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October Opportunities - Week One

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    October Opportunities - Week One

    Good morning to all on this first day of October!!

    We all have opportunities this month to make the changes we want to have a better life. Of course, being AF is first priority because otherwise, nothing else matters or makes a difference.

    I am having real issues with my eyes. Went back to the doctor yesterday, spent MORE money and woke up with my eyes all swollen again. Obviously, he does not know what is wrong, but instead of giving me a referral to someone who might, he just wastes my time and money. I am red hot roaring MAD, and there is nothing I can do about it till next week. All offices are closed, of course, as it is Saturday. This is not an emergency and I know that ERs are often a waste of time. Lav, any suggestions?

    Cyn, good to hear from you, I cannot imagine being that busy for so long. Take care of yourself and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

    To all, have a great AF day.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus

    October Opportunities - Week One

    Have a great October everyone!

    Best wishes, G-bloke.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      October Opportunities - Week One

      Good Morning October Friends,

      I came home from a beautiful Indian Summer in France to a lovely Fall day in Wisconsin. I have a whole day at home! YIPPPEEEEE!!!

      Cyn-so good to hear from you...I have missed you.:l You always have such positive thoughts and I still think about the surprise 40th birthday party you gave to your stepdaughter....her first ever. Your empathy and unselfishness are so unique in today's world.

      G-you stopped in....I thought I had scared you away forever.:H I'll fill you in....I'm still single, and I'm not dating and don't intend to.....have no plans to get married so you can relax now.

      Star-If I were you, I would do one of two things based on a similar experience I've had and some advice my nurse mother gave me: Try Benadryl....sounds like you might have had an allergic reaction to something....or go to the nearest Urgent Care facility. Many of the UC clinics have Saturday hours. I feel so badly that you've had to deal with an indifferent doctor. I had 3 indifferent doctors in a row and I said, "I've had enough." You're fired and I'm moving on. I have a fabulous doctor now. She saved my life before I drowned myself in booze. And absolutely, I would trust Nurse Lav. She's been my RN for going on 3 years now, and she never blows me off.

      Papmom-I just got a new client in Bridgewater, MA. Is that anywhere near you?

      A warm hello to everyone else. Busy day today. Happy AF October 1.



        October Opportunities - Week One

        Morning everybody,
        Star, do you have allergies? Is that why your eyes are swollen. Is going to urgent care a possibility?

        Jolie, just finished writing a letter to my son and daughter-in-law. They were married a year ago tomorrow. They are in New Orleans celebrating their anniversary. Hope your son's wedding (or is it your daughter) is wonderful, memory making.

        Chill, have a good time in London. Tell us more about that linguistic thing.

        Lav, just curious, would you really want YB back? You seem so strong, moving on with your life.
        Hey send me some rain.

        Pap, I must have missed it but is your new job working with Alzheimer patients. Must admit that would be tough for me. Went to a conference yesterday about spirituality and health. One speaker talked about even though a person's body and mind are gone, their soul isn't. Food for thought.

        SD, working as a special ed teacher in the public schools contributed to some heavy drinking on my part. I think after 18 years I did get seriously burnt out. Worked for a principal who got fired for physically abusing a 7 year old. Watched PE teacher do the same thing. My AA sponsor is a children's therapist. She too has some horrific stories. Some jobs, work places are just toxic. Take care of yourself first.
        Hope you and Bray have a lovely weekend.

        International Balloon Fiesta starts today. Literally hundreds of hot air balloons in the sky every morning for a week. Also a Women's Sobriety Fest is going on, an AA sponsored event.
        Seems like there's always so much going on in October, my favorite month.

        Hey Cyn, Dew, Rustop. Come on LBH, check in!

        Does anybody watch baseball?


          October Opportunities - Week One

          Rusty, cross post sweetie. Glad you're home for at least a day.
          Notice how your advice to Star is so similar to mine. Great minds think alike, ha!


            October Opportunities - Week One

            Good morning October friends

            This is my favorite month of the year even though YB's BD is on the 4th :H

            Star, seriously get thyself to an Urgent Care!
            Your eyes are precious & I honestly think you receive better Tx there than you do at a regular doc's office. If you are having an allergic reaction to somethin them a course of steroids is in order. I honestly felt comfortable asking my Dentist for an Rx for Prednisone yesterday to treat my ongoing poison ivy & he was happy to oblige. Go get yourself something now & let us know, OK?

            Hi there G!!!
            Don't let us scare you off again

            Rusty, welcome home! Sounds like you arrived home in good shape - good for you

            Shelley, I remember you talking about the balloon fiesta last year - sounds awesome! Can yuo get pics???
            The answer to your question is NO. I don't want YB back - at least not in his current condition! He still is not speaking about what is going on in that massive head of his
            I just can't trust him after all the smoke he's blown up my a$$ the past two decades. I'm not going to let him throw me back into oblivion.

            Enjoy your day everyone! I'm going to try to spend some time outdoors (hopefully avoiding more PI)

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              October Opportunities - Week One

              Good Morning everyone!!

              Rusty!! Yes! Bridgewater is about an hour away but definitely doable for meeting halfway if you would like to!! I went to the state college there for my first 2 years. Cute little town if you stay in the center of it. My good friend at work lives in East Bridgewater I think. A tad different.

              Sped-good to see you and to see you are going strong and being strong! yes, my new job is in a nursing home where dementia and alzheimers are the primary diagnoses. I've always had an empathy for the elderly and frail. I like to take care of people and animals. so cool about the ballon festival. Pics please!!

              Star-I'm so sorry about your eyes. It seem to me too that it is an allergic reaction and you won't do any harm to take some benedryl until you can get help. Just be prepared to nap!! Thanks for the start off of the new month. Love the name and what you say is so true.

              Hi Mr. G No intentions here either of romance-just like to flirt every now and then!!

              Dad is stopping by to drop off my very expensive 10 year old car in about a half an hour and then it's off to the mall with sis and neice to find a pretty but comfy dress and shoes for the wedding. Probably some new jeans too as freaking nothing fits anymore and I have only myself to blame. Hoping Oct will be my non funk month and I will finally believe I deserve to feel and look good!!

              Love to you all-have a great day!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                October Opportunities - Week One

                Xpost Lav!! Do you have good weather today? We've got cold and rain. good day for the mall!!
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  October Opportunities - Week One


                  Star--Thanks for getting October started for us!! I like the name as well!! I'm sorry to hear about your eyes...nothing worse than sore eyes...ON THE WEEKEND!!! SOunds like you've got some good advice...I would have said...go back to bed, put a wet washcloth over them and whine and complain!!!:H

                  Hey G!!

                  Rusty--Welcome home!! Only there long enough to do some laundry and pack again aren't ya?!? My sister wants us to come over (now) to watch the Texas A&M game and eat some chili...not all that big on college ball...I know, crazy huh?!?!

                  Sped-Don't know if you knew but our principal last year was "asked to resign". WIth the issues that happened this week, I've made an appt to go speak with the Superintendent on Monday. I decided I'm going to be more proactive and let him know how I feel and what is going on. I let the principal know I was going to him as well. SHe told me that she would do the same then...and I told her I thought she should! I think she was surprised I said that!:H

                  Lav--You changed your picture!!??:imshocked: I remember that blue guy freakin me out when I first started MWO--I kept thinking I'd see it blink..then I'd sit there and stare at it...start typing again, look up, (blink)...sit and stare...nothin....I played that little game I don't know how long with your picture!!!:H

                  Pap3--have fun shopping with sis....hope you find what you are looking for....seems like when you aren't looking, you find stuff...when you are...can't find a thing! My neighbors came and told me they were going to be gone until I HAVE TO get my lawn mowed this weekend before they get back!!

                  Chill--I hope you are having a blast in London...and learning a lot too!!!!

                  I better get moving...lots to get done this weekend...hellos to everyone yet to check in!!!
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    October Opportunities - Week One

                    Hi Everyone!!

                    Had a very successful shopping trip although at first it didn't look that way. We hit Macy's, JC Penny's and Sears and it was frightful!! The material du Year seems to be jersey which is HORRIBLE on people like me with LOTS of rolls and bulges and 50 xtra lbs. Even in Women's sizes. Lane Bryant was even worse!! After a quick lunch we decided to hit the local Dress Barn in the next town. I pulled about 10 dresses (8 of them black) to try on and wasn't thrilled with any of them just hangin on the hanger. My comment was: "i guess fat people aren't allowed to wear anything but black and if you're under 5'4" forget trying to find anything in a size 16!" I don't think I made much of an impression on the sales clerk but she was a good sport and just left me alone to stew. My sister showed amazing patience as well. Without even trying on the dresses we changed tack and went with a pretty A line long black skirt (yes in jersey!) with a chiffon ruffle on the bottom and found about 10 blouses to pair with it. 2 of the blouses were a match and good fit-one is violet/maroon/black and the other a turquoise blue/black. I bought both. My sister has a shawl I can use and jewelry. I bought the strappy heels I used to try the outfits on with because they were on sale for $14 and what woman doesn't need sexy strappy heels? Guess I'll have to fit in a pedicure next week as sis says I don't need to wear pantyhose. Whoo hoo! I spend $1 over my $100 budget so I did good. I also got a new Stone & Co. purse in dusty pink to replace my hot pink purse from last year that has really worn out. Got a good deal on that too as my sis had coupons and it was on sale. So, all in all a success and I'm very happy. My niece got 3 pretty dresses-one for the Black and White dance in 2 weeks and one just a good everyday dress to have and I forget why they got the 3rd one. She looked so cute in all of them!! Sigh-to have that figure again!!

                    So that's the report from my rare shopping trip. Oh and I found a $75 JCPenny gift card in my wallet!! More shopping!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      October Opportunities - Week One

                      No shopping for me today & no outdoor work either as planned!
                      DIL called, came over & picked me up at noon & we went out to lunch. EB was a total pian in the butt but the people at the cafe we went to are used to kids :H
                      Came back here, I fixed dinner, chased EB around, played with the baby & they left at 7 pm. That's the sum total of my Saturday :H

                      papmom, glad you found something you liked on your shopping trip. Everything is jersey this year - yuck, don't like it

                      SD, make sure you kick ass at your meeting on Monday
                      Hope you enjoyed your chili & football!!
                      I'll put my big, blue, blinking head picture back up in a day or so - just wanted to give 'Stella' her five minutes of fame

                      Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Cool, almost chilly here & dry :yay:

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        October Opportunities - Week One

                        Hi all...I'm looking forward to kicking off October in SpedTeach's beautiful homeland! We're in Santa Fe for a conference and will be able to catch the Balloon Fiesta tomorrow. ST - we got tickets for the evening GLOW - I am excited to see this incredible sight!

                        It's been lovely here and I've weathered nearly a week of non-stop cocktails parties with nary a drop nor desire to drink.

                        I'm in awe of all the new positive pathways in the gray matter...I just feel so alive!
                        Sober for the Revolution!
                        AF & NF July 23, 2011


                          October Opportunities - Week One

                          :welcome: Turnagain and enjoy the balloon fiesta

                          I quick check in from me to say the weekend is going amazingly and I am having the most wonderful time, reinforcing lots of things I'd learned and best of all laughing non stop :H
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            October Opportunities - Week One

                            Good morning and thank you everyone for your support about the eye issues. I have been taking benedryl on occasion for weeks. It helps, but does not solve the issue. I just used no medicine yesterday and felt better, but had to wear glasses and no makeup, which I hate.

                            I had a great day yesterday, going shopping with a friend and just bumming around. It was fun. I made a crockpot meal, pulled pork with veggies, and it was delicious, then watched football. Surprise suprise.

                            I woke up today continuing to feel better, still wearing glasses, so will have to see how things go.

                            Turnagain, welcome.

                            Papmom, glad you had a good day. You too Lav.

                            Sped, thanks for checking in and sharing.

                            SD, wow, unbelievable how incompetent people can be and KEEP their jobs.

                            To all, have a great day. It is supposed to be lovely and fallish today, sunny and in the 60s, so will be outside.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              October Opportunities - Week One

                              Good Sunday Morning October Friends!

                              Welcome, Turnagain!:welcome: It's always nice to see new people on our thread.

                              Jolie-Are you there? How was the wedding? Maybe you're still sleeping.

                              Shelley-hey girl, you sound so at peace with yourself. I'm glad you're able to see the spiritual side of healing. It certainly helped me. Yup, I can see where you could get burned out in the teaching field, especially working with children and seeing them abused. When I was in South Carolina last year, I was in a restaurant and met a woman who had been a children's therapist....and she said she dealt with abused children every day and had to testify several times per month against rapists and pedophiles. While we were talking, she chug a lugged 4 huge glasses of Chardonnay. She retired 4 years ago at age 55...she couldn't do it anymore.

                              SD-watching football today? Yesterday, my Mom and I watched the Notre Dame v. Purdue and Wisconsin v. Nebraska....a great day all the way around. So sorry about all the stress and drama at school. I can't stand the workplace BS. I used to have a female boss and my male co-worker nicknamed her, "Tampon," because he said she had the brain of a tampon. She did.

                              Pap-glad you found something to wear for the wedding. Oh how well I know how hard it is to find a nice dress in a Size 16. Usually there's nothing but Frumpwear in a 16 or higher. So frustrating. I was trying on a dress for my niece's wedding, and I was by myself, and I asked this elderly shopper what her opinion was of my selection. She said..."well, it looks tight. You know, when you're big....a tight dress even makes you look tighter." I'm glad I didn't take per personally. Oh yeah, I'd love to hook up with you when I'm in Bridgewater next summer.

                              Lav-You should just rest today as you had a busy day with EB and his little brother yesterday. Why don't you make YB a cake and carve out the Mr. Yuck symbol in the frosting?:H

                              Star-I hope your eyes are better and you follow Nurse Lav's advice. Her advice has never let me down.:l:h

                              Chill-I'm very late in saying this, but I'm glad you were able to tell Ken about why you're not proceeding with the relationship. I'm proud of you.:goodjob:

                              A cheery hello to everyone else. I'm off to Rhode Island. Have a wonderful AF Sunday!

