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October Opportunities - Week One

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    October Opportunities - Week One

    Good morning Octoberettes!

    Brisk, in the 40's this moning - nice

    It's 10 am & I haven't done a thing yet. Sitting in my jammies, drinking delicious french roast coffee, Maxie still snoring :H

    Hope the wedding went well Jolie! Can't wait to hear some details!

    I'm thinking about pulling out the crock pot & putting some soup on which means I'll end up baking bread
    I have a busy week ahead so the leftovers will be appreciated.

    Safe travels to you Rusty!

    Where are rustop & dewdrop these days?

    Chill, glad you are enjoying yor weekend.

    Star - I just remembered years ago my daughter had a reaction to something in the contact lens solution she was cleared up as soon as she changed solutions. Could that be what's going on with you??

    Turnagain enjoy your time in NM. I have never been there but it's on my list
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      October Opportunities - Week One


      Rusty-Watched the A&M game with my sister...they looked much like the Vikings...pissed away a HUGE first half lead to lose by 4!!! I guess they did the same thing last week. My sister wasn't happy and to make matters worse her hubby was rubbing it in, making rude comments about her school (she went there). We left to her pulling weeds in the backyard and him playing video games and drinking vodka in the basement....LEAVE HIM!! Also, caught the Nebraska/Wisconsin game...opps, that one hurt as well if you are a Big Red fan!!:H

      Lav--you might be on to something with the contact solution!! That reminded me of when I tried to save a couple bucks and buy the cheap brand of contact eyes flared up sooooo bad!!! Major allergic reaction...hurt so bad...and it took about a day or maybe even two for it to be full blown...but taking the contacts out (plus drops, I believe) helped immediately!!

      Star--that's funny--I HATE going anywhere without makeup!! We must be getting about the same was about 70's here yesterday (sunny)...same today. I heard 80's again beginning of this week!!! I'm so confused?!?!? Kids are still wearing shorts...I'm still in sandals!!! I think last year we had snow in like 3 weeks!!!:H

      Chill--so glad you are having fun!!!! Yea!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!

      Turn--:welcome: to the October Fun!!!!

      Pap3--I hate clothes shopping myself!! Being almost 6 feet tall, you can about imagine how everything fits...a wee bit on the short side....the waist in dresses are all around my ribs, pants are high waters and I must have monkey arms cuz even jackets sleeves seem to short!!:H It's like if I find a brand I like or a style that fits...I buy one in every color (so I don't have to shop again for a long time!!) LOL!!!

      Sped--That balloon Festival sounds so amazing!! How beautiful!!!! I'd love to see pictures!! I'm honestly not sure how much longer I'll be able to do this job...and not because of the kids...because of the adults I have to work with...they make it too difficult to be there. I just don't know what else I can do??? We'll have to see....

      Well football starts in 15 minutes...I need to whip up some fatty food for the B-man and I to eat while we watch the game (and throw in some laundry)!! I'll check back in later...have a SUPER Sunday!!
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        October Opportunities - Week One

        I just got home a few hours ago and am catching up a bit so apologies because I haven?t had time to read back. I went off for a long weekend and ended up taking the week off, all a bit last minute and totally unexpected but we enjoyed ourselves so much and met up with some really interesting people that we decided to stay on ? a bit off the wall for both of us but something we needed. I really don?t even feel like going back to work tomorrow but I guess that would be a step too far!

        We stayed in hostels and B&B?s (bed & breakfast) and were very fortunate to find some lovely places to stay, the hill walking was fantastic and the weather was not too bad we only had a few rainy days but the views and the company were great so that made up for the weather. Actually when you are on the hills the weather doesn?t really matter. I?ve managed to meditate every day and sometimes meditated at the top of the mountain we even did a couple of silent walking meditations which were quite inspiring. We did two Munroe?s so we did stretch ourselves; my friend has been through a few rough times recently so we both needed the break and time to breath. I definitely feel in a different place than I was a week ago, more centred and grounded and more in control of my life ? what a difference a week makes. So, back to tackle the nine to five routine, wish I could escape it though and I?m questioning a lot of things at the moment.

        Must get off to sleep.

        I hope you are all well,

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          October Opportunities - Week One

          SD - I always pictured you as small girl - not a six footer :H
          You should be working on the runways in Paris & Milan baby

          Dewdrop, I'm so happy you are in a better place now :l
          Sounds like you & your friend were in the right place at the right time, wonderful!

          Left the house for an hour this afternoon & came home to find the YB here - out trimming my lilac bushes - in the rain
          I don't know whether to be scared of his strange behavior or happy that I'm getting help with things around here :H

          Wishing everyone a good night!
          Where o where is Cassia??

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            October Opportunities - Week One

            Good morning everyone

            I am having a lot of difficulty getting onto MWO at the moment. I dont know if
            it is my computer or our broadband provider. Overall things have slowed down
            but MWO is particularly sloooooow.

            Oh well just have to have patience. I need a week like Dew's. So glad you got

            Lav - go with the flow. As you say you got some help around the place.

            Star - Hope your eyes are ok again.

            Chill - you week-end sounded great. Hope everything goes ok for you.

            Papmom- Glad you got sorted with an outfit for the wedding. I am not a shopper
            so know how trying it can be.

            Everyone else big hello and have a fantastic AF week.



              October Opportunities - Week One

              Good Monday Morning all!

              The wedding was a huge success! Although we froze (reception was outdoors), I had so many people come up to us and tell us it was the best reception they had ever been to! However, the day and a half leading up to it were stressful as hell. DIL's mother is not the most organized and it was like a 3-ring circus when we got down there on Friday. All in all though it was great and being perfectly honest, I was not totally AF - had a total of 2 glasses of wine from around 2:00 when the reception started, until 9:30 that night when the last guest left! (I know - longest reception in history I think!) What an eyeopener as some there were totaly sloshed before dinner was even served! I was actually trying to dodge a friend of mine who was so totally drunk and trying to force me to "drink up" - I needed to celebrate! Loved being in control and having all those memories of every minute of that night! Danced my butt off (which I hardly ever do at weddings). Got home late yesterday and just collapsed on the couch but I'm up bright and early this morning to return all the tuxes (how did I get stuck with that job)

              Anyway, just want you all to realize that while I planned on being totally AF this weekend, I wasn't. That being said, I am proud that I didn't give into the the immense pressure from so many of my friends to "get lit" and woke up yesterday morning so thankful that I did not. Back to the original plan - no AL in the house and no temptations (social events) looming so my resolve is strong and I have no desire to get back into the old drinking routine of the past.

              Sorry - that was longwinded - tried to post last night and lost the whole darn thing - I hate that!

              Star - I feel for your kiddo on the sore eye issue. I wore contacts for 20+ years and about 5 years ago developed chronic dry eye which made it almost impossible for me to wear the contacts. That was the worst feeling in the world! Ended up having surgery to permanently correct my vision and it was the best thing I ever did! Don't know if this is a contact lens issue to me though but no matter what it is, hope it clears up soon!

              Rusty - Ha ha - I feel like I could sleep for a week but too much to do around here. Glad you had an awesome time in France - I'd love to go there some day.

              Sped - So nice that you wrote your son a letter on his 1-year anniversary! I just may turn to you for advice in this whole "being a mother-in-law" thing

              Pap - glad you found something to wear and hope you have a great time at the wedding!

              SD - I totally agree with you - I love Lav's avatar and found myself doing the same thing - I knew that lovable blue "thing" was winking at me but could never actually catch it in the act:H

              Turn - a balloon festival sounds awesome - especially this time of the year! I LOVE FALL!

              Shout out to Chill and Mr. Gi - hope your Monday is going well.

              Dew - so glad you had a relaxing time - I don't want to go back to work either but I guess until we hit the lottery, we don't have another choice - heh?

              Lav - I was chuckling picturing YB trimming your shrubbery in the rain - what's up with that?

              Hope you all have a wonderful day and hope I didn't let anyone down here. Like I said, I know what my plan is as far as being AF goes - no AL in the house as it's just too tempting - social drinking was never really an issue for me. Ready to make the rest of October AF and planning on coming here every day to lend whatever encouragement/support I can to all you good people as well as getting some for myself!
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                October Opportunities - Week One

                Good morning to all on this Monday that is supposed to be a perfect fall day,sunny and in the 70s.

                My eyes continue to feel OK, with no contacts and makeup. It all started around the time the hot flashes became unbearable, so somehow there must be some connection. I will wait another week, then try contacts and makeup. Thanks for the support and sharing of your own experiences, it really helps.

                Dewdrop, what a meaningful trip, physical exercise, outside with nature, meditating, and good company. It kind of reminds me of a short Eat, Pray, Love time. I really need time off to be with people of like mind. I need to find a group of some sort. Does anyone have suggestions?

                Papmom, isn't it great to have a successful shopping trip? I love to look my best. It gives a person confidence to know they have a well fitted, hip outfit on.

                Jolie, let us know about the wedding, I am sure it was awesome.

                To all, have a great day and a good start to your week.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  October Opportunities - Week One

                  Rustop - I can sympathize - believe it or not, I still have dial up. No cable or high speed internet to me out here in the sticks. Can be so frustrating at times! Hope your computer issues get resolved soon!

                  Have a great day!
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                    October Opportunities - Week One

                    Good morning Octoberettes!

                    There's definitely a chill in the air

                    Rustop, I get crazy when my laptop or cable are acting up - I NEED good internet service for everything, including my business Hope yours gets straightened out soon!

                    Jolie, congrats on the successful wedding!
                    Back to the business of being AF today I most probably would have ended up doing the same thing had I been in your shoes. I drank at both my kid's wedding 5 years ago but not to excess. But I do remember having some extra anxiety though, probably related to AL.

                    I have a very busy week ahead & will have absolutely no time for AL

                    Star, glad to hear your eye condition is clearing up. Do you think you're going to go back to your contacts at some point? I tired wearing contacts back in the early 80's......just couldn't handle them. I felt like I had pieces of sandpaper in my eyes..eeewww!

                    Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      October Opportunities - Week One

                      Happy Monday guys

                      I havent had the chance to read right back but wanted to check in.

                      Dewdrop - Your break sounded wonderful! Being in nature is such a great way to get centred, im sure it will have done you the power of good.

                      Star - Sorry you are having to deal with health issues, sending you my best healing vibes.

                      Jolie - Im so glad the wedding went so well and fantastic job on staying in control!

                      My weekend was simply awesome and very difficult to put into words. (Starty if you are reading and can think of anything to say, please do )
                      It was such a joy to spend time with Starty too, she truly is my soul sister and Im hoping we get to spend more time together.

                      The seminar was intense and completely mind altering and although Im supose to be feeling great joy today, im actually feeling hugely emotional. A huge realization for me was how I already practise so much of this stuff in my life unconsciously and Im feeling overwhelmed with gratitude at all that I am lucky enough to be learning and experiencing. These teachers are truly a blessing on the planet and completely blew me away.

                      There are certain new practises I want to put into my daily life but most of it is just more of what im already doing. More meditation, more visualization, more replacing negatives with positives and more self belief. Whatever happens I can cope with and intend to deal with with the best possible grace. One thing I know for sure, I dont want an ordinary life, I want an extrordinary one and I intend to get it......
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        October Opportunities - Week One

                        Good morning everyone

                        Just a quick check in from me. Our power is being cut off for the whole day while they are doing some maintenance. I will have to think of things to do around the house that do not involve electricity - clean out my closets, ugh!!!

                        Hope you all have a wonderful AF Tuesday.



                          October Opportunities - Week One

                          Good morning all!!

                          The weather is amazing right now, and the colors of the trees are mind blowing, truly. Wow. I enjoy my drive to work right now, so remember that as I will be complaining soon.

                          Lav, I have to get back to my contacts soon, I hate wearing glasses. I hate hate hate when my internet does not work. Rustop, you are getting hit with a double whammy. Clean closets are a blessing.

                          Chill, I work with someone who has just recently gone back to meditating and her spirituality and she is GLOWING physically. It is really amazing. I'll bet you are too. I woke up this morning so thankful that I have a job, my health, people to love, and this time of year, very emotional. I understand what you are talking about to some extent. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely attitude and journey. How did you find out about the NLP conference? I am interested in a group of some type myself and need ideas. Thanks.

                          I am going to exercise today, clean up then go to work. To all, have a great AF day.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            October Opportunities - Week One

                            Good morning all!

                            There is actually some sun here at the moment

                            Chill, so glad you enjoyed your weekend & renewed yourself

                            Rustop, my entire life comes to a huge stop when there is no power
                            Hope you can entertain yourself with something!

                            Star, my daughter hates wearing glasses as well. She says her vision isn't as good & she has little peripheral vision without the contacts. Hope you can get back to them soon

                            Well, I have a ton of work lined up for the week. My DIL will be coming for dinner & leaving the grandsons with me while she goes to her karate class tonight. Since it's Tuesday the YB will be here to cutgrass AND it happens to be his BD today Not sure what if anything I'm going to do about that

                            Have a good day everyone!!!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              October Opportunities - Week One

                              Second day back at work and it?s another rainy, cold day and I am going to have to give in and put the heating on tonight I think. Like many of you worklife sucks at the moment but I keep telling myself I am very grateful to have a well paid job and to just ?suck it up? :upset: I plan a 45 minute power walk when I get home to blow away the cobwebs and get the endorphins moving.

                              Chill can you send me more information on the conference you attended. I am very interested, however I have a friend who spent a lot of money on an NLP weekend which was very badly run so I?ve been a bit hesitant booking anything. Yet I feel I am at a stage where I would really benefit from something so motivational at this point in my life. You sound so full of energy and confidence.

                              I?ve just had an appointment cancelled on me by a client after I drove 1 hour to get there, I?m furious but trying to see the positives as I drive the hour back home ? yes I?m going home to catch up on some paperwork and clear my desk for tomorrow. Catch you all later.

                              Dewdrop :h
                              Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                                October Opportunities - Week One

                                Good afternoon all!

                                Star - I'm jealous - our trees are just barely starting to change but I absolutely love the fall colors. Got my front porch decorated for fall yesterday - corn husks and all!

                                Lav - have the trees started changing in your neck of the woods neighbor? Interesting dilema about YB. Did he recognize your last bday? Tomorow is my hubby's bday and we are having dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend tonight.

                                So happy to see the sun!

                                Hope everyone has a great AF day!
                                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

