked me how I was so I told him ITCHY That's what I like, one stop for all your dental & medical needs

                        On the way home I stopped at the Amish market & came home with some veggies, pumpkins & fresh cider donuts!!! YUM !!!

                        Greenie, you would like me to speak some Lavan-ittude to your contractor? Sorry you have to deal with that BS!

                        AFM, so glad you are doing well & moving too - Goodness! Hope it all goes well for you!

                        Sunni, I can't believe it's been a year already - good that you can be available for your SIL :l

                        Uni, nurse Lav is wondering if you need someone to review your medications. Sometimes people run into difficulties when more than one person is prescribing. You shouldn't have to deal with headaches & so much fatigue - you are too young for that. Is it possible for you to sit down with just one Doc & go over things & possible conflicts with your meds?

                        Turnagain, I'm going to go look for my picture of Stella right now - she's gorgeous (for a chicken)!!!!
                        I'm another one who doesn't appreciate loud people on cell phones - boring!
                        I had my 2 year quit anni in May but I am still plagued with smoking urges. I keep telling myself NO, I don't do that anymore but it's still annoying.

                        Marshy, I wish I could remember the name of a large department store I walked through in Amsterdam - didn't buy anything (because my funds were a bit tight but it was a nice store). We actually had coffee & cake there!!!

                        Kaslo, I too am happy to get new jobs but am almost always sick of them by the time they are finished & shippped out. I think I have a touch of Adult Onset ADD.

                        Det, what's on today's menu??
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

                          STELLA IS STILL PRETTY GOOD LOOKING :H :H

                          Kaslo, that resort looks wonderful!
                          Is it still wram enough to swim in BC this time of year?
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

                            Hello Fabbie Abbies,

                            Lots of activity here today!!

                            Marshy, have a wonderful time in Amsterdam. Happy to hear that life with your GF is good.

                            Sunshine, I realize that I never gave you a proper welcome so WELCOME. Happy to have you hear. I am a horse lover...always wanted one growing up. My daughter rides once per week. She wants a horse too!!!

                            Uni, Agree with Lav. Time to look at what's going on with your meds. Also wondering if your depression gets worse in the Autumn/Winter. I have a touch of SADD and always feel it this time of year.

                            Lav, Look at you going to Curves regularly. You go girl.

                            Kaslo, Your vacation looks lovely. You deserve it.

                            Turnagain. I want to know how your wrist is feeling after being treated by Rita!! And, you got her phone number too. Awesome!!! They come to Omega Institute in NY every year. I happened to be there one weekend at another workshop and saw some of them. Talk about power and spirit. Check out the link below.

                            The Wisdom of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers at Omega

                            AFM, So good to see you posting here. I am happy that you are doing well and I think of you often.

                            Hello to Greenie, DG, Det, P3, etc.

                            Need to write a paper for yoga teacher training this weekend. It's on the first two limbs of yoga--Yamas and Niyamas--and how they apply to my life. Procrastination is over. Maybe

                            AF Since April 20, 2008
                            4 Years!!!


                              AF daily - Friday, Sept 30th

                              The liquor store is beside the grocery store (owned by the same) and there were cars double parked on the parking lane across from it. Looked over at it and there was a long line. Glanced at the clock and sure enough.... minutes before closing time! Sooooooo glad I'm not sucked up in all that planning and shit. Shower guy didn't come over today. Fecker. I'm thinking of asking him if he wants me to just hire someone. I still owe him a bit of money from which I could deduct it.

                              Tended the tundra today - what a job!! After that, M3, my niyama hurtin'! Both 'em! :H

                              AFM, great to hear from you!

                              Sunny-butt that is a heck of a barn. I meant to google that timber word you used.

                              Kaz, that looks like a great vacation spot. When is Canada thanksgiving?

                              Fresh cider donugt? Whassat, lav? I wouldn't turn my back on stella. just sayin'..

                              Treya, after all this time, I'm STILL having the amazement of being present and engaged all the time!

                              Hi det, P3, uni... whatever happened to doglvr?

                              Yoga in the AM. Thursday night whoever was supposed to teach didn't show up. Bummer.

                              Kaz do you think your relationship with your brother will change?

                              And IJM, Wehre is IJM?
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

