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October Opportunities - Week One

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    October Opportunities - Week One

    Not much happening with the leaves yet....just a little.

    Last year I sent YB an email on his birthday wishing him a nice day & wishing that things were different. I got NO response.
    My birthday came & went last December - not a word!
    The real problem today is EB will be here for dinner. He's turning 3 next month & he's all about BDs. So I feel I should do a little something here for the BD boy even if he doesn't really deserve it :H

    Dewdrop, sorry your client bailed out on you, that's so ignorant
    I hate it when people waste my time & gas money!!!
    Make your place nice & cozy for yourself tonight
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      October Opportunities - Week One

      Evening gang

      Lav - YB's lack of response to you acknowledging his last birthday and ignoring yours is just plain and simple rude. However by doing the same only reduces you to his behaviour and you are far better than that. Id be all sweetness and smiles and wish him a wonderful birthday. We may not be able to tell people how to behave but we can give them an example.

      Star - You sound in a great place right now, your description of your feelings of gratitude and being emotional is exactly how I am feeling.

      One of the things the weekend reinforced to me was that right now everything in my life is going fine, I have a job and a roof over my head. Im exercising which I love more than anything, I have family close by, there is so much I want to practise that pretty much will take up my free time so all in all I have a very fullfilling life. Its only when I think about the future I start to get anxious and panic. They gave me a great tool for dealing with this and right now I dont have a care in the world.

      Dewdrop - I subscribe to lots of personal development technics and spiritual teachings and therefore my email inbox every day is full of this stuff. I delete most of it as I have dicovered over the years that there are more bad courses than good. I tend to only go to the actual teacher/writer themselves and not to others trying to teach their methods.

      NLP was created by Richard Bandler and I did a course with him 2 years ago together with Michael Neill who is probably the best life coach on the planet and you can get free daily tips from him by going to Michael Neill's - A Space Where Miracles Happen. The other teacher was Paul McKenna famous for his hypnosis and again he had coached on the previous seminar I'd done and was phenominal. This one was just Richard and Paul so I knew it would be awesome. I wouldnt however do NLP with just an average coach, its very easy to get a licence, in fact im thinking of getting mine :H

      The best courses are always in London im afraid and I good site to subscribe to is Alternatives: talks on spirituality, creativity, wellbeing and self development in London who get many of the best speakers. If I come across any ones in Glasgow which look good I will let you know.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        October Opportunities - Week One

        Greetings all,

        Thanks for the links Chilli. That Starty sure is an amazing person, as are you. Okay, everyone here is bloody amazing!

        Safe travel's Rusty, wherever you are today!

        Take care folk's, and just do your best.


        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          October Opportunities - Week One

          Boy oh boy oh boy. 2011 is REALLY testing my AFness and committment!! Got a call this afternoon from the bank's attorney confirming the closing for tomorrow. he says he sees here that I will be bringing some cash to the table. I said yep, $250. He says, no, I have here 1400!! I did not handle that news well unfortunately but I do hope his hearing comes back soon! Luckily I did not plow into anyone or slam on the brakes when he gave me the news. What I did do is drive straight to the bank to find out why on earth there was a 1200 difference from the GFE. Turns out it because I haven't paid October's mortgage payment yet. Well, since I just spent 700 fixing my car, I don't have the money to pay the mortgage but was under the assumption it was rolled into the closing costs. Apparently not. So new plan: pay mort. on the 14th when I get paid next and close on the 25th. Will need to bring 443 to table because of extra interest. It's going to be tight. Can't close after Nov 1st because my rate lock will be expired. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
          To make matters worse, my new doc thinks I should undergo treatment for TB because 30 years ago I remember getting a positive PPD or what ever it is. All chest xrays have been clear since then except when I had pneumonia a few times but she says you can get other forms of TB. Wouldn't I have exhibited symptoms by now? Apparently not. On the plus side, my health scare and rotten test results of last year were most likely due to drawn out menopause. Quitting drinking was the best thing I could have done for myself and one of the reasons my results are perfect now and my BP is perfect. I wonder why my old doc and the specialists I went to never told me that????
          And one more piece of shitty news: The weather for this weekend is supposed to be gorgeous and in the 80's. Why is that shitty? Because it's OCT for crying out loud and my dogs have to stay in my car during the wedding and reception on Sunday!!! Crap!!
          i'm trying very hard to look on the bright side of things. I really am but the Universe is making it F**king Hard!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            October Opportunities - Week One

            Bedtime here but I wanted to let you know that today went OK. No problems with the semi - BD dinner for YB.

            Chill, thanks for what you said! It is honestly very hard for me to purposely be mean or rude to someone - even if he really deserves it :H
            I just find it less stressful overall to be pleasant (but keep an eye open & stay aware)!!

            Hi G! You are right, we all are amazing people

            papmom - I know that you are grateful to be AF & considering all the BS that has fallen on you lately, it's a damn good thing you are AF :H
            Just picture yourself for a second trying to make all the misery go away with a bottle or two of wine ~ doesn't work, does it?? I know you'll get all this figured out :l
            I'm confused about the Doc suggesting TB treatment - why?? A positive PPD just means that you were exposed at one time. It doesn't mean that you've developed the disease
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              October Opportunities - Week One

              Good morning everyone

              It is good to be back online again (even if it is slow). I did not clean the closets yesterday. Weather wise it was nice so I decided to spend some badly needed time in the garden. There is a certain satisfaction in pulling weeds!!

              Papmom - so sorry you are still having such a hard time. What does not break you makes you stronger. You will get through this and as you said can you imagine not doing it AF!! Glad Nurse Lav is here to give advice. What would we do without her.

              Off swimming this morning and then going for a walk with a friend. Daughter finishes half day today so its pick up and then the horse so its going to be all go.

              Happy hump day to one and all.



                October Opportunities - Week One

                Good morning to all....

                Lav, I say always take the higher road, and you did and feel good about it. I really feel that what you give out you get back, and that can be one reason why YB always feels lousy, he is only thinking of himself.

                Papmom, I too had to come up with more money at the closing and my husband was furious. Later, found out the bank messed up and oh you had better believe they overnighted me a check, I was disgusted with the whole entire system. It is apparent from our experiences that the reason the mortgage industry is in a financial mess is because it is a mess. I just want you to get that refinance as it willhelp you out financially. Us too, it was worth all the incompetence and unprofessionalism I put up with for the advantages financially. I too would question being treated for TB if you don't actually have it. Sounds like a way to make money or something. Your health sounds really improved, go with your gut.

                Chill, what is the technique they taught you to not worry about the future. Please let us know.

                To all, have a great AF day.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  October Opportunities - Week One

                  Good morning Rustop & everyone to come!

                  I have to be brief for a change :H I have to get to Curves, deliver eggs then be back here by 10 am to watch my grandson while my DIL goes to class. Her regular babsitter has a sick kid at home There goes my plan to get a ton of work done inmy shop today - oh well.

                  Wishing everyone a great AF Humpday

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    October Opportunities - Week One

                    Hi all, I was just checking in and wasn?t going to post but I simply had to send a big cyber hug to P3 :l:l. You really have had a pretty testing year and it seems to continue. I just want you to know that I think you are one strong lady and you have shown so much grit and determination, and that I really admire you for your strength and resolve to keep going. I think you should feel very proud of yourself and your ability to bounce back when things get tough. One of these days you will look back on this time and smile.

                    I?ve a head cold and am feeling a bit yucky so am heading for an early night, soon be the weekend though so all good.

                    Dewdrop :h
                    Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                      October Opportunities - Week One

                      Hang in there P3. I don't know why things seem to be sent to test us, but sometimes they are, and seemingly all at once, or one after another! To me, this always means that incredible things and treasure are waiting for us on the other side of these trying situations. Although i know that i know less and less everyday, another thing i've learned walking the planet is that there is always a solution to a tough situation. You kick butt friend!

                      Best wishes all.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        October Opportunities - Week One

                        Hey friends,

                        quick check in for me as well. Trying to post some pictures of my sons wedding on facebook - now mind you I still have dial up (as I know you all have heard me complain endlessly) and it's been over an hour - no picture yet. Has anyone ever heard of being able to route your internet connectin thru your cell phone? I have an LG vortex (droid) with a data plan and have been researching it a bit. Sounds like if I get some sort of "cable", I will be able to access the internet thru my cell at much greater speed than dial up. Any advice on this is totally welcome.

                        P3 - Hope you know that you have a lot of friends here sending you good thoughts. You WILL GET THRU THIS! You are a strong woman who will overcome this obstacle - just wait and see.

                        Rustop - you don't have dial up too do you? Glad your back online.

                        Chill - the future will take care of itself - please try not to worry.

                        Happy hump day to Lav, Guitarista, Star, Dew and anyone else who drops by.

                        Off to watch my favorite night on TV - Modern Family!

                        Goodnight all!
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                          October Opportunities - Week One

                          Jolie, I have a Samsung Fascinate Droid. The cable I use to charge my phone actually plugs into my laptop so I can transfer pictures (from my phone) into my laptop files or Photobucket account. See if your charger cable will do that.

                          Hi G - always nice to see you

                          Dewdrop, hope you are feeling better soon.

                          Well, I was busy all day but didn't accomplish all I wanted to & I already know I'm blowing off the day tomorrow. Ms Lily & her Mom are coming for a visit & I think a trip to the outlets is in order

                          Wishing everyone a good night!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            October Opportunities - Week One

                            Hi Everyone-thank you so much for the pep talks and encouragement and love! I have no idea why I'm being tested so much these past 18 months but I will take Mr. G's outlook and look for the pot of gold somewhere. I keep looking in the mail box for that letter that says I've won $10,000,000 dollars but they must have sent it to the wrong address!!

                            Jolie-I have Sprint and an HTC Evo (android). For about 2 months I subscribed to Sprint's Hot Spot ($30/month) service where I was able to use my cell as my wireless internet connection. I didn't have regular internet at the time. I really liked it but it was a bit too slow to connect to my work desktop via so I gave up and got internet from my local cable provider. I think for what you need it for, that type of service would be perfect as long as it is unlimited data usage. What plan are you on for your cell? For now I am sticking with Sprint as everything is unlimited except actual calls during the day but even then I don't ever come close to using my 450 min. The majority of calls I make are to other cell phones or I text. Call your provider and see if they have a similar monthly service. It might just be what you are looking for. BTW, there is a way to connect your cell to your computer and use the cell service for your internet without paying the $30 but I could never figure it out. I tried a lot!!

                            Dew-I will take a gazillion annoyances that have happened to me over the past year over what you have had to go through this year. You my dear, are the strong one and a huge inspiration to me!!

                            Trying to get ready for my Cape trip this weekend and trying to be creative about keeping the pups cool while I'm at the various functions. The forecast keeps getting warmer and warmer gosh dang it!! And yet we have frost warnings for tonite!! Gotta love New England!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              October Opportunities - Week One

                              Good Evening All!

                              Sorry I've been absent the past few days...continues to be pretty rough around here...super-super long story...I actually think I'm numb at this point and can't even think or talk about it anymore.

                              Pap3-:l I feel for you and you matters are SO stressful!! I know I haven't been AF as long as you, but my thinking tends to kinda be the same...when do things start to really make a noticeable change for the better (you know what I mean???) I know there have already been positive reasons for being AF...

                              Lav--you are sweet for celebrating YB's birthday despite how he's been in the past...that take's a big person--great role model for your kids and grandson!!

                              Chill--your weekend and conference sounded great! You sound inspired!! How's everything else going??

                              Jolie--So glad you had a great time at the wedding!! Can't wait to see pictures!!!

                              Rustop, Star, Dew, Rusty, Speed, G and everyone else....wishing you all a wonderful Thursday!!

                              Hopefully, I'll know more in the next two days how all this BS is going to play out....I have yet ANOTHER meeting (or two) depending on the how the first goes....UGH!!
                              All your posts reminding me of the things in life to be thankful for really helped keep things in perspective....THANK YOU!!!!!!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                October Opportunities - Week One

                                Good morning all...

                                Glad it is Thursday and yes it is supposed to be 80 degrees, yayyyyy, it is probably our last warm weather for the year. I am planning on a road trip to my daughter's and will enjoy the ride and the heat. I 've worked hard this week and have another busy day so feel I need and want time away.

                                To all, have a great day, AF.
                                Formerly known as redhibiscus

